STOMPER Hyperion is a Microsoft Windows (click here if you have a Macintosh) software synthesis program for drum-like sounds.
STOMPER Hyperion uses a very simple synthesis method, mixing pitch-shifting narrow-band noise sources or pure sine waves (zero bandwidth noise, really) together to one sound.
Still, it manages to make faithful reproductions of 909's, 808's, and Simmons drums - and even phatter sounds!
Also, it does much more than just drumsounds, now. It's more of an analog synth-thingy as well, with several different waveforms, resonant filters, and other yummy things...

- Are you a 909 or 808 purist? Check this site! But the Stomper kick is fatter, deeper, and heavier than any 909 sample you'll find....
- Would you like to Sequence your stomps into a LOOP? Try one of:
The program comes with a large assortmen of sample sounds in the form of Stomper setting files (.STP and .STU), which you can listen to, modify, and use as a base for own experimentation. Not only deep phat kickdrums, but snaredrums, sound effects, and simulation of old analog vintage synth sounds are included!
When you are finished with the installation you can delete STOMPER5.ZIP and/or STOMPER5.EXE, they are no longer needed!
The latest version of STOMPER can always be downloade from the official Stomper page:
Please do NOT use any other URL when linking to Stomper - thanks!!