Scandinavian Indie - Scandinavian CD Reviews [Q] [CD Reviews][Scandinavia]

On these pages you can find exclusive reviews of Scandinavian CD singles and albums. The reviews are written by the Scandinavian Indie "crew". If you are interested in having your CD reviewed on these pages, please send it + information to Scandinavian Indie, Björnkärrsgatan 13 C:22, 584 36 Linköping, Sweden.

Bent Spanner, Arty Banner - Short Career MCD 1996
Blome                     - The Third Twin CD 1995
Cloudberry Jam            - Another Moment Follows CD5 1996
Dry Dive                  - Ass Hole As Possible CD 1995
Eggstone                  - Vive La Différence! CD 1997
Fidget                    - Semi-naked CD5 1996
                          - Stop Losing CD5 1997
                          - No Boogie Coming Your Way CD 1997
Fivel                     - '57 CDEP 1997
Gone                      - Nothing MCD 1994
Honeymoons                - Fabrications CD5 1997
Kent                      - Kräm (så nära får ingen gå) CD5 1996
Lemonator                 - EP CDEP 1995
                          - Superb CDS 1996
Mismates                  - All Things Bright and Beautiful CD 1996
Super                     - Spark CD5 1995
Twigs                     - Beast MCD 1996
Yvonne                    - Modern Love CD5 1997
Various                   - A Chance To Shine CD 1996
                          - Emmaboda Festival 1997 CD 1997

[Bent Spanner, Arty Banner - Short Career] [Blome - The Third Twin] [CBJ - Another Moment Follows] [Dry Dive - Ass Hole] [Eggstone - Vive La Différence!] [Fidget - Semi-naked] [Fidget - Stop Losing] [Fidget - No Boogie Coming Your Way] [Fivel - '57] [Gone - Nothing] [Honeymoons - Fabrications] [Kent - Kräm] [Lemonator - EP] [Lemonator - Superb] [Mismates - All Things Bright and Beautiful] [Super - Spark] [Twigs - Beast] [Yvonne - Modern Love] [Various - A Chance To Shine] [Various - Emmaboda Festival 1997]

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Last updated Feb 24, 1998 by Erik Söderström
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