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Coo ContestCoo ContestCoo ContestCoo Contest Scandinavian Indie's Coo Contest Results

Scandinavian Indie was cool enough to run a fabulous Coo contest, and then we only received one single answer (you lazy bums!). This means there's no contest - there's only one entry and therefor only one winner! And we're not sure if we're going to use this logo, but...

from Skövde

...is our winner anyway, so he's getting all the goodies and the rest of you can stand there with long noses 'cause he's the MAN!

Congratulations on missing the chance to design the logo for the next big thing! In a few years' time, you'll regret not taking part in the contest. Coo's universal music will be heard solar-system-wide in the next millennium... :-)


We're sorry that we can't present the winning design - it could have been a hint to what it can look like...


Band Comments

- Stylish but too sporty I think.

- I think we might need just a good font for the 'coo' text and a good choice
  of colours, then again if a *really* good special logo is designed (a la
  oasis :-)) it might be used...

- Remember: we're spacey, droney, soulful, experimental at times,
  universal ie. regular powerpop logo won't do.

- As he didn't have the chance to hear our music before, he'll get the chance
  now so he can design more spacey logos if he'd like! ;) We'd be overjoyed
  to receive some since Daniel here seems to know what he's doing it would
  be nice to keep in contact with him.


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Last updated May 24, 1998 by Erik Söderström
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