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Scandinavian Indie's Lousy Contest

Scandinavian Indie is happy to present Lousy's latest song called.. hmm, well, there's just one problem; it does not have a title yet! And that's where you can help!

Listen to the music, and Read the lyrics, and then tell us what You would call the song! That's right, write down your title suggestion in the first box below, and don't forget to include your postal (snail mail) address in the second to fifth boxes (or we won't be able to send you any prizes if you win!), and finally, write down your e-mail address in the last box.

First Prize

The one who suggests the best title, wins the first prize, which is the Big Lousy Package containing:

[*] 1. The contest-song on a tape
[*] 2. A great looking Lousy t-shirt
[*] 3. The Lousy 7" single released on Canadian label Sappy (6 songs)
[*] 4. The Lousy 1996 Promotion tape (kewl+downer+heavy metal+teentime)
[*] 5. The Lousy "Kurt Russell" demo (with original out of print hand-sewn cover)
[*] 6. The Lousy "Las Palmas" demo (which is no longer available)
[*] 7. The Lousy "Snowracer" demo (which is no longer available)
[*] 8. Lousy stickers

Second & Third Prize

The second and third best suggestions win the Lousy Promotion Package containing:

[*] 1. The Lousy 1996 Promotion tape (kewl+downer+heavy metal+teentime)
[*] 2. Lousy stickers

Of course, we can't give the winner any credit as a co-author of the song, but he/she will be mentioned as the person who named the song when it gets released.

Download the Contest song here:

All sound clips are 16bit, mono, and about 50 seconds long.

[AU] Untitled (22kHz, AU, 847k)

[RA] Untitled (44kHz, RA, 14.4, 38k)

[RA] Untitled (44kHz, RA, 28.8, 74k)

Lyrics to the Contest song:

I don't even know you
but I hate you
I hope that it's OK
and if I'll ever meet you
I won't treat you
I won't treat you like a friend
because I don't even know you
I don't know you
don't even know your name
from what I know you could be OK
but I hate you anyway

music & lyrics by Lousy
(C) 1996 Lousy, Box 137, S-560 27 Tenhult, SWEDEN
All rights reserved.

Good Luck!

The winners will be presented on this page on November 16th, 1996, and contacted through e-mail as well.

Last date to send in your answers: November 14th, 1996

My Title Suggestion

My Full Name

Street Address

Zip-Code & City


E-mail address

Feel free to leave a message to Lousy if you want:

If you are unable to send your entry with the button above, click right Here and write down your title suggestion, postal (snail mail) address and e-mail address!

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Last updated Jan 4, 1997 by Erik Söderström
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