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Scandinavian Indie's Twigs Contest Results!

Twigs would like to thank everyone who participated in the contest and say that selecting one winner was not an easy task! Therefor, the band has decided on not one, but two winners! They have also added another item to the list of prizes!

Which one of the two winners' title suggestions that will be used in the end is still not decided. Both titles will perhaps be used for two separate records, though whatever happens, you will know about it!

The winners!

The first winner is: Martina Ledin
from Hägersten in Sweden
Title suggestion: No more 24

Twigs Comments:
FINN: Morten will turn 24 soon, and Per Steinar just turned 24, so this
suggestion must come from someone who can look into the future!!!!!!!

KATY: Much of the lyrics deal with the things many people find at the
end of their 20's. This is therefor a suitable title.


Second winner: Mikko Riikonen
from Kouvola in Finland
Title suggestion: Super Melon

Twigs Comments:
Say no more!!!!!!!

This is what the package you can expect to find in the mail in the very near future contains:

[*] A copy of their brilliant debut album "Beast" on CD!
[*] The cool Twigs t-shirt in yellow with the "Twigs" logo on the front. Guaranteed to bring you happiness!
[*] A copy of their next and upcoming album (which You named)!
[*] PLUS! Their new and even cooler Twigs t-shirt!


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Last updated Apr 21, 1997 by Erik Söderström
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