QuickBar Scandinavian Indie - Other Festivals 1996

Note that this is the small list for festivals in other Scandinavian & Baltic countries than Sweden 1996. The regularly updated long list will be frequently posted to the Scandinavian Indie Mailing List.

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Festihvalstrand 96

Date: June 1 Place: Hvalstrand Bad, Asker, Norway Price: Contact: Phone: +47- Music: Techno, Indie, Local Underground Rock
Line-Up: Acid Queen, Bloom County, Complaints, Dj Prof. Scuba, Explicit Lyrics.


Date: June 29 - 30 Place: Sandvika outside Oslo, Norway Price: Contact: Phone: +47-66-905307 (info) Music: Traditional and new Rock
Line-Up: Saturday: Bad Religion, Björk, Cardigans, Green Cortinas, Mazzy Star, Moby, Sepultura.
Sunday: Afghan Wigs, Dumdum Boys, Rage Against the Machine, Velvet Belly, Virvelvann, Neil Young & Crazy Horse.


Date: June 1 Place: Bromsjordet, Horten, Norway Price: Contact: Phone: +47- Fax: +47- Music: Norwegian underground rock.
Line-Up: Drunk, Farout Fishing, Israelvis, The Marshes, Skanksters.


Date: June 15 Place: Viubråtan, by Harestua (about 40km north of Oslo), Norway Price: Contact: Phone: +47-22-099610 (info) Phone: +47-61-321276 (info) WWW: http://www.itk.unit.no/ansatte/Froeslie_Ole/Kloppstock/index.html Music: Intimate, local festival
Line-Up: DumDum Boys, Peltz, Velvet Belly.

Liepajas Dzintars

Date: August 8 - 11 Place: Liepaja, Latvia Price: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: WWW: Line-Up (so far):

Norwegian Wood

Date: June 15 - 16 Place: Frognerbadet, Oslo, Norway Price: Contact: Phone: +47-815-50333 (info) WWW: http://www.telepost.no/norwegianwood/ Music: Old and new Rock
Line-Up: Bel Canto, Grant Lee Buffalo, Emmylou Harris, The Kinks, Iggy Pop, Savoy.

Oslo Rock Festival

Date: August 21 - 25 Place: Oslo, Norway Price: 250 SEK Contact: Phone: +47-22-208200 (info) WWW: http://www.sn.no/~oslorock/ Music: Everything, split up to all clubs and venues in the city.
Line-Up (so far): Ash, CJ Bolland, Derrick Carter, Doopy, Empirion, Freak Power, Girls Against Boys, Ice T, Korn, Liquid, Robert Miles, Mr C, N Joi & Mark Kulak, Pharcyde, Placebo, Rocket From The Crypt, Shades of Rythm, Shamen, Luke Slater, Sunscreem, James Taylor Quartet, Tortoise, Tricky, Westbam.

Quart Festival

Date: July 3 - 7 Place: Kristiansand, Norway Price: 1-Day: 250 NKR, 3-Day: 670 NKR, 4-Day: 900 NKR Contact: Phone: +47-38-070925 (info) Phone: +44-171-6272112 (UK Ticket Sales) WWW: http://pluto.wit.no/Doogie/Quart/ (in Norwegian) WWW: http://www.sn.no/~alexs/03.htm (in English) WWW: http://pluto.wit.no/Doogie/Quart/billett.html (tickets) Music: The latest and hippest Rock & Techno
Line-Up: Amps, Ash, Ballistic Brothers, Beck, Black Grape, Brotherhood, BT, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Chemical Brothers, Coolio, Dirty 3, Dog Eat Dog, Faithless, Fear Factory, Funkiporcini & Herbaliser, Garbage, Genius/GZA, Goldie/Metalheadz, Highrollers, Leftfield, Lionrock, Massimo & Will Da Beast, Massive Attack, Mike Flowers Pops, Ministry, Moloko, Nightmares On Wax, Ocean Colour Scene, Orbital, Penthouse Playboys, Presidents of the USA, Pulp, Pussies, Red Cloud, Alex Reece, Slayer, Stgermain, Sub Grud, Tasha Killer, The Roots, Underworld, Wax Doctors, Whipping Boy.

Rock Summer '96

Date: July 12 - 14 Place: Lauluvaljk, Tallinn (12 - 13), and Mezaparks, Riga (12 - 14) Price: Before 30 June: US$35, After: US$45. 1-Day (13): US$22. Contact: Rock Summer Festivals P.O.Box 3333 Tallin EE0090 Estonia Phone: +372-6398992 Phone: +372-2237700 Fax: +372-6398999 Fax: +372-238555 WWW: http://www.neonet.riga.lv/RockSummer96
Line-Up: Lauluvaljk, Tallinn: Babylon Zoo, Compromise Blue, East 17, Folkmill, H-Blockx, Bob Junkrott, Kelly Family, Joel de Luna & Saxappeal, Moral Code'x, No Big Silence, Noisy Nation, Psychoterror, Rebel, Republica, Shaggy, Skunk Anansie, The Mike Flowers Pops, Paul Young, Zero Nine, ZZ Top.
Mezaparks, Riga: 12/7: 16.00 Arnis Mednis and Amber Blues 18.00 Midge Ure 20.00 East 17 22.00 Status Q 13/7: 16.00 Rebel 18.00 Moral Codex 20.00 Republica 22.00 Björk 14/7: 14.00 Jauns Meness 16.00 Ultima Thule 18.00 The Mike Flowers Pops 20.00 Babylon Zoo 22.00 ZZ Top

Roskilde Festival

Date: June 27 - 30 Place: Roskilde, Denmark Price: Different in different countries (about 800 SEK in Sweden) Tickets: 90.000 - SOLD OUT Contact: Roskilde Festival Box 44 670 41 Koppom Sweden Phone: +46-571-10254 (Swedish 24 hour service) Phone: +45-70-101717 (Denmark) Phone: +47-69-323036 (Norway) Phone: +358-0-14803400 (Finland) WWW: http://www.Roskilde-Festival.dk/
Line-Up: Amps, Ash, Baaba Maal, Baal, Bad Religion, Dan Baird, Bel Canto, Björk, Frank Black, Black Grape, Bleeder, Bluetones, Boghandle, David Bowie, Bush, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, China Drum, Chumbawamba, Cocteau Twins, Cui Jian, Cypress Hill, Döcreforsög, D.A.D., Dave Matthews Band, Die Fantastishen Vier, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, Dog Eat Dog, Eläkeläiset, Fall, Fire Music, Flaming Lips, Fluffy, Foo Fighters, Frontline Assembly, Fun Loving Criminals, Garbage, God Is My Co-Pilot, Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, Grant Lee Buffalo, Grope, Hagfish, Heather Nova, Caroline Henderson, Hotel Hunger, Jasper And The Prodical Suns, Jesus Lizard, Jungle, Kashmir, Kent, Khaled, Kinky Vibes, Life Of Agony, Massive Attack, Mazzy Star, Merzy, Ministry, Mole Session, Moloko, Moondog Jr., Alanis Morissette, No Doubt, No Fun At All, Nikolaj Nörlund w/ Rhonda Harris, Joan Osborne, Paradise Lost, Passion Orange, Pineforest Crunch, Placebo, Pop Will Eat Itself, Presidents Of The United States Of America, Pretty Maids, Psyched Up Janis, Pulp, Rage Against The Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rinneradio, Ruby Fruit, Ryuichi Sakamoto Trio, Schweinhund, Sebadoh, Sepultura, Sex Pixtols, Shelter, Skunk Anansie, Slayer, Patti Smith, Sort Sol, Southern Culture On The Skids, Spain, Strawberry Slaughterhouse, Te Ava Piti, Tindersticks, Toots And The Maytals, Tortoise, Type O Negative, Underworld, Unsane, Walkabouts, Neil Young & Crazy Horse.

Sinepes un Medus (Mustard & Honey)

Date: July 19 - 20 Place: Madona, Latvia Price: Contact: Phone: Music: The mustard & honey of Latvian alternative and indie bands.
Line-Up: ALCO, D Day Rabbit, Dzelzs Vilks + Rudite, FACT, Gatis Pashkyavichus (Lithuania), Heaven Grey, Hell Patrol, Herlis, Holy Lamb, Igo + U.T.T., Johnny Salamander, Linga, Metal H, Mini Band, Pollija Teica, Prata Vetra, Skumju Akmeni, Trio Lucius, WW Project (Estonia), Yaputma Sound System.

Sum Pipl in Mad Mix

Date: July 11 - 14 Place: Riga, Latvia Price: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: WWW: Line-Up (so far):

TMV Festival

Date: June 2 - 8 Place: Trondheim Mekaniske Verksted, Norway Price: Contact: Phone: +47-73-502490 (info) Music: Ethnic, Roots, World Music
Line-Up: Ciwan Haco w/Knut Reiersrud and Paolo Vinaccia, Fun-Da-Mental, Salif Keita.

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This page was last updated Jan 18, 1998 by Erik Söderström
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