QuickBar Scandinavian Indie - Swedish Festivals 1997

This is Scandinavian Indie's Music Festivals in Sweden 1997 list. The web-version of the list is regularly updated and a text version is frequently posted to the Scandinavian Indie Mailing List. If you want Scandinavian Indie to include your festival, please request more information from, or send your information to Erik Söderström. Number of festivals covered so far: 44.
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* = Highly recommended by Scandinavian Indie
Arvikafestivalen 97
Bollnäspunken 97 *
Emmaboda *
Falun Folkmusik Festival
Gatufesten i Sundsvall
Gränslösa 97
Gävle CityFest *
Hultsfredsfestivalen *
Karlshamn Rock Festival
Karlskoga Stranddagar
Lollipop 97 *
Mera Hitlåtar 97 *
Musikfesten Tullakrok
Piteå Dansar & Ler 97
Progressive Rock Festival
Raj Harder 97 *
Sala Festivalen 1997 *
Skara Stadsfest *
Skellefte Festivalen
SOF - StudentOrkesterFestivalen 97
Sommarens Sista Suck '97 *
Sommarfest 97
Sommarrock 97
Stadsfesten i Hudiksvall
Stockholm Orientfestival
Stockholm Water Festival *
Stockholms Synthfestival
Storsjöyran *
Strömsholmen 97
Totalgalan *
Urkult '97 - Folkfest Vid Nämforsen *
Westgothafestivalen 97
Ölsta Rockfest

Arvika WWW

Arvikafestivalen 97 - Under Vattnet

Date: July 11 - 12 (The festival gates open 15.00, July 11th) Place: Arvika Price: 2-Day ticket 390 SEK (in advance), 1-Day (saturday) 240 SEK Tickets: Directly from the festival (phone) or Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070). Contact: Arvikafestivalen Box 99 671 23 Arvika Sweden Phone: +46-(0)570-13666 (tickets/info) Phone: +46-(0)570-12199 Fax: +46-(0)570-12112 Email: arvikafestivalen@galaxen.se WWW: http://www.galaxen.se People: Top responsible: Niclas Alfredsson and Tobias Fändriks, In charge of production: Åsbjörn Andersson and Lars Johansson, Booking: Niklas Herrström, Economy: Stefan Olsson, PR/Marketing: Fredrick Berntsson, Service: Marcus Frödin, Stage: Magnus Nylén, Security: Lena Kjellin, Office: Björn Serrander, Practical: Johanna Lind, Estetical program: Leif Persson
Line-Up: 59 Times The Pain, Abhinanda, Bear Quartet, Biohazard (US), Blind Passengers (D), Bob Hund, Bushdoctors, Dance or Die (D), Den Flygande Bokrullen, Di Leva, Dilba, Dublin Fair, Fidget, Fireside, Fivel, Front 242 (B), Eric Gadd, Steve Gibson (CA), Gluecifer (N), Bob Hansson & Jean-Louie Hutha, Honey Is Cool, Jumper, Lasse Liten Blues Band, Lattjobolaget, Loosegoats, Loudean, Macabaret (N), Mesh (UK), Môra Per, Mine, Nine, Refused, Reich/Szyber, Restricted Area, Robot, S.P.O.C.K, Sara & The Headphones, Satanic Surfers, Sorten Muld (DK), Space Age Baby Jane, Speaker, Starmarket, SU-EN Butoh Company, Superswirls, T.P.I.K.S.A, Three Blind Mice, Tiptop BK, Type O Negative (US), Zirkus Loko-Motiv (S, D, IRL).
Plus: SHAKRA, Matsuri Krembo (ISR), KOXBOX, Blueroom (DK), UX, Dragonfly (UK), DJ TRISTAN, Flying Rhino (UK), DJ JEAN BORELLI, Flying Rhino Xochi (DK), DJ ANTI, Spiral Trax, DJ DAVID, Toxic Chillout with CLUB ANEMON.
Confirmed Dates: 11/7: 59 times the pain, bob hund, Fivel, Robot, Space Age Baby Jane, Three Blind Mice 12/7: Fidget, Fireside, Front 242, Honey Is Cool, Loosegoats, Nine, Refused, S.P.O.C.K, Satanic Surfers, Speaker, Starmarket


Date: July 3 - 5 Place: Bollnäs Price: 390 SEK Tickets: Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070) Phone: +46-(0)278-19170
Line-Up: Thomas Di Leva, Dilba, Eric Gadd, Jumper, Lundell, Mora Träsk, Smurfarna, Niklas Strömstedt, Uno Svenningsson.

Bollnäspunken WWW

Bollnäspunken 97 *

Date: May 30 - 31 Place: Bollnäs (Långnäsparken) Price: 80 SEK/day, 140 SEK/2 days. In advance: 130 SEK/2 days (PG: 433 802-6) Type: 100% Punk. Festival against racism and violence. Every penny goes to the fight against fascism. Contact: Bollnäspunken Dammvägen 5 821 40 Bollnäs Sweden Phone: +46-(0)278-17748 Email: wigren@hem.passagen.se WWW: http://hem.passagen.se/wigren/bp97.html
Line-Up: Asocial, The Bastuaggregaters, Bracca 3, Chaos Sweden, Charta 77, Cosa Nostra, Crank (AU), Dead Drunk, Discontrol, Diskonto, Disorder (UK), Distaste, Dropouts, Finkel Rokkers, Gunde & Makaronerna, Hiroshima, Kids Are Sick, The Kristet Utseende, Kurt Olvars Rebeller, Leeson, M.I.D, Meanwhile, Mental Kaos, Mentally Scarred, Planet Trash, Präparation-H (USA), Punkarna, Rebell Robert, Simon & the problem child, Sixten Redlös, Skalmans ynk, Skankin' Pickle (US), Skitsystem, Subway Army, Svarta Spyor, Tatuerade Snutkukar, 3 Way Cum, Total-slakt, Troublemakers, Uncurbed, Vrävarna.

Emmabodafestivalen - Mersmak *

Date: August 8 - 9 Place: Emmaboda (Småland) Price: 340 SEK (in advance + fee), 400 SEK (at the gates). Tickets: Only 2.000 will be sold. Emmaboda: Biblioteket. Kalmar: Takt & Ton, Skivlagret. Växjö: Uffes, Megahertz, Göteborg: Bengans, Dolores. Jönköping: Megahertz, Linköping: Get Back Records. Malmö: Jukebox, Den Blinda Åsnan. Lund: Dolittle. Helsingborg: Söder CD. Halmstad: Skivlagret. Hässleholm: Skivlagret. Kristianstad: Skivlagret. Älmhult: Hot Stuff. Karlskrona: Skivlagret. Oskarshamn: Musikextasen. Norrköping: Vaxkupan. Skövde: Jannes Wax. Örebro: Entertainment. Borås: Eko Skiva. Uppsala: Musikörat. Stockholm: Pet Sounds, Freak Scene, Sound Pollution. Karlstad: Megahertz. Karlshamn: Folk & Rock. Eskilstuna: Plattformen. Gävle: Game Skivbutik. Sundsvall: Skivbutiken. Falun: CD-Kompaniet. Or to PostGiro: 624841-3. Contact: Vinterbadarna Rasslebygd 361 33 Emmaboda Sweden Phone: +46-(0)471-10802 (info) Fax: +46-(0)471-10803 WWW: http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-50177/html/
Extra: Two stages, free camping, cold beer, no backstage/fences/guards.
Line-Up: Backfish, Bad Cash Quartet, Bent Spanner Arty Banner, Broder Daniel, The Cardigans, Cry, Dim, Dipper, Düreforsög, Eggstone, Fidget, Fiesta, Fireside, Fivel, Grand Tone Music, Happy Todd, Him Kerosene, Honey Is Cool, Kürten, Mazarine Street, The Mopeds, Pridebowl, Robot, Sideshow Bob, Silverbullit, Sobsister, Sonic Surf City, Soul Patrol, Soundtrack of Our Lives, Stargazer, The Super Eight Group, Tambureens, This Perfect Day, The Wellmeant, Yvonne.
Schedule: Friday 8/8 Trädgården Ängen 17.00 Kürten 17.30 The Mopeds 18.00 Dim 18.30 Sobsister 19.00 The Super Eight Group 19.30 Dipper 20.00 The Wellmeant 20.30 Eggstone 21.30 Sideshow Bob 22.00 Mazarine Street 22.45 Tambureens 23.15 Yvonne 00.00 Robot 00.30 The Cardigans Saturday 9/8 Trädgården Ängen 12.00 Happy Todd 12.30 Fivel 13.00 Pridebowl 13.30 Backfish 14.00 Fiesta 14.30 Fidget 15.15 Bad Cash Quartet 15.45 Honey Is Cool 16.30 Him Kerosene 17.00 Broder Daniel 17.45 Bent Spanner Arty Banner 18.15 Silverbullit 19.00 Grand Tone Music 19.45 Fireside 20.45 Stargazer 21.15 Sonic Surf City 22.15 Düreforsög 22.45 This Perfect Day 23.45 Soul Patrol 00.15 Soundtrack of Our Lives 01.15 Cry

Falun Folkmusik Festival

Date: July 9 - 12 Place: Falun Price: 80 to 200 SEK / concert Phone: +46-(0)23-19042 WWW: http://www.falunfolkfest.se/
Line-Up: Boys of the Lough, Buckwheat Zydeco, Compay Segundo, Damian, Ånon Egeland, Frifot, Groupa & Alagi Mbaye, Pers Hans & Björn Ståbi, Hedningarna, Kalabra, Kar Kar, Sean Keane, La Bottine Souriante, Massaier, Matlubeh, Ale Möller & Gunnar Stubseid, Sally Nyolo, Persuations, Sivan Perwer, Sabris, Shooglenifty, Erik Steen Flamenco Fusion, Taj Mahal, Tau Ea Matsekha, Gary Thomas & Alan Dargin, Kathryn Tickell, Tondo, Väsen, Lena Willemark, Yulduz Usmanova.
Confirmed Dates: 10/7: Hedningarna


Date: June 25 - 28 Place: Hässleholm Price: 120 SEK (in advance), 170 SEK (at the gates) Phone: +46-(0)451-68880
Line-Up: Akutstik, Brandsta City Släckers, E-Type, Griswalls, Joddla med Siv, Karusell Jocke, Kiss Of Thunder, Raj Montana Band med Dan Hylander & Py Bäckman, Rock'n'Roll Torpedos, Smurfarna, Uno Svenningsson, Wallmans Salonger, Wham Glam Boys, Östen med Resten.

Gatufesten i Sundsvall

Date: July 7 - 12 Place: Sundsvall Price: All days: 450 SEK, 1-Day 220 SEK Phone: +46-(0)60-120797 WWW: http://www.stonline.se/gatufest/home
Line-Up: Apocalyps, Nick Borgen, Lars Demian, Di Leva, Dilba, E-Type, Eric Gadd, The Hellacopters, Staffan Hellstrand & Nomads, Highway Stars, Infinite Mass, Intact, Jumper, Martinez, Pandora, Ronny Rooster, Christer Sandelin, Smalare än Thord, Speaker, Niklas Strömstedt, Uno Svenningsson, Joey Tempest.
Confirmed Dates: 11/7: Speaker

Gränslösa 97

Date: June 6 - 7 Place: Stockholm, Hägersten, Personnebadet Price: Free Phone: +46-(0)8-979899 WWW: http://hem1.passagen.se/festival
Line-Up: Blå Tåget, The Brax, Tomas Castro, Fivel, Golbang, Hada Raïna, The Hellacopters, Honeycave, Jekyll & Hyde, Juveniles, Pusjkins, The Rollercoaster, Stiff Breeze, Södra Bergens Balalajkor.

Gävle CityFest *

Date: August 5 - 9 Place: Gävle Price: 195 SEK + free (see below) Phone: +46-(0)26-121245 (Reklam och Marknadsservice) Extra: About 50 bands will be added to the line-up. The festival opens with Tomas Ledin/Jennifer Brown at Strömvallen on August 5th. Tickets to the opening event are available from Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070).
Line-Up: Jennifer Brown, Thomas Di Leva, Dilba, Jumper, Tomas Ledin, Smurfarna, Tre Tjejer, Joey Tempest.


Date: July 12 Place: Halmstad, Brottet Price: TBA Phone: +46-(0)31-169240
Line-Up: Jonas Gardell, Husbands, Jumper, Niklas Strömstedt.

Hultsfred WWW

Hultsfredsfestivalen *

Date: June 12 - 14 Place: Hultsfred (Småland) Price: 1-day ticket 350 SEK, 3-day ticket 700 SEK (both +20 SEK advance fee). Tickets can be bought from Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070) (NOTE: tickets bought through Biljett Direkt can not be returned), ATG-outlets, Post offices, Julius Biljettservice (+46-(0)46-147888). In Norway: BilletService (815 33 133). In Denmark: BilettNET (38 88 70 22). In Finland: Tiketti (9700-4204). At the gates: 1-day: 750 SEK, 3-day: 400. Contact: Hultsfredsfestivalen Box 170 577 24 Hultsfred Sweden Phone: +46-(0)495-69500 Phone: +46-(0)495-13800 (info) Fax: +46-(0)495-69550 Email: info@rockparty.se WWW: http://www.rockparty.se Schedule: Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Line-Up: Absent Minded, Apocalyptica (SF), BabyBird (UK), Backyard Babies, Bentley Rhythm Ace (UK), Bess, Biohazard (US), Bob, bob hund, Bobsleigh, Breach, Candysuck, The Cardigans, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (AU), The Charlatans (UK), Cherno, Chuck Prophet (US), Cinnamon, Cool Breeze (UK), Covenant, Daft Punk (F), Damn!, Daytonas, Dilba, DiLeva, DJ A Guy Called Gerald (UK), DJ Abe, DJ Fabio (UK), DJ Jonny L (UK), DJ Krush (JAP), DJ Seba, Dr. Kosmos & Friends, Eggstone, Eläkeläiset (SF), Entombed, Esbjörn Svensson Trio, FatBoy Slim (UK), Fidget, Flesh Quartet+Titiyo+ Stakka Bo+Nåid, GBH (UK), Handsome, Hans Solo Super Orchestra, Haystack, The Hellacopters, Helmet (US), Him Kerosene, Mieskuoro Huutajat (SF), Josefin och Odjuren, Josh & Abel, Julian's Life, Kid Loops (UK), Komeda, Ed Kuepper (AU), Kumikameli (SF), Loosegoats, Mary Beats Jane, Merry Jones, Millencolin, Minimalisterna, Monostar, Monster, The Mopeds, Morcheeba (UK), New Bomb Turks (US), Nine, The Nykels, Original Electric Banana Band, Ossler, Peace Love & Pitbulls, Peanut Butter Wolf (US), Petrol, Placebo (UK), Planet Of The Poodles, Proboscis, Prodigy (UK), Rage Against The Machine (US), Rammstein (D), Randy, Red House Painters (US), S.P.O.C.K., Sahara Hotnights, Samiam (US), Scott, Sherlock, Bim Sherman (UK), Silverbullet, Talvin Singh presents Anokha (UK/IN), Skint, Luke Slater (UK), Son Volt (US), Soundtrack of Our Lives, Stereophonics (UK), Stoned, Suede (UK), The Super Eight Group, Superswirls, Bengt Sändh, Tenebre, Jimi Tenor (SF), This Perfect Day, David Thomas & Two Pale Boys (US/UK), Three Colours Red (UK), Tiamat, Transport League, Turbonegro (N), Voodoo Glow Skulls (US), The Wannadies, Wolfpack, Wu Tang Clan (US), Monica Zetterlund.


Date: July 4 - 12 Place: Göteborg, Halmstad, Varberg, Malmö, Helsingborg, Visby, Stockholm Price: TBA
Line-Up: bob hund, Weeping Willows, Whale. DJ's Claes Bodén, Andres Lokko, Mad Mats, Stakka Bo, Tony Zoulias.
4/7: Göteborg, Röda Sten 6/7: Halmstad 7/7: Varberg 8/7: Malmö, Bassängkajen 9/7: Helsingborg 10/7: Visby, Snäck 12/7: Stockholm, Universitetets Trädgård

Karlshamn WWW

Karlshamn Rock Festival

Date: June 13 - 14 Place: Karlshamn (Blekinge) Price: 2-Day: 480 SEK (+ advance fee), 1-Day: 320 SEK (+ advance fee) You can order tickets through email (see address below). Also from: Karlshamn: Folk Å Rock (+46-(0)454-89350), Tourist bureau (+46-(0)454-16595 or +46-(0)454-81203) and Julius 24 hour ticket service (+46-(0)46-147888). Karlshamn, Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg: Folk Å Rock. Karlskrona, Kristianstad, Halmstad, Malmö and Kalmar: Skivlagret. Göteborg: Bengans. Stockholm: Mega. Växjö: Z-Skivor. Jönköping: Megahertz. Linköping: Musikbörsen. Norrköping: Vaxkupan. Olofström: Skivhörnan. Ronneby: Musikspecialisten. Contact: Karlshamn Rock Festival Olofströmsvägen 14 290 60 Kyrkhult Sweden Phone: +46-(0)454-17713 (festival ticket service) Phone: +46-(0)454-70296 (festival info & ticket service) Phone: +46-(0)454-89350 (info) Phone: +46-(0)454-81203 (additional Information - tourist bureau) Fax: +46-(0)454-70065 (festival info & ticket service) Email: karlshamnrock@ipmp.se WWW: http://www.ipmp.se
Line-Up: The Blues Band (UK), Simon Bolivar, Dublin Fair, Freak Kitchen, Molly Hatchet (US), Hellacopters, Staffan Hellstrand, Chris Jagger Zydecoband (UK), Led Zeppelin Jam (DK), Jerry Lee Lewis (US), Mountain (US), Nazareth (UK), The Nomads, Overdrive, Saxon (UK), Mick Taylor (UK), Ten Years After (UK).
Confirmed Dates: 13/6: Chris Jagger Zydecoband, Freak Kitchen, Nazareth, The Hellacopters, Saxon, The Nomads, Jerry Lee Lewis, Staffan Hellstrand 14/6: Simon Bolivar, Mick Taylor, Overdrive, Molly Hatchet, Dublin Fair, Mountain, The Blues Band, Ten Years After, Led Zeppelin Jam

Karlskoga Stranddagar

Date: July 30 - August 2 Place: Karlskoga, Näset Price: 160 SEK (in advance), 220 SEK (at the gates) Phone: +46-(0)586-31829 WWW: http://www.stranddagarna.ska.se
Line-Up: Don and the Mob, Dublin Fair, E-Type, Jumper, Kellys, Sven-Ingvars.

Lollipop WWW

Lollipop 97 *

Date: July 25 - 26 Place: Lida Friluftsgård, south of Stockholm Price: 700 SEK / 2 days, 350 SEK / 1 day (only 25.000 will be sold). Tickets can be bought from Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070), ATG- outlets and Post offices, or ticket outlets in Stockholm (Pet Sounds, Svala & Söderlund, Mega, Globen, Sverigehuset). Contact: Lollipop Allhelgonagatan 10 118 58 Stockholm Sweden Phone: +46-(0)8-4570220 Fax: +46-(0)8-6423750 Email: post@lollipop.se WWW: http://www.lollipop.se Press: Contact: Moa Abrahamsson. Phone: +46-(0)8-6650130, +46-(0)8-4580185, Fax: +46-(0)8-4580101, Email: media@lollipop.se Extra: Also runs "Kalas" - a touring festival starting July 4th.
Line-Up: Air (F), Ross Allen (UK), Dave Angel (UK), Anokha (UK), Bad Cash Quartet, The Bear Quartet, Ashley Beedle (UK), Joey Beltram (US), Adam Beyer, Bluenote (UK), David Bowie (UK), Billy Bragg (UK), Brown, Jennifer Brown, Terry Callier (US), Caroline Af Ugglas, Johnny Cash (US), The Chemical Brothers (UK), Alex Chilton (US), MC Cleveland Watkiss (UK), Carl Craig live (US), De La Soul (US), Death In Vegas live (UK), The Diggers (SCOT), Dimitri from Paris (F), Dismember (HOK Party), Divine Comedy (IRL), DJ Sneak (US), Doc Scott (UK), Dr Bob Jones (UK), The Drowners, Fabio (UK), Fireside, John Fogerty (US), Laurent Garnier (F), Girlfrendo, Grand Central (UK), Grand Tone Music, Green Velvet live (US), Grooverider (UK), Heavenly Jukebox (UK), Hellacopters, Honey Is Cool, Hurricane #1 (UK), Idjut Boys (UK), Invisibl Scratch Piklz (US), Jamiroquai (UK), Komeda, Koop, Cari Lekebusch, Loosegoats, Mad Mats, Metalheadz (UK), Nuphonic Turntable Orchestra (UK), Olivia Tremor Control (US), Augustus Pablo & Junior Delgado (JAM), Primal Scream (SCOT), The Psychonauts (UK), Randall (UK), Ernest Ranglin (JAM), Refused, Roni Size & DJ Krust + MC Dynamite (UK), Smog (US), Soundtrack Of Our Lives, Spiritualized (UK), The Staple Singers (US), Superswirls, Vegetable Vision / Light Surgeons (UK), The Wannadies, Weeping Willows, Tony Zoulias.
Confirmed Dates: 25/7: Dave Angel, Bad Cash Quartet, Adam Beyer, Johnny Cash, Carl Craig, De La Soul, The Divine Comedy, DJ Sneak, Fireside, John Fogerty, Grand Tone Music, Honey Is Cool, Loosegoats, Metalheadz, Olivia Tremor Control, Primal Scream, Soundtrack of Our Lives, Superswirls 26/7: David Bowie, Brown + The Hellacopters, Jennifer Brown, Terry Callier, Chemical Brothers, Dismember (HOK Party), Laurent Garnier, Green Velvet, Hurricane #1, Jamiroquai, Komeda, Agustus Pablo & Jr Delgado, Refused, Spiritualized, The Wannadies, Weeping Willows


Date: August 15 - 22 Place: Malmö Price: Free Phone: +46-(0)40-341263 WWW: http://www.malmo.se/kultur_noje/festivalen/
Line-Up: Aces High, Akaft, Apple Chapel, Avadå Band, Brainpool, Captor, Wille Crafoord, Crayfish, Di Leva, Dilba, Dinah-Moe Humm, Fidget, Hellacopters, Infinite Mass, Jumper, Kiss of Thunder, Lady Lynette, Latin Flavor, Latin Kings, Liberator, Loosegoats, The Mopeds, Mutts, Original Sin, Ossler, Pain of Salvation, Peace Love & Pitbulls, RAG, Ronny Rooster, Serial Cynics, Sideshow Bob, Silverbullit, Sir Lord Erotic w/Peps Person, Subculture, The Super Eight Group, Uno Svenningsson, Tenebre, Viktoria Tolstoy w/Esbjörn Svensson Trio, Claes Yngström & his Orchestra of Experience.
Confirmed Dates: Friday 15/8 23.30 Infinite Mass - Rockscenen 23.30 Clas Yngström & his Orchestra of Experience - Gustavscenen Saturday 16/8 16.00 Ronny Rooster - Stora Scenen 19.00 Dilba - Stora Scenen 19.30 The Mopeds - Rockscenen 22.15 Fidget - Rockscenen 23.30 Brainpool - Rockscenen ??.?? Lady Lynette - ? Sunday 17/8 19.00 Jumper - Stora Scenen 19.30 Silverbullit - Rockscenen 20.45 Sideshow Bob - Rockscenen 22.00 Latin Kings - Stora Scenen 22.15 Peace Love & Pitbulls - Rockscenen Monday 18/8 19.00 Sir Lord Erotic w/Peps Person - Stora Scenen 19.30 Loosegoats - Rockscenen 21.00 Di Leva - Stora Scenen 21.45 Liberator - Rockscenen Tuesday 19/8 19.00 Viktoria Tolstoy w/Esbjörn Svensson Trio - Stora Scenen 19.30 Serial Cynics - Rockscenen 20.30 Tenebre - Rockscenen 21.45 Hellacopters - Rockscenen Wednesday 20/8 19.00 Wille Crawford - Stora Scenen 19.00-22.45 Roastinghouse evening on Rockscenen with Apple Chapel, Dinah-Moe Humm, Crayfish, Subculture, Pain of Salvation, Captor, RAG and Latin Flavor. Thursday 21/8 19.00 Avadå Band - Hedmanska Gården Lilla Torg 19.00 Akaft - Rockscenen 20.10 Aces High - Rockscenen 20.45 Original Sin - Rockscenen 21.30 Kiss of Thunder - Rockscenen Friday 22/8 20.00 Uno Svenningsson - Stora Scenen 22.00 Ossler - Rockscenen 23.30 Mutts - Rockscenen ??.?? The Super Eight Group - ?

Mera Hitlåtar WWW

Mera Hitlåtar 97 *

Date: May 31 - June 1 (1pm - 10pm) Place: Rudansjöarna, Handen (20km south of Stockholm) Price: 100 SEK / 2 days (in advance), 140 SEK / 2 days (at the gate). Tickets available from - Stockholm: Freak Scene, Kafé 44, Mega Skivakademin, Pet Sounds, Sound Pollution. Haninge: Dur & Moll (Haninge C), Bokhandeln Episod (Brandbergens C). Uppsala: Musikörat. Linköping: Get Back Records. Köping: Birdnest Records. Contact: KF Mera Hitlåtar Box 111 136 22 Haninge Sweden Phone: +46-(0)8-7450113 (Tommy Ekengren) Email: fassen.naeslund@swipnet.se WWW: http://www.users.wineasy.se/stalin
Line-Up: Backyard Babies, The Bear Quartet, Candysuck, Clean Sheets, Coca Carola, Cosa Nostra, Durango 95, Entombed, Hans Solo, Happydeadmen, The Hellacopters, Herr Marmelad & Hans Skorpor, Mart Hällgren + band, Johan Johansson, Kids Are Sick, The Kristet Utseende, Köttgrottorna, Loosegoats, Loudean, Memo, Monster, Nine, Nomads, Petrol, Randy, The Robots, Räserbajs, Sindy Kills Me, Skankin' Pickles (US), Starmarket, Stickboy, Stoned, Stefan Sundström, Åka Bil.
Schedule - Saturday 31/5: Ena Stage Andra Stage 14.00 Kids Are Sick 14.00 Clean Sheets 15.00 Fivel 14.30 Durango 95 16.00 Coca Carola / Happydeadmen 15.20 Robots 17.00 Köttgrottorna 16.10 Happydeadmen / Coca Carola 18.00 Randy 17.00 Loudean 19.00 Starmarket 17.50 Mart Hällgren + band 20.00 Hans Solo 18.40 Herr Marmelad & Hans Skorpor 21.00 The Bear Quartet 19.30 Stoned 20.20 Loosegoats 21.10 Räserbajs 22.00 Roadrunners Schedule - Sunday 1/6: Ena Stage Andra Stage 14.00 Fidget 14.00 Memo 15.00 Johan Johansson + band 14.30 Åka Bil 16.00 Stefan Sundström 15.20 Cosa Nostra 17.00 Backyard Babies 16.10 Sindy Kills Me 18.00 Nomads 17.00 Nine 19.00 Skankin' Pickle 17.50 Stickboy 20.00 Hellacopters 18.40 The Kristet Utseende 21.00 Entombed 19.30 Candysuck 20.20 Monster 21.10 Petrol

Musikfesten Tullakrok

Date: July 19 - 20 Place: Ängelholm Price: 60 SEK (in advance), 80 SEK (at the gates) Phone: +46-(0)431-83152
Line-Up: Backyard Babies, Billy Brave, Bug Squad, Dipper, Doss, Driller Killer, Honey Is Cool, Limepit, Loosegoats, The Mopeds, Original Sin, Pang, Sonic Surf City, Stargazer, Wakey, Östblocket.
Confirmed Dates: 19/7: Honey Is Cool 20/7: Dipper, Loosegoats, The Mopeds, Sonic Surf City


Date: June 6 - 7 Place: Sandviken Price: Free Phone: +46-(0)26-272356
Line-Up: Elvert Underground, Gasman, Hambo Killers, The Hellacopters, Kiss Of Thunder, Oatmeal.


Piteå Dansar och Ler 97

Date: July 23 - 27 Place: Piteå Price: All days: 380 SEK (in advance from Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070)). 1-Day: between 215-250 SEK (at the gates) Contact: Piteå Dansar & Ler Storgatan 44 941 32 Piteå Sweden Phone: +46-(0)911-92323 Phone: +46-(0)911-93390 Fax: +46-(0)911-92333 Email: pitea.dansar@ler.se WWW: http://www.interact.se/pdol Text-TV: TV4 Text page 753, Z-TV Text page 157
Line-Up: Arno Gullberg Trio, Bo Kaspers Orkester med vänner, Di Leva, Dilba, Carl Dyall, E-Type, Kicki Enkvist med Jerker Johansson kvartett, Entombed, Eric Gadd, The Hellacopters, Jumper, Loosegoats, Mattans Patrask, Ray Montana Band, Röde och Rått, Christer Sandelin, Nicklas Strömstedt, Svenne Rubins Orkester, Esbjörn Svenssons Trio, Sveriges Jazzband, Unity, Jojje Wadenius med "enorma groove", Finn Zetterholm och Bengt Sändh, Monica Zetterlund.
Confirmed Dates: 25/7: Entombed, The Hellacopters 26/7: Loosegoats

Progressive Rock Festival

Date: August 29 - 31 Place: Stockholm, Folkoperan Price: All days: 265 SEK Phone: +46-(0)40-466648 WWW: http://www.uni-x.se/recordheaven/Festival.html
Line-Up: Anekdoten, Darxtar, Gong, Höyry Kone, Pär Lindh Project, Lucifer Was, Standarte.

Raj Harder 97 *

Date: October 31 - November 1 Place: Köping Price: All days: 230 SEK (in advance), 280 SEK (at the festival) Contact: Stadskultstudion Box 166 731 24 Köping Sweden Phone: +46-(0)221-23010 Fax: +46-(0)221-23016 Email: peter@rink.se WWW: http://www.koping.se/stadskult
Line-Up (so far): Adhesive, Antiloop, Cobolt, Coca Carola, DiLeva, The Drowners, Fireside, Honey Is Cool, Robert Johnson & Punchdrunks, Roger Karlsson, Loosegoats, Monster, Motorpsycho (N), Ossler, Pärlor För Svin, Separation, Spoiler, Stefan Sundström, Weeping Willows, Lars Winnerbäck.
Confirmed Dates: 31/10: Coca Carola, The Drowners, Fireside, Honey Is Cool, Motorpsycho 1/11: Cobolt

Sala Festivalen 1997 *

Date: June 26 - 28 Place: Sala, (Västmanland) Price: 150 SEK/day (in advance), 200 SEK/day at the festival. Contact: Ove Eriksson ARR Nöjesprod. AB Hejargränd 6 721 33 Västerås Sweden Phone: +46-(0)224-12260 Fax: +46-(0)224-15753
Line up: Chickadee, Floor Mate, Eric Gadd, Groove Unit, Jumper, Just In Time, Pandora, Ramalama, Slip Into Silk, Source, Niclas Strömstedt, Sven Ingvars, Sweet Fever, Tubsox.

Skara WWW

Skara Stadsfest *

Date: August 1 - 2 (The festival gates open 18.00) Place: Skara Price: 250 SEK / 2 days (in advance), 150 SEK / day there. Contact: Skara Stadfest Box 268 532 23 Skara Sweden Phone: +46-(0)511-16786 Email: skara.stadsfest@mediasvar.se WWW: http://www.mediasvar.se/skarastadsfest Line-Up: Carola, Drängarna, Jumper, Kellys, Nicklas Strömstedt, Jerry Williams.

Skellefte Festivalen

Date: June 27 - 29 Place: Skellefteå Price: 2-Day: 360 SEK (in advance), 1-Day: 230 SEK (at the gates) Tickets: Urkraft: +46-(0)910-57900 or Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070)), Posten or ATG outlets. Phone: +46-(0)910-57943 (Maria) WWW: http://www.skelleftefestivalen@urkraft.se
Line-Up: ADL & Nai-jee-ria, Blacknuss Allstars with Titiyo, Cardigans, Carola, The Chuck Hall Band (US), Dilba, E-Type, Eric Gadd, Jonas Gardell, Hedningarna, Mats Holmqvist Stora Stygga w/ Ainbusk Singers & Svante Thuresson, Nada Surf (US), Jesper Odelberg, Peace Love & Pitbulls, Thomas Petersson, Jim Rose Circus, Skunk Anansie (UK), Skåpmat, Soundtrack of Our Lives, This Perfect Day, The Wannadies.


Date: July 30 - August 2 Place: Slottsparken, Örebro Price: 95 SEK / evening (in advance) Phone: +46-(0)19-106082
Line-Up: Di Leva, Dilba, Bibi Farber & GLOW, Eric Gadd, Staffan Hellstrand & Nomads, Kjell Höglund med Stora Starka, Lolita Pop, Mine, Monster, Christer Sandelin, Stephen Simmonds, Magnus Sjögren & BD, Niklas Strömstedt, Stefan Sundström, Tre Tjejer, Weeping Willows.
Confirmed Dates: 1/8: Mine


SOF - StudentOrkesterFestivalen 97

Date: May 7 - 11 Place: Linköping Price: 30 SEK (+ Student ID) Contact: SOF Linköpings Universitet Linköping Sweden Phone: +46-(0)13-130468 Fax: +46-(0)13-130469 WWW: http://www.lysator.liu.se/sof/
Line-Up: This Perfect Day.

Sommarens Sista Suck '97 *

Date: August 22 - 23 (18.00 - 24.00) Place: Stadsparken, Eskilstuna Price: Free Contact: Sommarens Sista Suck Box 157 631 03 Eskilstuna Sweden Phone: +46-(0)16-125340 Phone: +46-(0)70-7658286 Phone: +46-(0)70-5114564 Fax: +46-(0)16-134611 Email: suck@rockfile.se WWW: http://www.sfr.se/avd/0405/sommarens.sista.html Extra: Arrangers: Studiefrämjandet Musik & Media. Co-Arrangers: Eskilstuna Marknadsföring AB, Rockfile, Strawberry Songs, First Music, Cramo.
Line-Up: Blush, Coaster, Divin, Fidget, Gentle Tuesday, Panic, Peat, Polythene, Robot, Ruthless D's, The Snails, St Moores, The Wellmeant.
Schedule: Friday 22/8: Saturday 23/8: 18.00 Ruthless D's 18.00 The Snails 19.00 Gentle Tuesday 19.00 Coaster 19.30 St Moores 20.00 Divin 20.00 Panic 21.00 Polythene 21.00 Peat 22.00 Blush 22.00 Wellmeant 23.00 Fidget 23.00 Robot

Sommarfest 97

Date: August 1 - 2 Place: Hembygdsparken, Hässleholm Price: Free Phone: +46-(0)451-84706 WWW: http://www.algonet.se/~p23/sommar.html
Line-Up: Backyard Babies, Loosegoats, Monster, Bo Wilson Band.
Confirmed Dates: 1/8: Loosegoats 2/8: Monster

Sommarrock 97

Date: July 17 - 19 Place: Svedala Price: 2-Day ticket 220 SEK (in advance), 250 SEK (at the gates) 1-Day ticket 160 SEK (in advance), 190 SEK (at the gates) Phone: +46-(0)40-405620 WWW: http://www.medab.se/smurf/SommarRock.htm
Line-Up: Backyard Babies, Jumper, Ossler, Smurfarna, Joey Tempest.

Stadfesten i Hudiksvall

Date: July 24 - 26 Place: Hudiksvall Price: All days: 240 SEK (in advance), 1-Day: 160 SEK Phone: +46-(0)650-15060
Line-Up: De Sotos, Dilba, E-Type, Fire & Ice, Eric Gadd, Malin & Jonas, Melony, Smalare Än Thord, Smurfarna, Speaker, Niklas Strömstedt, Jerry Williams.
Confirmed Dates: 26/7: Melony, Speaker

Stockholm Orientfestival

Date: June 12 - 15 Place: Stockholm, Sjöhistoriska Museet Price: All days: 490 SEK, or Area Entrance: 75 SEK plus fee/concert (free to 75 SEK/concert). Phone: +46-(0)8-6400828
Line-Up: Angham, Anis, Athinas, Natacha Atlas, Zehava Ben, Bongo-Lotto, Cabaret Oriental, Chorale David, Den Flygande Bokrullen, Fikret Cesmeli, Jaipur Kawa Brassband, Nazé, Oriental Mood, Qenneshrin, Hada Raïna, Esma Redjepova, Eric Steen Flamencofusion.

Stockholm Water Festival WWW

Stockholm Water Festival *

Date: August 8 - 16 Place: Stockholm Price: 150 SEK (The Water Passport). Tickets: Posten, Pressbyrån, Expert, Intersport, Ur & Penn, SJ. Type: Nine days filled with music, sport, children's activities, cultural performances, contests and food from around the world. Contact: Stockholm Water Festival AB 155 76 Stockholm Sweden Phone: +46-(0)8-4595500 Fax: +46-(0)8-4595595 Email: info@waterfestival.se WWW: http://www.waterfestival.se
Line-Up: Aqua (DK), B.B. King (US), Baba Blues, Pete Belasco, Blond, Blue Corner, Blur (UK), Bo Kaspers Orkester, Jenny Bohman, Brand New Heavies (UK), Candela, The Cardigans, Carola, Citrus, Consoul, The Corbies, The Corrs (IE), Mary Coughlan, Wille Crafoord, Görel Crona, Dede, Thomas Di Leva, Dilba, Dinosaur Jr (US), Monica Dominique & Co, E-Type, Eels (US), Annika Fehling, Fliflets Frie Flyt, Folkoperan, Ebba Forsberg, Eric Gadd, Gao Calo - Zigenarvärld, Jonas Gardell, GeWaDoKa, Rigmor Gustafsson Quintet, Ciwan Haco (Kurdistan), Hans Solo Super Orchestra, Heather Nova (US), Svante Henryson, Honey Is Cool, Malin Hylphers ALMA, Carl-Einar Häckner, Infinite Mass, Per "Texas" Johansson, Andreas Johnson, Kapell Uno, Habib Koite & Bamada, Ute Lemper (D), Lizette, Evert Ljusberg & Kingen Trio, Peter Lundblad, Mats & Morgan Band, Mine, Myrra Malmberg, Lisa Nilsson & Svante Thuresson w/Malmö Symfoniorkester, George Nistor Quintet, Noa, Cäcilie Norby, Fredrik Norén Band, Paradisio (ES), Peace Love & Pitbulls, Pet Shop Boys (UK), Andreas Pettersson Band, Polka Twisters, Georges Proestos, Petra Qvist, Radio Tarifa, Roger Robin, Johan Saara Jr, Doug Sahm & The Last Real Texas Blues Band (US), Salsa Morena, Mikael Samuelson & Sporaderna, Sarabande, Janne Schaffer Electric Graffiti, Serious Version, Silverchair (AU), Simbi, Patrik Skogh Kvartett, Alphonse Soumah & The Toumaranke, Sound Express, The Soundtrack of Our Lives, Tina Stenberg, Göran Strandberg Trio, Uno Svenningsson, Matthew Sweet (US), Taraf de Haidouks, Tarika, Joey Tempest, This Perfect Day, Timbalada, Transjojk, Tämmelkvartetten, US3 (US), Yulduz Uzmanova (UZ), Veruca Salt (US), Värttinä (SF), Väsen, The Wannadies, Wimme Band, Claes Yngström, Monica Zetterlund.
Confirmed Dates: 8/8: Svante Henryson, Carl-Einar Häckner, Peter Lundblad, George Nistor Quintet, Georges Proestos, Radio Tarifa, Roger Robin, Salsa Morena, Serious Version, Tina Stenberg, Claes Yngström. 9/8: B.B. King, Baba Blues, Carola, Fliflets Frie Flyt, Ute Lemper, Myrra Malmberg, Andreas Pettersson Band, Johan Saara Jr, Mikael Samuelson & Sporaderna, The Wannadies, Wimme Band. 10/8: Aqua, Consoul, Dede, Jonas Gardell, Honey Is Cool, Habib Koite & Bamada, Evert Ljusberg & Kingen Trio, Noa, Paradisio, Simbi, Yulduz Uzmanova, Väsen. 11/8: Blue Corner, Mary Coughlan, Dilba, Eels, Eric Gadd, Hans Solo Super Orchestra, Infinite Mass, Polka Twisters, Doug Sahm & The Last Real Texas Blues Band, Tarika, Transjojk, US3. 12/8: Citrus, The Corbies, Görel Crona, Annika Fehling, Rigmor Gustafsson Quintet, Cäcilie Norby, Peace Love & Pitbulls, Sarabande, Sound Express, Joey Tempest. 13/8: Jenny Bohman, Wille Crafoord, Dinosaur Jr, Gao Calo - Zigenarvärld, Kapell Uno, Janne Schaffer Electric Graffiti, Silverchair, Patrik Skogh Kvartett, Göran Strandberg Trio, Veruca Salt, Värttinä. 14/8: Blur, Candela, The Cardigans, GeWaDoKa, Per "Texas" Johansson, Mats & Morgan Band, The Soundtrack of Our Lives, Timbalada, Tämmelkvartetten. 15/8: Pete Belasco, Thomas Di Leva, Folkoperan, Ebba Forsberg, Malin Hylphers ALMA, Andreas Johnson, Lizette, Lisa Nilsson & Svante Thuresson w/Malmö Symfoniorkester, Fredrik Norén Band, This Perfect Day. 16/8: Blond, Bo Kaspers Orkester, Monica Dominique & Co, E-Type, Ciwan Haco (Kurdistan), Mine, Pet Shop Boys, Petra Qvist, Alphonse Soumah and The Toumaranke, Matthew Sweet, Taraf de Haidouks, Monica Zetterlund. Not Yet w/Confirmed Dates: Brand New Heavies, The Corrs, Heather Nova, Uno Svenningsson.

Stockholms Synthfestival

Date: November 1 (starts at 5pm) Place: Stockholm, The University Price: 250 SEK Contact: Stroke Music Box 6074 121 06 Johanneshov Sweden Phone: +46-(0)8-6004099 Phone: +46-(0)8-333052 Email: ticket@strokemusic.se WWW: http://www.strokemusic.se/festival.htm
Line-Up (so far): And One (DE), Daf.Dos (DE), Elegant Machinery, Front 242 (B), Rational Youth (CA), Restricted Area, S.P.O.C.K, Sabotage (DE).


Storsjöyran 97 *

Date: July 31 - August 3 (gates open at 19.30 on July 31st) Place: Östersund Price: Thursday 100 SEK (at the gates only), Friday 270 SEK (at the gates), 250 (in advance), Saturday 270 SEK (at the gates), 250 (in advance), Sunday Free Entrance. Fri-Sat 2-day ticket also available for 450 SEK (in advance). Tickets: Östersund: LT City. Biljett Direkt (Phone: +46-(0)77-1707070). Contact: Storsjöyran AB Prästgatan 40 831 30 Östersund Sweden Phone: +46-(0)63-120076 Phone: +46-(0)63-120086 Fax: +46-(0)63-120267 Email: yran@storsjoyran.se WWW: http://www.ltz.se/yran/index.htm Extra: Swedish national radio channel P3's summer shows will be broadcasting from the festival - all three days.
Line-Up: BB King (US), The Bear Quartet, Buckaroos, Buzzcocks (UK), Charta 77, Consoul, Wille Crafoord, Di Leva, Dilba, Ferdafolk (N), Eric Gadd, Jonas Gardell, Hell Blues Band (N), Hellacopters, Jolly Jumper & Big Moe (N), Jumper, Liberator, Lochlann, Mambo-kameratene (N), Micke Mojo & His Bedroom Bazookas, Ninas Menner (N), Jesper Odelberg, Ossler, Peace Love And Pitbulls, Rhythm Wranglers, Rock, Salt & Nails (UK), Scott, Sonic Surf City, The Soundtrack of Our Lives, Niklas Strömstedt, Suede (UK), Superswirls, Esbjörn Svenssons Trio, Sösterhjemmet (N), Tendenz, Testicle, Texas (SCOT), This Perfect Day, Tivoli Trivial, Total Experience -97, Jon Uthus Band (N), Vömlingan (N), Iwakichi & Noriko Yamashita (JAP), Monica Zetterlund, Zifa, Zlips.
Schedule Thursday 31/7 BADHUSPARKEN DEN GODE NABOEN 20.15 Jumper 20.30 Tivoli Trivial 22.15 Wille Crawford 22.15 Jolly Jumper & Big Moe 00.45 Hellacopters 23.30 Jon Uthus Band 00.45 Nina Menner 01.30 Hell Blues Band Friday 1/8 STORTORGET BADHUSPARKEN 20.30 Jonas Gardell 21.15 Dilba 22.30 Texas 23.30 Di Leva 01.00 Suede 01.45 Peace Love And Pitbulls TUTTIFRUTTI PULSLADAN 20.45 Zifa 20.30 Consoul 22.45 Rock, Salt And Nails 22.15 Soundtrack of Our Lives 00.45 Mambokameratene 00.00 Total Experience ROCKKLUBBEN DEN GODE NABOEN 21.00 Scott 21.15 Lochlann 23.00 The Bear Quartet 23.15 Vømlingan 01.00 Sonic Surf City 01.15 Micke Mojjo & Bedroom Bazookas TEATERN DANSBANAN 22.00 Jesper Odelberg 21.15 Tendenz Saturday 2/8 STORTORGET BADHUSPARKEN 20.15 Niklas Strömstedt 20.30 This Perfect Day 22.15 Monica Zetterlund 22.30 Eric Gadd 00.45 BB King 01.15 Buzzcocks TUTTIFRUTTI PULSLADAN 20.45 Esbjörn Svenssons 21.00 Testicle 22.45 Buckaroos 22.30 Liberator 00.45 I & N Yamashita 23.45 Total Experience ROCKKLUBBEN DEN GODE NABOEN 20.45 Superswirls 20.45 Ferdafolk 22.45 Charta 77 22.30 Sösterhjemmet 01.00 Ossler 00.45 Rhythm Wranglers DANSBANAN 21.00 Zlips

Strömsholmen 97

Date: June 7 (music starts at 7pm (19:00)) Place: Strömsholmen, Eskilstuna Price: 40 SEK Phone: +46-(0)16-125340 Phone: +46-(0)70-5114564 Email: hans.lindell@rockfile.se
Line-Up: Alternative Colours, DJ Calle Dernulf, DJ Andres Lokko, DJ Tony Zoulias, Hamilton, Polythene, St Moores, Yvonne.


Date: June 5 - 7 Place: Timrå Price: TBA Phone: +46-(0)8-51173545 Email: PJP@swipnet.se
Line-Up: Brainpool, Consoul, Dublin Fair, Electric Light Orchestra, Jan Johansen, Katrina & The Waves, Latin Kings, Steve Lukather, Melodie MC, Robert Randquist, Smurfarna, Together, Jerry Williams, Henrik Åberg.


Date: July 5 Place: Kristianstad, Tivoliparken Price: 120 SEK (in advance), 150 SEK (at the gates) Phone: +46-(0)44-122405 WWW: http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/8186/tivoli.html
Line-Up: Backyard Babies, Boomerang, Chaotic Truth, Crystal Mush, Daytripper, Dilba, Dipper, Entombed, Fu Manchu, Haddock, Lavemangsmugglarna, Elisabet Martin-Rydén, Mopeds, Non Serviam, Paid, Shihad, Soundtrack of Our Lives, Three Blind Mice, Östblocket.


Date: August 11 - 14 Place: Linköping, Elsas Hus Price: 30 SEK / day Phone: +46-(0)13-207169
Line-Up: Chunks, Stargazer, Lars Winnerbäck.
Confirmed Dates: 12/8: Stargazer

Totalgalan - när ingen annan bryr sig *

Date: March 29, starting 17:00 Place: Kolingsborg, Stockholm (Gula Gången, T-bana Slussen) Price: At the venue: 100 SEK, In advance: 80 SEK + possible advance fee. From Mega Skivakademin, Sound Pollution (both in Stockholm) or Birdnest (+46-(0)221-282 00) Contact: Beat Butchers Kungsholmsstrand 141 5tr 112 48 Stockholm Sweden Phone: +46-(0)8-6444376 Email: beatbutchers@wineasy.se WWW: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~chief/beathome.html
Line-Up: Charta 77, Coca Carola, Johan Johansson, Köttgrottorna, Radioaktiva Räker, Rövsvett, Skumdum.


Date: June 7 Place: Sågmyra, Folkets Park Price: 25 SEK Phone: +46-(0)247-40169 WWW: http://hem1.passagen.se/tstock/index.htm
Line-Up: Aqualung, Black Carone, Brainfake, Colourdream, Dökött, Filled Coin, Lady Lovely Locks, Mass Confusion, Mimikry, Rubank, Rännhola Rockers, Snakes of Christ, Streamliners, Swagbelly, Mikael Testad, Twin Earth, Wille Kimura Band, Without Grief, Nicklas Öhman.

Urkult '97 - Folkfest Vid Nämforsen *

Date: August 7 - 10 Place: Näsåker, Sweden (Ångermanland) Price: Many different prices - contact the festival for more information. Type: Folk and world popular music from many countries. Theater and workshops for young and old alike. Camping "on-site". Contact: Urkult '97 PL 940 881 95 Undrom Sweden Phone: +46-(0)612-60199 Fax: +46-(0)612-60156 Email: urkult@hotmail.com
Line-up: Cressento, Eversleep, Farmers Market (N), Gongole Players, Groupa, Habib Koite (ML), Marika Lagercrantz, New Jungle Trio (DK), Pia Olby, Polka Twisters, Qwinnen, Rå-Mantik, Rock Salt & Nails (SCOT), Sabbath Hela Veckan, Simbi, Slagbock, Stefan Sundström, Tarika (MG), Yulduz Usmanova (UZ), Vunja, Iwakichi & Norika Yamashita (J), Jimmy Ågren Band.

Westgotha WWW

Westgothafestivalen 97

Date: May 17 Place: Trollhättan Price: 50 SEK Address: Westgothafestivalen Magasingatan 15 Trollhättan Sweden Phone: +46-(0)520-481870 (info) Phone: +46-(0)708-660242 Email: party@algonet.se Email: westgota@hem1.passagen.se WWW: http://hem1.passagen.se/westgota Info: Three stages, two tents, megarave, skateboard competition.
Line-Up: Backyard Babies, Chesterton, Cirkus Miramar, Closed, Crown Of Thorns, Dictionary, Diggers, Downstroke, Fred's United Drivers, Future Development, Goosberry, Hardy Nilsson, Kapten Kermit, Latin Kings, Lost In Time, Monster, Moonländers, NME Within, Owe Rall, Psycho Therapy, Refused, Roarkit, Stab, Ölhävers.

Ölsta Rockfest

Date: June 7 (15.00 - 02.00) Place: Stockholm, Mälaröarna Price: TBA Phone: +46-(0)8-7590921 (Poppe Linge) Fax: +46-(0)8-7590720 Email: 2mc@swipnet.se Extra: Arranged by Ölsta Föreningshus and Rockfesten.
Line-Up: The Band Apart, Blindside, Maconde, Moodsving, Reminder, Mats Ronander.

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