QuickBar Scandinavian Indie - Upcoming Music on the TV

Here you'll find a list of interesting music on the television channels available to most people in Sweden, selected by Erik Söderström. If you have corrections or want to add something, please do not hesitate to let us know. Thanks!

Music on the TV

Day Date   Artist/What            TV Program          Channel     Time

Thu 15/6   Hultsfred Festival 2K  Live 11hrs          ZTV         15.30
           Alternative Nation     Alternative Nation  MTV Nordic  00.00
           Hultsfred Festival 2K  From earlier today  ZTV         03.30
Fri 16/6   Hultsfred Festival 2K  From earlier        ZTV         06.00
           Hultsfred Festival 2K  Live 11hrs          ZTV         15.30
           Westlife + Five        Pop korn            TV 4        17.10
           Hultsfred Festival 2K  From earlier today  ZTV         03.30
Sat 17/6   Hultsfred Festival 2K  From earlier        ZTV         06.00
           Hultsfred Festival 2K  Live 11hrs          ZTV         15.30
           Emma Härdelin          Möte med...         SVT 1       21.45
           Hultsfred Festival 2K  From earlier today  ZTV         03.30
Sun 18/6   Hultsfred Festival 2K  From earlier        ZTV         06.00
           MTV Live               MTV Live            MTV Nordic  22.00
Mon 19/6   -
Tue 20/6   Emma Härdelin          Möte med...         SVT 1       13.20 R
           Jan Johansson          Trollkarlen         SVT 2       21.00 R
           Alternative Nation     Alternative Nation  MTV Nordic  00.00
Wed 21/6   Emma Härdelin          Möte med...         SVT 2       23.10 R

R = Rerun

The Archive is here.

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Last updated Jun 15, 2000 by Erik Söderström
You are Sin's TV List visitor 669 since November 2019 .