QuickBar Scandinavian Indie - All Upcoming Music on the TV lists

Here you'll find the somewhat complete list of interesting music on the television channels available to most people in Sweden, in 1995, selected by Erik Söderström. Note that during the summer months, there is almost nothing worth listing here - that is the reason behind the gaps here and there!

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Day Date Artist/What TV Program Channel Time Sat 30/12 Pop & Indie Pop & Indie ZTV 14.00 R Fri 29/12 R.E.M. Dokumentär ZTV 17.50 R.E.M. Live 1994 TV4 00.45 Thu 28/12 Clawfinger Artist ZTV 23.40 Wed 27/12 Björk Artist ZTV 22.10 Sun 24/12 Alternative Nation Alternative Nation MTV Europe 22.30 Fri 22/12 Festivals '95 Festivals '95 MTV Europe 20.00 Thu 21/12 Snoop Doggy Dogg Saturday Night Live ZTV 22.00 Red Hot Chili Peppers Rockumentary MTV Europe 22.00 Wed 20/12 Hole Unplugged MTV Europe 21.30 Lollipop Festival (II) Artistspecial ZTV 00.55 Tue 19/12 Pop & Indie Pop & Indie ZTV 19.15 Cypress Hill Saturday Night Live ZTV 22.00 Mon 18/12 Foo Fighters In Concert MTV Europe 21.00 Lollipop Festival (I) Artistspecial ZTV 21.30 Sun 17/12 Red Hot Chili Peppers Artistspecial ZTV 17.05 R The Cranberries Unplugged MTV Europe 19.30 Alternative Nation Alternative Nation MTV Europe 22.30 Sophie Zelmani Nike SVT Kanal 1 22.55 R Sat 16/12 Pop & Indie Pop & Indie ZTV 14.00 R Mouth, Fistfunk MC SVT TV2 22.00 Red Hot Chili Peppers Artistspecial ZTV 00.55 Fri 15/12 Sophie Zelmani Nike SVT Kanal 1 20.00 R = Rerun

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Last updated Jul 25, 1998 by Erik Söderström
You are Sin's All TV List 1995 visitor 545 since November 2019 .