[SFRG] Science Fiction Resource Guide [Update Log] [What's New]

Updates are handled by Chaz Boston Baden. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions before you write.

Rev. 09-Oct-2001

Entries Deleted (since 01 October 2001)

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:( This symbol indicates a defunct link. If you click on the entry, you'll see our reason for deleting the link. Note that we might have additional deadwood piled up under More Deleted Entries.

Should we reinstate any of these entries? Such as, their server's back online after an outage, or they've got a new address, or you can't figure out any reason why it didn't work for us? Send us e-mail with the URL and the particulars.

05 October 2001

Mailing Lists: Deleted extinct links.

inklings (inkspot.com)
"Inklings is a free, biweekly newsletter for writers on the net. It includes market info (often focussed on sf markets since that's a strong interest of mine), how-to info, and interviews (past/current interviewees include Jack Chalker, Robert Sawyer, Julia Ecklar, Michelle Sagara, Diana Gabaldon). To subscribe, send email to majordomo(at)samurai.com with "subscribe inklings" in the message body. Back issues are available on the web site." (Debbie Ridpath Ohi)

Television Shows: Deleted extinct links.

Max Headroom: UnOfficial Web Site (geocities.com)
(Ernest Cline)
Quantum Leap: The Imaging Chamber (mu.oz.au)
(Elwyn Chow)
X-Files: The Truth Is Out There (neosoft.com)
(Stephen R. Banks)
Earth 2 Episode Guide (best.com)
(Gerald Henriksen,
You Can't Do That On Star Trek! (xtn.net)
"The gallery of hacked, unbelievable ST images created by visitors with image editing experience and a measure of creativity..." (Philip Blaiklock)
The Science of Star Trek (infi.net)
"Is Star Trek really a science show, or just a lot of "gee, whiz" nonsensical Sci-Fi? Could people really DO the fantastic things they do on the original Star Trek and Next Generation programs, or is it all just hi-tech fantasy for people who can't face reality?" Written in 1993. (David A. Batchelor) [Updated Oct 2001]
British Starfleet Confederacy (armory.com)
A Star Trek fan club. (James David Crawshaw)
IKV Stranglehold (sprynet.com)
"The IKV Stranglehold is a KAG Bird of Prey patrolling the San Diego, California area, under Commander K'Han Den. Our ship serves the House of Warnok (the Klingonmaniacs). We can't go back to Qo'noS because we kidnapped a member of the High Council and our crew includes members of the House of Duras and a priest who worships Fek'lhr, so we will always be out on deep patrol, living life on the edge, and performing at a variety of Terran functions..." (Wolf Klauschie)
The Klingon Assault Group of Kanada (cam.org)
"KAG/Kanada (The Klingon Assault Group/Kanada) is the Canadian component of KAG/International, a Non-Profit Star Trek fan organization. The basis of KAG is the Klingon Empire of Star Trek, from the original 1960's television series, the following movies, and all the recent TV incarnations (The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager)." (JJ Reischl)

Writers Resources: Deleted extinct links.

inklings (inkspot.com)
"Inklings is a free, biweekly newsletter for writers on the net. It includes market info (often focussed on sf markets since that's a strong interest of mine), how-to info, and interviews (past/current interviewees include Jack Chalker, Robert Sawyer, Julia Ecklar, Michelle Sagara, Diana Gabaldon). To subscribe, send email to majordomo(at)samurai.com with "subscribe inklings" in the message body. Back issues are available on the web site." (Debbie Ridpath Ohi)
WWW-VL Resources for Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers (inkspot.com)
(Debbi Ridpath Ohi)
Writer's Market Webzine (ns.net)
"The magazine of speculative fiction markets... We are a non-profit service created to support the genre and small press industry." (Christopher Reynaga)
Writer's Marketboard (rain-crow-publishing.com)
"Publishers have an opportunity to post calls for submission, announce contests, and search through writers' proposals for potential articles. Writers, in addition to checking out the publishers' postings, can also find agents. Both postings and browsing are free." [Your SFRG maintainer saw this site reviewed in Netsurfer Digest (netsurf.com). -chaz]

Zines, Magazines, Web E-zines: Deleted extinct links.

SF Site: Web zines (sfsite.com)
(John O'Neill)
The Australian Science Fiction Bullsheet (vicnet.net.au)
"A more or less fortnightly newsletter that has, since inception, appeared as a paper and an e-mail version." Back issues available. (geocities.com) (Marc Ortlieb)
Cyberspace Vanguard (cybervanguard.com)
Media sf (tv and film reviews).
E-scape: the Digital Journal of Speculative Ficton (interink.com)
"E-scape is a bi-monthly free magazine of speculative fiction. It is published in Adobe Acrobat format, so you'll need Adobe's free Acrobat Reader 2.0 (or later) software to read it. E-scape publishes science fiction, fantasy and horror, along with game reviews, convention schedules/announcements, and other articles of interest to fandom. E-scape may be freely distributed (as long as you do not alter the file)." (J. Patrick McDonald)
Galaxy Magazine (galaxyezine.org) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
"Galaxy is published On-Line, on High-Density DOS compatible Diskette, and as CDROM." (E.J. Gold)
Gearheads (wirewd.com)
"a future-oriented speculative fiction and fact e-zine." (Ken Wronkiewicz (wirewd.com)) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
Gigabooks Online Magazine and Book Company (lava.net)
"Gigabooks has free online and downloadable fiction, including a free full-length sf adventure novel about aliens with edible and incredibly delicious tails. The entire book (Podok Tales #1: The Tailnapping) is offered as a sample..." This zine has both short fiction, and sample chapters of longer works. (Chet Novicki)
Nova Express (delphi.com)
(Lawrence Person)
Sci-Fi Webzine (sci-fi-mag.com)
(Ms. L. Proctor Roberts)
WebFLUX magazine (tripod.com) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
(J.R. Mooneyham)

04 October 2001

Introduction: Deleted extinct links.

[METU] (edu.tr) METU is no longer a mirror site, and hasn't been for a few years now.

[If it's legal in a library, it should be legal on-line (ciec.org) The blue-ribbon campaign was five years ago, the court case is over...

Movies: Deleted extinct links.

Blade Runner (Ridley Scott): FAQ Home Page (uq.edu.au)
Plot synopsis, versions, soundtrack, quotes, trivia and the "Is Deckard a replicant?" debate (Murray Chapman). Also available in plain [FTP] ascii text from rtfmi.mit.edu. (mit.edu) And there's another hypertext version by Gregory Soo (vir.com) with material about the noir elements in the film.
Elstree Studios Home Page (turnpike.net)
"Known for many years as the British Hollywood, Elstree studios have in recent times struggled to survive, but Borehamwood has a proud heritage of film and TV production, and continues today as TV production centre." Includes a list of sf films and other productions made at Elstree. (Graham Lewis)

Music, Radio, Misc. Audio: Deleted extinct links.

All the World's a Filk (terindell.com)
Melissa Binde's Filk Page. (Melissa Binde)
Erica's Filk Page (netcom.com)
(Erica Neely)
Unidentified Flying Lasagna (teleport.com)
Musical therapy for abductees of the secret alien italian food UFO cabal. "Dave Fink, an abductee, got into the sauce eight years ago and has been composing music based on these experiences ever since with good friends. He has produced two basement tapes, Unidentified Flying Lasagna and Little Green Meatballs from Marty's to better document the spiritual and psychedelic impact from the over 100 abductions so far." (Dave Fink)
Urban Tapestry (inkspot.com)
(Debbie Ridpath Ohi)
David Weingart's Miscellaneous short songs (terindell.com)
(Melissa Binde)
Sci-Fi Talk homepage (aol.com)
"Sci-Fi Talk is a radio talk show which covers science fiction, horror, fantasy and comics. We air on WEVD-AM 1050 on Thursday nights at 10:00P (ET) in the New York Metropolitan area only. I host along with Ernest Lilley. Show has recorded and live interviews. We also feature a weekly book review." Scheduled guests for October 24-December 5 include Lois McMaster Bujold, George R.R. Martin, and guests/coverage of Superman(Animated), Poltergeist, Outer Limits, Babylon Five, X-Files, Star Trek. "The show is live and we encourage call ins at (212) 244-1050." (Tony Tellado)

Publishers: Deleted extinct links.

Bantam Doubleday Dell (randomhouse.com) [Updated 04-Oct-2001]
And see also Bantam Spectra Science Fiction Forum (randomhouse.com). "Inside, you'll find book excerpts, author interviews, quizzes, and the inside scoop from our editors about what to look for in the coming season." (BDD Online) [Updated 04-Oct-2001]
Del Rey Books: sample chapters (randomhouse.com)
(Ellen Key Harris)
House of Collectibles (randomhouse.com)
"House of Collectibles is one of the premier publishing companies devoted to publishing books on a wide range of antiques and collectibles..."
Mythspinner Press (register.com)
"Mythspinner Press is a pleased to announce our new web site, featuring the work of new fantasy author Deborah Potter..." (Anne Palmer)
Random House (randomhouse.com)
Tor Books submission guidelines (unc.edu)
(Patrick Nielsen Hayden)

Reviews and criticism: Deleted extinct links.

Nightstryke Reviews (xoom.com) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
"I have recently put up a website featuring (among other things) reviews of sci-fi and fantasy books, as well as an extensive SF&F reading list." (Brandon Wu)

01 October 2001

Archives and Resource Pages: Deleted extinct links.

Links of Interest to Fandom (sff.net)
"Fandom Domain Closed (as of June 10, 2000) Over 18 months ago, I announced that this site would no longer be regularly maintained due to a lack of time to maintain it on my part. As it has not been updated at all in all this time, I believe it's now obvious that I probably never will have the spare time necessary to do this site justice again. As there are other sites, like the Science Fiction Resource Guide, which do a far better job of maintaining an updated set of science fiction and fantasy links, I've decided to close the Fandom Domain site." (Randall Stukey)

Science Fiction Artists: Deleted extinct links.

Gert van Dijk: Furaha: Life on another Planet (furaha.org) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
"The Institute of Furahan Biology proudly presents: Furaha, Fourth Planet of Alpha Phoenicis..." "The 'Furaha' manuscript presently contains much more material than is shown in this website: there are now over 50 paintings and additional material, including scale drawings, map, footnotes, etc. I have started to diversify into computer animations of Furahan animals, but that is in itself a project nearly as big as the book itself. The book is unfortunately not yet available..." (Gert van Dijk)
1st Encounters: Duncan Long's Digital Illustrations and Art (kansas.net)
Also has a frames version (duncanlong.com) available. (Duncan Long) [Updated 26-Sep-2001]

Authors A: Deleted defunct links.

The Douglas Adams Worship Page (umich.edu)
Includes FAQs, fan club information and searchable indexes (umich.edu) to the Hitch-hiker novels. (Nathan Hughes)

Authors B: Deleted defunct links.

Culture Shock - Iain M. Banks Website (phlebas.com)
"Welcome to Culture Shock - the unofficial Iain M Banks Site. I hope newcomers and veterans of this author find something here that is useful." (Robert Keogh)
Astounding Worlds of Barrington Bayley (saunalahti.fi) [Updated 26-Sep-2001]
"The page is intended as a center of information about the sf author Barrington Bayley, recently a winner of the 1997 BSFA award. Includes some introductory notes, bibliography (partial at the moment) and a few links. What I have is still slight, so any input (ideas, reviews etc.) is welcome. Stay tuned, more to come." (Juha Lindroos)

Authors C: Deleted extinct links.

Jack L. Chalker: Home Page (delphi.com)
Robert W. Chambers and the King in Yellow (geocities.com)
(Henrik Johnsson)
Arthur C. Clarke live video conference (halbday.com)
Recorded and originally broadcast live on the net, 14 March 1997.

Authors D: Deleted extinct links.

Sara Douglass Home Page (bendigo.net.au)
(Sara Douglass)

Authors H: Deleted extinct links.

Frank Herbert: The World of Dune (spaceguild.com)
"In an effort to breathe life back into the Dune Chronicles, I have tried to create the most complete Dune site available..." (Alex Dunkel (uiuc.edu))

Authors L: Deleted extinct links.

Into the Wardrobe: The C. S. Lewis Web Site (cache.net)
(John Visser)
Mere Lewis: The C.S. Lewis Mailing List (mit.edu)
(S.H. Shieh)

Authors M: Deleted extinct links.

Jesse Miller: jivagoswamidasa.com (jivagoswamidasa.com)
"This is the site where my new books is currently being published..." "Jesse Miller has experience as a working professional writer. In the mid and early '70's, he was nominated for several top international awards in the field of Science Fiction. These included: The John Campbell Award, the Nebula Award, and the Nova Award. As of this writing, Jesse Miller may be dead." (Jesse Miller)

Authors R: Deleted extinct links.

Exiles: The Melanie Rawn Home Page (usc.edu)
(Irena Pereira)
A Tribute to Melanie Rawn (prodigy.com)
(Lona S. Stoll)
Spider Robinson mirror site on fireplug.net (fireplug.net).
(Ted Powell)

Authors S: Deleted defunct links.

John Saul: Blackstone (randomhouse.com)
"Explore the town of Blackstone using the interactive map and peek into the windows of the Asylum to find various antiquated treatments for mental illness. Read "The Blackstone Chronicle" newspaper for information about John Saul and his fan club, send him e-mail at the Post Office, and chat with other readers at the Red Hen Diner. Includes contests and free screensavers."
S.P. Somtow: home page (somtow.com) [Updated 26-Sep-2001]
(S.P. Somtow)

Authors W: Deleted extinct links.

Susan Wade - deleted (A. T. Campbell (utexas.edu))

Awards: Deleted extinct links.

Award Winner's Review (jademountain.com)
"Science fiction, fantasy, Hugo, Nebula, Locus, Newbery, grand masters, Philip K. Dick Awards... Evaluations, critiques, and biased opinions... It's set up so people can review our reviews and/or email comments about the books." (Steve Troy)
Hugo Awards - (picture from 1992) (city-net.com)
Liste des prix (integra.fr)
"Principaux prix littéraires francophones récents ou actuels récompensant des oeuvres de Science-Fiction." Some pages listing the major French language SF awards, including French Canadian. (Ellen C. Herzfeld)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame (unicom.net)
"Founded in 1996 by the Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction at the Uiversity of Kansas and the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society. The Hall of Fame honors 4 indviduals each year for continued excellence and long-time contribution to the science fiction and fantasy field." (Keith Stokes (unicom.net))
Tiptree Award - winners (steampunk.com)

Convention Resources Lists, Reports, and How-To archives: Deleted extinct links.

"cons.txt" (rutgers.edu)
plain SF-Lovers Convention Listings ascii version

Fandom - Societies, clubs, etc., and archives: Deleted extinct links.

Fandom Domain: Links of Interest to Fandom (sff.net)
"The Links of Interest to Fandom site contains a large number of links to web sites of interest to science fiction, fantasy, and horror fans of all types. Here's a list of the major subject areas covered by this index: Anime; Apas and Mailing Lists; Art and Artists; Authors; Awards; Clubs; Conventions; Fans and Fandom; Fanzines; Filk Music; Furry Fandom; Gaming; Gothic; Muds, Mushes, and Moos; Newsgroups; Online Fiction; Other SF/F Archives; Publishing Houses; Reviews; and Specific Fandoms (Literature, Star Trek, Star Wars, TV Shows, etc.)." (Randall Stukey)
ICON Science Fiction, Inc.
We also produce the television show Infinite Possibilities (iconsf.org) a 30-min monthly magazine style show about Science Fiction, Fact and Fantasy. [Updated Oct 2001]
Libertarian Futurist Society
... presents the annual Prometheus Award for best libertarian novel and Hall of Fame Award for best classic novel of liberty, and publishes the quarterly journal, Prometheus. (libertarian.com)

Mailing Lists: Deleted extinct links.

libfic-l - Libertarian Fiction
"I'm the maintainer of an sf-ish mailing list, known as Libfic (Libertarian Fiction)..." (Chris Goodwin (peak.org))
WHO-RPG-L Home Page.
"WHO-RPG-L is the mailing list for discussion of roleplaying in the universe portrayed by the British science-fiction programme "Doctor Who"..." (Ian McDonald (ucl.ac.uk))

Role-Playing and other SF-related Games: Deleted extinct links.

WHO-RPG-L's Home Page.
(Ian McDonald (ucl.ac.uk))

Individual Games and Game Systems: Updated links.

The Babylon Project (chameleon-eclectic.com) home page
Roleplaying game from Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc. (chameleon-eclectic.com) based on Babylon 5 (warnerbros.com). "We [Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment] sponsor a mailing list for discussion of The Babylon Project and related topics. It's a great place to share comments, questions and suggestions, and (after the game is released) house rules, adventure ideas, and supporting material with other gamers and the Chameleon Eclectic staff, or just to converse a little with other The Babylon Project players. To join, send an email note to majordomo(at)chameleon-eclectic.com with the phrase "subscribe the-babylon-project-l" in the body of the message (that last character is an "L", not a "one"). If you just want to lurk, and want to keep the volume of mail from the list at a minimum, sign up for the digest version of the list. Follow the same process, but send the command "subscribe the-babylon-project-l-digest"." [Updated 05-Oct-2001]

Game Companies: Updated links.

Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc. (chameleon-eclectic.com)
Publishers of Millenium's End, Psychosis, Fields of Honor, the Last Crusade, and The Babylon Project (chameleon-eclectic.com).

Television Shows: Deleted extinct links.

The Babylon Project (chameleon-eclectic.com).
Roleplaying game from Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment, Inc. (chameleon-eclectic.com)

Star Trek: Deleted extinct links.

The Science of Star Trek
Another old copy was available at NASA (nasa.gov). Written in 1993.

Usenet miscellanea: Deleted extinct links.

FAQ for newsgroup alt.galactic-guide
"Project Galactic Guide" is a cooperative writing project in the style of Douglas Adams. (Paul Clegg) WWW gateway (willamette.edu) to the project. (James Tilton)
uk.media.tv.sf.babylon5 Frequently Asked Questions and Other Information. (ucl.ac.uk)
Text-only version also available via ftp. See also Television section. (Jeremy Morley (ucl.ac.uk))

Zines, Magazines, Web E-zines: Deleted extinct links.

SF Zines WebRing (geocities.com)
"Welcome to the home page of the SF Zines WebRing; a federation of science fiction and fantasy fanzines on the World Wide Web. The SF Zines WebRing is a free service designed to benefit both Websurfers and Webmasters. For Websurfers, the SF Zines WebRing gives them an up-to-date catalogue of science fiction reading, without the need to bookmark each site. For Webmasters, membership of the SF Zines WebRing is a great way increase your Web site's exposure, and to maintain a self-updating list of complementary sites for your readers' enjoyment."
Dubious Matter (catch22.com)
"We publish Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror short stories, we do book reviews, con reviews and more. We are also looking for someone who can follow SCA events, Rennasaice fairs, comic books/graphic novels and video games." (Jacob Johnston)
Altair Magazine (ozemail.com.au) - Alternative Airings of Speculative Fiction
"Altair magazine is a new publication due out in February 1998. This solely subscription sale magazine is aimed at getting a clearer a view of world future history...." Their entry guidelines call for a $10 US entry fee to compete for publication in the first issue. "All other editions will be a paying market place 1-2 cents per word." (Robert N Stephenson)
Century (supranet.com)
"Century is a critically acclaimed bimonthly print magazine of well-crafted and eclectic speculative fiction, combining elements of science fiction, magic realism, fantasy, surrealism, and mainstream writing." (Meg Hamel)

02 October 2001

Medals We've Been Awarded: Deleted extinct links.

The SFRG was reviewed and rated a "10" out of 10 by LynxOfTheWeekList (web-star.com) 16th February 1996.

[LynxOfTheWeek 10 of 10] (web-star.com)

Archives and Resource Pages: Deleted extinct links.

Fanfic Resources (umich.edu)
"A listing of available fanfic websites, fanzines, and information about fanfic in general for lots and lots of fandoms. As the title says, these pages are an attempt at listing the TV- an movie-based fanfic that exists both online and in print. The information on these pages was gathered from flyers, faqs, and too much time spent surfing the web..." (Betsy Vera)

Art and Artists: Deleted extinct links.

Kelly Freas Artwork Stolen (asfa-art.org)
These paintings were stolen in Los Angeles on 27-Aug-1997, from the trunk of a rental car. (Kelly Freas Studio)

Science Fiction Artists: Deleted extinct links.

The Stromlidt Museum (eightsea.com), by Ray Aldridge
"I suppose you might list it under art, because of the sf stained glass, but its real function is as a literary conceit. You might list it under fiction, because one of my F&SF stories is attached to the site, and I'm adding my Nebula finalist novella from a couple years back. There's even stuff for sale, though it's not seriously meant, I'm afraid. I guess I'll have to leave it up to you." (Ray Aldridge)
Matthew Goodsell (exis.net)
(Matthew Goodsell)
Debbie Hughes (usit.net)
(Debbie Hughes)
George Livingston (nmia.com)
(George Livingston)
Dan Testen: Illustration (zebra.net)
About half s.f., half fantasy. Makes me want to read the stories they go with, if any - if they're book covers, I'd love to see the titles and authors with the art. (Dan Testen)
Jeff Wright (jeffwright.com)
"It's a collection of my illustrations, cartoons, and online work... My education in art consists mostly of ruining page after page of typing paper, sketch pad, extremely expensive boards and canvases, napkins, notebook paper, and newsprint with work that would be bettered in my very next attempt, in my opinion the best education any artist could ask for. In fact, many artists with a hell of a lot more skill and talent than I get by with no more education than that... One of the most bizarre jobs I ever took was building a five foot paper mache spaceship for a plant show..." See his page for more - it's interesting even if you're on a browser that doesn't show graphics. (Jeff Wright)

Bibliographies and lists: Deleted extinct links.

Classics of Science Fiction (mem.net)
(James W. Harris)
ms-media.com - Star Wars: The Novels (ms-media.com)
This page uses frames, animated graphics, and starts a new browser window everytime you select one of the pages. (Scott Elliott) [Updated 26-Sep-2001]
The Time Patrolman Gazette (mindspring.com)
"A Complete Time Travel Book List... This is an attempt to put the most comprehensive Time Travel book list together in one place. There are many juvenile Time Travel novels. I chose not to include them... If I am missing a book, e-mail me and I'll put it in." (John Kelly)

Bookstores: Deleted extinct links.

Book Stacks Unlimited (books.com), Cleveland, Ohio
"The original online bookstore." [Anyone here remember when you had to telnet in? -chaz] (Laura Little)
Daphne's Dream (mindspring.com)
"Reviews, links, a used bookstore, more! ...On these pages you'll find reviews of books that I've read and enjoyed. My goal is to point you in the direction of books that you'll enjoy! With that in mind, I will tell you that I'm only featuring reviews of books I liked. While other reviewers may want to give a more balanced view, I'm more interested in suggesting books you'll like, rather than spending my time writing reviews about books you won't like. I'm busily working on writing more reviews, and I'm sure I'll be adding new categories soon - I've already found books I want to feature that don't fit into the present categories. This is a bookstore, not just a bunch of reviews. If you're interested in buying one of the books, simply click on the "here" following the review." (Daphne Riordan)
Source SF (sourcesf.com), Des Moines, Iowa
"Source SF is a virtual bookstore specializing in SF, Fantasy and Horror. We have a growing catalog of fine fiction and art objects, with emphasis on small press publications and limited editions. We stock books by many of the best independent publishers -- Argo Press, The Ministry of Whimsy, Cemetery Dance and others." Also home to The Virtual Ray Gun Exhibition. (Dave Larsen)

Comics, Animation, and Anthropomorphics: Deleted extinct links.

Furry Folder (sgi.com)
All about anthropomorphic art & furry fandom. Looks like an excellent Furry Resource Guide with lots of links. (John Turner)
MORPHine_anthro/SF (geocities.com)
Several stories, mostly anthro/furry. (Anthony Robertson)

Fandom - Societies, clubs, etc., and archives: Deleted extinct links.

Fannish E-Mail Directory, interactive web version
... text version available at osfci.org (osfci.org). (John Lorentz)
Futurian Society of Sydney (uts.edu.au)
(Ian Woolf)
The Israeli Society for Science Fiction and Fantasy (co.il)
(Nir Yaniv)
Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society (unicom.net)
( Keith Stokes (unicom.net))
Memphis Science Fiction Association (netten.net)
(Franklin Jordan)
National Science Fiction and Fantasy Society of Canada (sfsite.com) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
"The Society is a national, non-profit organization. Our membership consists of science fiction and fantasy professionals, readers, writers, other media artists and enthusiasts. The Society will carry out activities to promote awareness, appreciation and growth of speculative fiction and other imaginative works in Canada." (Alex von Thorn)
Stardel Clubhouse (rmi.net)
"I have just set up a web page for regular Fannish get-togethers, like club meetings, and what not... This is not to address cons and other large annual meetings... I would like to collect information on clubs, or semi-organized groups of fans, that are open to visiting fans. This should also provide an opportunity to see if there are fan groups active in your area that you may not know about." (Jack Heneghan)
Vampyres only (doncaster.on.ca)
An archive of fan material relating to vampire fiction, including but not limited to the novels of Anne Rice. (Brad Middleton)
Wollongong Anime and Manga Society (uow.edu.au), Wollongong, Australia [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
(Luke Mason)

Convention Resources Lists, Reports, and How-To archives: Deleted extinct links.

Central Arizona Speculative Fiction Society, Inc. (CASFS) Convention Calendar (casfs.org)
Fandom Net Convention Notice Board (fandom.net)
(Andrew Johnson)
Filk Conventions (inkspot.com)
(Debbie Ridpath Ohi, W. Scott "Cosmo" Snyder)
Science Fiction and Fantasy in Kansas City (unicom.net)
Kansas City-area conventions, home pages of fans and authors, and related matters. ( Keith Stokes (unicom.net))

Fannish Home Pages: Deleted extinct links.

Dravecky, Ed (deathsheep.com) [Updated 02-Oct-2001]
(Ed Dravecky III)
Dave Locke: Slow Djinn (angelfire.com)
"Dave Locke's Back Road Off The Information Highway." (Dave Locke)
MacGregor's Metacentre, Loren, (metacentre.com)
(Loren MacGregor)
Erik Rosolowsky (swarthmore.edu)
Melissa Binde (terindell.com)
Charlie the Dog (unicom.net)
(Keith Stokes)

Fiction: Deleted extinct links.

Ray Aldridge: The Stromlidt Museum (eightsea.com)
"I suppose you might list it under art, because of the sf stained glass, but its real function is as a literary conceit. You might list it under fiction, because one of my F&SF stories is attached to the site, and I'm adding my Nebula finalist novella from a couple years back. There's even stuff for sale, though it's not seriously meant, I'm afraid. I guess I'll have to leave it up to you." (Ray Aldridge)
Keith D. Azariah-Kribbs and Dorah Azariah-Kribbs: New Moon Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels (negia.net)
Contains a few sample chapters of "New Moon" and also "ICON," a complete fantasy novel. (Keith D. Azariah-Kribbs)
Danny Lee: Steffon of Starbonn (geocities.com)
"Most of the galaxy has heard of Jakar Plutar's writings. His stories have been read for over twenty centrons... Plutar chronicled the charms and terrors of many systems and worlds. One such was Starbonn, that mystical system that is no more. The home of the ancient Gods of Ole and the Crystal Sword. Was Starbonn a real place and time lost in antiquity or just a figment of Plutar's imagination?" (Danny Lee)
G. R. McCotter: Deep Cosmos Science Fiction (xoom.com) [Updated 27-Sep-2001]
"A minimum donation is requested in the modest sum of $1.00 US, per book that you read." Contains several novels and stories. (G.R. McCotter)
Anthony Robertson: MORPHine_anthro/SF (geocities.com)
Several stories, mostly anthro/furry. (Anthony Robertson)
Rick Murray: Bloomoon (bitstream.net), at Guff
"An e-zine called Guff will begin publication of a serial sci-fi novel starting July 1 [1997]. The novel, entitled "Bloomoon", is supposed to be pretty good and has gotten advance publicity in the Philadelphia Inquirer. The plot hinges on a system whereby the greys harness the latent energy of damned souls and use it to feed the habits of addicts among their kind who've developed a taste for telepathically sucking up the darkest of human emotions."
jon nevada and jef virginia: The Mess: a weekly online SF serial (cruzio.com)
"Rachel and Naast navigate a near future inhabited by meta-functioning pro(an)tagonists while pursuing a vibrating coil of possible alien transmissions." (Rubicon Enterprises)

Chat Channels IRC and others: Deleted extinct links.

The Shadow Cafe (themall.net)
"The Shadow Cafe is an IRC channel on the Undernet for Free Form Role Play based on the RPG CyberPunk 2020 by Talsorian Games. Follow the links to find out what IRC, free form role play, and CyberPunk are all about, or to see who you will meet in the Shadow Cafe..." (Alyssa aka Angyl)

Music, Radio, Misc. Audio: Deleted extinct links.

Filk Conventions (inkspot.com)
(Debbie Ridpath Ohi, W. Scott "Cosmo" Snyder)

Reviews and criticism:

Daphne's Dream (mindspring.com)
"Reviews, links, a used bookstore, more! ...On these pages you'll find reviews of books that I've read and enjoyed. My goal is to point you in the direction of books that you'll enjoy! With that in mind, I will tell you that I'm only featuring reviews of books I liked. While other reviewers may want to give a more balanced view, I'm more interested in suggesting books you'll like, rather than spending my time writing reviews about books you won't like. I'm busily working on writing more reviews, and I'm sure I'll be adding new categories soon - I've already found books I want to feature that don't fit into the present categories. This is a bookstore, not just a bunch of reviews. If you're interested in buying one of the books, simply click on the "here" following the review." (Daphne Riordan)

Online Games: Deleted extinct links.

The Shadow Cafe (themall.net)
"The Shadow Cafe is an IRC channel on the Undernet for Free Form Role Play based on the RPG CyberPunk 2020 by Talsorian Games. Follow the links to find out what IRC, free form role play, and CyberPunk are all about, or to see who you will meet in the Shadow Cafe..." (Alyssa aka Angyl)
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Chaz Boston Baden (boston-baden.com) - E-mail SFRG.

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