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   [Fidget Contest]

Scandinavian Indie's Fidget Contest No.2 Results!
A few days late or a couple of days early, depending on when you are looking at this page - here are the contest results! The extremely hard question was: What band did Fidget tour with between April 14 - 18, 1997?

Correct Answer
The correct answer is: Gene.

Rating: extremely good. The number of people who participated in the contest was the highest ever in a Scandianvian Indie contest!

The Prizes
The 10 winners will receive a pretty heavy package in the mail within two weeks time. The package contains, as previously reported:

[*] A copy of Fidget's debut CD single "Semi-naked"!
[*] A copy of Fidget's second CD single "Stop Losing"!
[*] A signed copy of Fidget's debut CD "No Boogie Coming Your way"!
[*] A mini poster set (which really isn't "mini") with 6 different Fidget posters!

The Winners
As it happened, Nina Natri (the band's illustrious founder and singer) turned up at Mega Records' offices the very same day A&R Peter Ejheden were to draw the winners. Thus she got the honours of course.

So, here are the 10 winners:

Siri Ahmed - Stockholm, Sweden
Erik Berglund - Sandviken, Sweden
Therese Jatko - Hisings-Backa, Sweden
Johan Jeppsson - Vellinge, Sweden
Hendrik Luuk - Tartu, Estonia
Totte Pop - Eskilstuna, Sweden
Brent Prenzlow - Encinitas, US
Marius Ramnehill - Uddevalla, Sweden
Toni Ranta - Helsinki, Finland
Jesper Sandvad - Aalborg, Denmark


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Last updated May 21, 1997 by Erik Söderström
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