QuickBar Scandinavian Indie - Swedish Record Labels

Below you'll find a list of Swedish record labels and companies with information regarding address, phone, fax, Internet links and email. This page and the information it contains is maintained, handled and updated by Erik Söderström. If you have updates, corrections or want to add information to this page, please contact Erik at:
Scandinavian Indie, Björnkärrsg. 13 C:22, 584 36 Linköping

If you prefer to send your information through e-mail, please send it to us directly and it will reach Erik.
A good and extensive list of Swedish house and techno labels can be found at: http://emil.techno.org/.

The list was last updated: June 12th, 2000

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12 Inc 12 Inc - see Edel Records Bands: Deep Motion, Party Zone compilations, Club Zone compilations. Style: Commercial Dance Extra: Started 1994 LU : April 5th, 1997 1000 dB Box 5204 102 45 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6611312 Fax : +46-(0)8-6611312 2 Records - see Remixed Records Bands: L Griffith, The Real Source. Style: R&B Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997


A West Side Fabrication (sub-labels: Buffel, Jazz Beat, Speech) Box 183West Side Website 931 22 Skellefteå SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)910-776222 Fax : +46-(0)910-778900 Email: westside@freewheeling.com Email: westside@skelleftea.mail.telia.com WWW : http://www.cabal.se/westside/index.html Scandinavian Indie: Label Discography Bands: (A Shrine), The All Janet, (Backfish), The Bear Quartet, (Blissful), (Blithe), (Blue), Breather, (Carpe Wade), Darcy, Davidsson, Jupither, (Mufflon 5), (Penguin), Penniless, (Popundret), (Puffin), Reverend Big O, (Sludgefeast), (Stardog), (Stickboy), TIE 28, (Tommy 16), Trucker, Wade, (Waterbug). Style: Independent Pop & Rock LU : June 4th, 2000 A&M - see PolyGram Absurd Records Rasslebygd 361 33 Emmaboda SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)471-10802 Fax : +46-(0)471-10803 Bands: Hell on Wheels, Sideshow Bob, Sobsister, Tambureens. Style: Pop, Rock Email: vinterbadarna.emmabodafestivalen@swipnet.se WWW : http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-50177/html/Absurd/Absurd.html Added: November 16th, 1997 LU : August 28th, 1998 Accelerating Blue Fish Records Falkenbergsgatan 8B 214 24 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-122095 Fax : +46-(0)40-122095 Style: Indie Rock, Metal MD : Bo Magnusson Ad Perpetuam Memoriam Box 184 781 22 Borlänge SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)243-13375 Fax : +46-(0)243-13375 Email: apm@apm.se WWW : http://www.apm.se/ Extra: Label, distribution, export, import, whole sale, retail, mailorder. Added: April 6th, 1997 Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB (sub-labels: Rair Records) Valhallavägen 134 Box 10220 100 55 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6630720 Fax : +46-(0)8-6639235 WWW : http://www.smff.se/AIR-Chrysalis-Scandinavia-AB-2.htm WWW : http://www.chrysalismusic.com (intl.) MD : Lars Wiggman, email: lars.wiggman@air-chrysalis.se PR : Peter Nilsson, email: peter.nilsson@air-chrysalis.se Extra: Founded 1969 - for short bio, see their homepage. LU : September 18th, 1999 Albatross - see Solna Records All Swedish Records Ltd. All Swedish Records Ltd. Sergels Torg 12 8v 111 57 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4115444 Fax : +46-(0)8-4115444 Alpha Records Box 3042 171 03 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7300400 Amalthea Grammofon Box 17543 200 10 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-79889 Fax : +46-(0)40-976008 Under: MNW Records Group LU : July 10th, 1997 Amigo Musik AB Box 6058 102 31 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-340195 Fax : +46-(0)8-340698 Email: hq@amigo.se Email: sales@amigo.se (sales) WWW : http://www.amigo.se Bands: Groupa, Mathias Landeus, Martin Löfgren, Ale Möller, Anders Widmark, Lena Willemark, Sven Zetterberg & The Chicago Express. MD : Fredrik Boquist A&R : Ulf Lindqvist LU : April 8th, 1998 Ampersand Records Box 4340 102 67 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6449993 Fax : +46-(0)8-7145065 Email: ampersand@nons.se WWW : http://www.birdnest.se/ampersand/index.html Bands: Adhesive, Cobolt, Scared, Stoned. Style: Heavy, Hardcore, Emo-Core Extra: Birdnest Records, Desperate Fight Records. Old address:
Box 385, 90108 Umeå. Old Phone: +46-(0)90-142126.
Old Fax : +46-(0)90-129963. LU : July 11th, 1999 Arietta Discs / Musicproduction AB Svartensgatan 12 116 20 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6447820 Fax : +46-(0)8-6447820 Bands: Marie Bergman, Gunnar Bergsten. Atlantis Grammofon Karlbergsvägen 57 113 35 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-341900 Fax : +46-(0)8-343027 LU : July 10th, 1997 Atrium - see WEA/Warner Records Sweden Autumn Records Box 143 42 400 20 Göteborg SWEDEN Email: autumn.records@delta.telenordia.se Bands: Deafaid, The Spyders. Style: Pop, Rock Added: April 6th, 2000 LU : April 11th, 2000


Backstage Music Records Box 7083 630 07 Eskilstuna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)16-121881 Style: Hardrock. Bad Taste Records Stora Södergatan 38 222 23 Lund SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)46-131315 Fax : +46-(0)46-131321 Email: info@badtasterecords.se WWW : http://www.badtasterecords.se Bands: All Systems Go, Astream, Intensity, Langhorns, Last Days of April, Misconduct, Satanic Surfers, The Almighty Trigger Happy, Turtlehead, Within Reach. LU : June 4th, 2000 Bakhåll Box 1114 221 04 Lund SWEDEN Barnens Musik - see Independent Records Beat Butchers Website Beat Butchers Kungsholmsstrand 141 5tr 112 48 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6444376 Email: info@beatbutchers.com WWW : http://www.beatbutchers.com Bands: 23 Till, Brandgul, Coca Carola, Hans & Greta, Roger Karlsson, Krymplings, Köttgrottorna, Olsson har semester productions, Ornitologs, Radioaktiva Räker, Solar Lodge, Svart Snö, Tuk Tuk Rally, Whippet, Åka Bil. Style: Punk, Rock and Pop LU : May 22nd, 2000 Beat That! Records - see Energy Rekords Bands: Kittenish compilations, Sindy Kills Me. LU : February 7th, 1999 Beata Records c/o Larsson Valthornsvägen 25 756 50 Uppsala SWEDEN Email: a6millar@ulmo.stud.slu.se Bands: Mammas Jeltar, Nero. Style: Punk & Pop LU : December 5th, 1996 Belpid Records Lästmakargatan 3 111 44 Stockholm SWEDEN Fax : +46-(0)8-4403858 Email: belpid@amstudio.se WWW : http://www.amstudio.se/belpid Bands: Chris Huff, Native Girl, Revolverkäke, Slender Trust, Slim Fit, Stellan Wahlström Drift Band, Un Rodo Cora (former Bobby Star & Un Rodo Cora). Style: Pop, rock, indie Added: April 1st, 1999 LU : August 24th, 1999 Beluga Music Box 8158 104 20 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7444292 Fax : +46-(0)8-7444292 Email: beluga@wineasy.se WWW : http://www.beluga.a.se Bands: Distributes Bad Afro Records. Style: Punk, Rock & Indie music. LU : November 11th, 1997 Berlin Classics - see Edel Records Style: Pop Beverage - see Stockholm Records Box 9223 102 73 Stockholm SWEDEN WWW : http://www.freq.se/beverage/ Bands: Lucky People Center (LPC), Nåid, Obconic. Style: Electronic Music, Innovative Dance, Progressive Techno Extra: Started 1995 LU : June 16th, 1998 Birdnest Records Kolsvagatan 4 731 33 Köping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)221-21050 Phone: +46-(0)221-28200 (Mailorder) Fax : +46-(0)221-21112 Email: home@birdnest.se WWW : http://www.birdnest.se Bands: Big Fish, Charta 77, De Lyckliga Kompisarna, Dennis & Dom Blå Apelsinerna, Dia Psalma, The Ellen Jamesians, Guineapig, Hydogenium, Johan Johansson, Sober, Stukas. Extra: Ampersand Records, Desperate Fight, Kamel, Melon, Strange Edge. LU : January 14th, 1998 Bishop Garden Records Box 747 521 22 Falköping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)515-82308 Email: k@edmund.pp.se (Kenneth Magnusson) Bands: The Moor, Simon Says. Black Mark Production - see Universal Music Blitz Records (sub-label: Trespass) Box 347 101 26 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-282890 Fax : +46-(0)8-290122 Email: blitz@music.blitz.se WWW : http://www.blitz.se LU : January 10th, 1997 BloWin Publishing Box 9075 850 09 Sundsvall SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)60-610008 Email: blowin_publishing@yahoo.com Extra: BloWin Music AB went out of business during 1998. LU : August 24th, 1999 Blue Eyes Recordings Geografrigr. 14A 907 32 Umeå SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)90-193304 (Jonas Rosen) Fax : +46-(0)90-129963 Email: jonas@k12a.irrblosset.se Email: jasron95@student.umu.se Style: "Posthardcore" Extra: Split CD with US bands Sleestak and Leopold (from Los Angeles). A full-length CD with Faint Sounds Of Shovelled Earth (David in Refused's solo project). Added: July 12th, 1997 Blue Planet Music - See Heartwork Music BMA Music Production Närlundavägen 15 252 75 Helsingborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)42-141280 Fax : +46-(0)42-155189 Email: bmamusic@swipnet.se Style: Rock, Pop Bands; Eric Bell, Huw Lloyd-Langton, The Pirates, Bo Wilson. Extra: A&R Manager - Björn Almquist. Branches - BMA Records, BMA Music Publishing. Added: February 26th, 1998 LU : August 24th, 1999 BMG (sub-labels: Dr Records, Ricochet) Box 2082 103 13 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4121700 Fax : +46-(0)8-4111770 Bands: Paus, Sahara Hotnights, The Wannadies. LU : September 18th, 1999 Bolanche Records Box 309 781 24 Borlänge SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)243-87870 Fax : +46-(0)243-82274 LU : July 10th, 1997 Bolero Records AB Eriksbergsgatan 4, nb 114 30 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6781130 Fax : +46-(0)8-6787330 Email: mail@bolerorecords.se WWW : http://bolerorecords.se Bands: Agi, Incka, Monica Starck. Style: Pop, Rock Extra: Distribution (Sweden): MNW Distribution AB Added: February 22nd, 1999 Border Music Distribution (sub-label: Borderline Records) Gammelstavägen 1 415 02 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-190800 Fax : +46-(0)31-191599 Bands: Annika Blennerhed, Clas Yngström Borderline Records - see Border Music Distribution Breakin Bread - see Sonet Bands: Absent Minded, Addis Black Widow. Style: R&B, Rap Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Bridge of Compassion Linköping SWEDEN Bands: Forced Into, Interlace. Style: Hardcore Extra: Owners: Johan Lindqvist, Henrik Lindqvist. Brööl Records Skogvaktaregatan 1 602 12 Norrköping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)11-180659 Fax : +46-(0)11-331601 Buffel - see A West Side Fabrication Bands: Garp, Hardy Nilsson, Mindre Modiga Män Burning Heart Records Website Burning Heart Records (sub-labels: Sidekicks Records) Box 441 701 48 Örebro SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)19-174690 Fax : +46-(0)19-174699 Email: info@burningheart.com WWW : http://www.burningheart.com Bands: 59 Times The Pain, Bodyjar, Bombshell Rocks, Breach, The Business, Chickenpox, The Cigarres, The Hives, Homegrown, The (International) Noise Conspiracy, Liberator, Millencolin, Mindjive, Monster, Nine, No Fun At All, The Peepshows, Puffball, Raised Fist, Randy, Refused, Samiam, (Satanic Surfers), Section 8, Voice of a Generation. Style: Ska, Skate-Punk, Punk, Rock Extra: Old phone numbers: +46-(0)19-183000, +46-(0)19-183023 and old fax: +46-(0)19-183034 LU : June 4th, 2000 Burnout Records - see Ägg Tapes & Records Style: Garage, Surfrock Added: April 25th, 1997


Caprice Records (sub-labels: P2) Box 1225 118 82 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7914690 Fax : +46-(0)8-109992 Email: kjellsoder@srk.se Bands: Palle Danielsson, Karin Dornbusch, Eric Ericson Chamber Choir, Bengt Forsberg, Per Gudmundson, Håkan Hagegård, Anders Kilström, Jonas Knutsson, Nils Landgren, Markus Leoson, Mats Lidström, Jeanette Lindström, Ale Möller, The Real Group, Tobias Ringborg, The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, The Royal Swedish Opera Chorus, Amanda Sedgwick, Doris Soffel, The Swedish Radio Choir, The Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Göran Söllscher, Lena Willemark. Extra: The Swedish Concert Institute's record label. LU : January 10th, 1997 Cascade Records - see Energy Rekords Ceilidh Productions Skogslyckegatan 20 582 56 Linköping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)13-122179 Chaos Records - see House Of Kicks Records WWW : http://www.houseofkicks.se Bands: A Canorous Quintet, Lobotomy, Vermin Chapel Hill Records Gröna Vägen 18A 612 40 Finspång SWEDEN Fax : +46-(0)122-15851 Email: martin.ahx@mailbox.swipnet.se WWW : http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-12414/index.html Extra: Vinyl only. Has released 7" singles with Breach, Fireside, Loosegoats. Added: December 17th, 1997 Cinerama - see Edel Records Style: Soundtracks Classic Hawk Records - see Scandinavian Songs Music Group Club Tools - see Edel Records Style: Dance CNR Music (sub-labels: Sesame Records, Fuel) Nordenflychtsvägen 55 Box 30113 104 25 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7301160 Fax : +46-(0)8-7355003 Bands: Amanda, Lutricia McNeal, Tone Norum, Rami, Swingfly, Cecilia Vennersten. Extra: Started 1991 Under: Arcade Music Company LU : July 10th, 1997 Cold Meat Industry Box 1881 581 17 Linköping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)13-141169 Fax : +46-(0)13-103906 Email: webmaster@coldmeat.se WWW : http://www.coldmeat.se Extra: Have their own mailing list. Added: November 18th, 1997 Communication Recordings c/o Niklas Isaxon Stockholmsv. 9B 761 43 Norrtelje SWEDEN Fax : +46-(0)176-269977 Email: niklas.isaxon@mail.bip.net (Niklas) Email: drop_d@mail.bip.net (Fredrik) WWW : http://members.tripod.com/~comrec Bands: Genius Breed, Notaword, Templeton, Waterwagon. Extra: Started 1996. Added: February 19th, 1999 LU : March 25th, 2000 Concrete - see Edel Records Style: Hard Rock, Rock Cookie Nose Tower Records Råsundavägen 108 171 37 Solna SWEDEN Cool Music Cool Music Vretenvägen 33 171 54 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-296139 Fax : +46-(0)8-293724 Email: roy.colegate@coolmusic.se WWW : http://www.coolmusic.se Bands: Corinne, Evelyn, K.C.Linn, Run 4 Fun, Sunday, Zanna. Extra: Old address: Mjölvägen 30, 168 64 Bromma. Old phone and fax: +46-(0)8-308808, +46-(0)8-331884. LU : August 25th, 1998 Crank Records - see Virgin Records Sweden AB Bands: Singer


Dance Pool - see Sony Music (Sweden) AB Bands: Ann Consuelo, De De, Michell Harbur, One Dope Path. Style: Dance, R&B, Soul Extra: Started 1994 LU : April 5th, 1997 DanceBEAT (sub-labels: DanceBEAT Records, Keep In Touch, Liamviga, Safe, Solarplexus) Box 285 761 23 Norrtälje SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)176-13039 Fax : +46-(0)176-55262 Cellular: +46-(0)70-5234622 Email: info@dancebeat.net WWW : http://www.dancebeat.net Style: Ambient, Breakbeats, Drum & Bass, House, Psychedelic Acid, Speed Garage, Techno, Trance, Underground Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : March 14th, 1999 DanceBEAT Records - see DanceBEAT Bands: Gil Felix, Imago, Pinocchio, Aurora compilations. Style: Ambient, Breakbeats, Drum & Bass, House, Psychedelic Acid, Speed Garage, Techno, Trance, Underground Extra: Started 1995. A&R: John Francis. Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : March 14th, 1999 David vs. Goliath Bands: LoopTroop Extra: Also see Burning Heart Records Added: June 4th, 2000 Dead Frog Records Website Dead Frog Records Vedevågslingan 14 124 74 Bandhagen SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-862649 Phone: +46-(0)708-197526 Email: dfrec@yahoo.com WWW : http://www.dfrec.com Style: Pop, Rock Bands: In deed, Johnny Reptile, Lurch, Spiral Motion. Added: May 22nd, 2000 Deaf'N Dumb Records Barnängsgatan 10 Box 110 47 100 61 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7430060 Fax : +46-(0)8-6416962 Bands: Brazzaville, Monster, Tempus, Yellow Fever. Extra: See Woo Music (?) Under: SMT Label Group Added: November 12th, 1997 LU : April 5th, 2000 Deck Deli - see MNW Dance Style: Hardhouse Added: April 4th, 1997 Decca - see PolyGram Def Jam - see PolyGram Delicious Goldfish Records Bagartorpsringen 70 170 65 Solna SWEDEN Desperate Fight Records - see Ampersand Records Box 4340 102 67 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6449993 Fax : +46-(0)8-7145065 Email: dfr@nons.se WWW : http://www.birdnest.se/dfr/ Bands: Abhinanda, Eclipse, Final Exit, Plastic Pride, Purusam, Saidiwas, Separation. Extra: Old address: Box 385, 90108 Umeå. Old Phone: +46-(0)90-142126. Old Fax : +46-(0)90-129963. LU : July 11th, 1999 Deutsche - see PolyGram Diapazam Records Holmvagen 42 194 35 Upplands Väsby SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-59033353 Bands: Hymans, Rock N Roll Hero Man, The Upskirts, Welfare. Style: Punk Email: diapazam@diapazam.cjb.net WWW : http://www.diapazam.cjb.net Added: June 4th, 2000 Diesel Music AB (sub-label: Superstudio *) Blasieholmsgatan 2A 111 48 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-54501920 Fax : +46-(0)8-6112841 Email: hq@dieselmusic.se Bands: Lisa Nilsson, Mauro Scocco. LU : June 4th, 1998 Dilettante Productions Stockholm Archive Series Box 6104 102 32 Stockholm SWEDEN Email: mab@dsv.su.se WWW : http://ivo.se/dilettante Bands: Instant Life. LU : April 6th, 2000 Distortion Records - see Dolores Records Skivbolaget Diva c/o Bohman Prod. Magnus Ladulåsgatan 7 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7204093 Bands: Blom & Petrén Extra: Address before 990207: Svartensgatan 5, 116 20 Stockholm. Phone before 990207: +46-(0)8-6419231. LU : February 7th, 1999 Dogbreath Records Website Dogbreath Records Kornettgatan 21D 738 34 Norberg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)223-49788 Fax : +46-(0)70-7113677 Email: info@dogbreath.nu WWW : http://www.dogbreath.nu Bands: Scumpoplins, Seltzer, Straw. Extra: Started 1996. Own mailorder and digital recording studio (more info on the website). Added: June 4th, 2000 Dolores Records Website Dolores Records (sub-label: Distortion Records) Drottninggatan 52 411 07 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-150418 Fax : +46-(0)31-152340 WWW : http://www.dolores.se Bands: Brick, Caesars Palace, Chester Copperpot, Fly, Odd Numbers, Björn Olsson, Play Dough, Potlatch, Randy, Starmarket, Sulky. Style: Pop, Rock, Hardcore Under: MNW Records Group Extra: Scandinavian distributor: MD. UK distributor: Plastic Head. Netherlands distributor: Sonic Rendez-Vous. German distributor: Semaphore. Italian distributor: Flying. French distributor: Gearbox. LU : November 11th, 1997 Dorian Records Website Dorian Records (sub-labels: Everest Records, Silver Records) Kornhillsmellangränd 21 302 58 Halmstad SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)35-213788 Email: dorianrecords@hotmail.com WWW : http://hem1.passagen.se/dorianr/ Style: Twee-pop Extra: Owner: Roger Gunnarsson LU : June 6th, 1998 DOT - see North Of No South Wadmansgatan 10 412 53 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-157810 (Anders Bersten) Fax : +46-(0)31-157811 Email: dot@nons.se Email: bersten.dot@nons.se (Anders Bersten) Email: bersten@tripnet.se (Anders Bersten) WWW : http://www.dotrecordings.com Bands: Doktor Kosmos, Friend, Hab, Northern Lights, Quant, Sarilou, Tupilaq. Style: Dance, Techno, Drum & Bass Extra: Started 1997. Distribution: Border. Anders Bersten (management/A&R/direction). Visiting address: Drottninggatan 52, 411 07 Göteborg. Address before March 1st, 2000: Box 11333, 404 27 Göteborg. Extra: MNW Records bought the company on October 15th, 1999. Under: MNW Records Added: March 10th, 1997 LU : March 8th, 2000 Dr Records - see BMG Birger Jarlsgatan 20 114 34 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4403900 Email: menne@dr-records.se Email: peter@dr-records.se WWW : http://www.dr-records.se Bands: Anna, Dr Alban, Drömhus, St James, Swahili Nation. Style: Commercial, Dance, Soul Extra: Started 1993 Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : February 14th, 2005 Dragon Records (sub-labels: Estrad) Box 4068 102 62 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6442014 Fax : +46-(0)8-6442014 Email: drarec@dragonrecords.se WWW : http://www.dragonrecords.se Bands: Björn Alke, Jan Allan, Almstedt-Lind, Harry Arnold, Richie Beirach, Anders Bergcrantz, Art Blakey, Håkan Broström, Lars Danielsson, Miles Davis, Johnny Mbizo Dyani, Thore Ehrling, Rolf Ericson, Lars Gullin, Gush, Rune Gustafsson, Bengt Hallberg, Stan Hasselgård, Thore Jederby, Anders Jormin, Lee Konitz, Mel Lewis, Dave Liebman, Thelonious Monk, Adam Nussbaum, Position Alpha, Georg Riedel, Sonny Rollins, Bernt Rosengren, Lars Sjösten, Bobo Stenson, Ewan Svensson, Stockholm Jazz Orchestra, Ulf Wakenius, Jan Wallgren, Per Henrik Wallin, Lasse Werner, Putte Wickman. Style: Jazz (and beyond) Extra: Started 1975 and have 300 albums out. Swedish distributor: CDA. US distributor: Allegro. UK distributor: Cadillac. Japanese distributor: Disk Union. LU : January 5th, 1998 DS Records Linköping SWEDEN Bands: Engine Style: Acid, Hardcore, House Extra: Owners: David Gustafsson, Stefan Pärdal. Dunkla Quality Recording - see Sidelake Productions Bands: Bender Sticks, Edgar, Erik Eriksson, First Movement, Pierre J, Minimalisterna, Ari Ruokamo, Smoke Tunnel, Hardclubbing compilations. Style: House, Techno Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Dynasty Box 906 781 29 Borlänge Phone: +46-(0)243-88306 Fax : +46-(0)243-88307 Added: July 10th, 1997


E-Pop Att: Hans Lindell Sfr Music&Media Kungsgatan 13 632 20 Eskilstuna SWEDEN Fax : +46-(0)16-121760 Fax : +46-(0)70-6102118 (Hans Lindell) Fax : +46-(0)70-7114186 (Mats Olsson) Email: hans.lindell@rockfile.se Style: Pop Extra: Previously went under the name "Strawberry Songs" but had to change it in 1998 because of the similarities to the name of Eric Gadd's label "Strawberry Music". Contact-persons: Mats Olsson, Hans Lindell. Added: February 4th, 1998 Eagle Records And Publishing Eagle Records And Publishing Box 4267 102 66 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7152513 Fax : +46-(0)8-7159696 Email: eagle.records@stockholm.mail.telia.com Bands: Alien, Gladys Del Pilar, Dana Dragomir, Rune Gustafsson,
Åsa Jinder, Moni. LU : February 21st, 1998 Edel Records (sub-labels: 12 Inc, Berlin Classics, Cinerama, Club Tools, Concrete, Face Down, Lyrical Robot Records, New Power Generation, PlayDoe, Rap, Regular, Rooftop, SpeedLimit, The Label, Ultimatum, Ultra Pop, Whatever) Gamla Brogatan 29 111 20 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4028700 Fax : +46-(0)8-4028701 WWW : http://www.edel.com Bands: Deetah, DJ Bobo, Fun Factory, Scooter, Solid Harmonie. MD : Mats Hylin A&R International: Michel Petré, John Wallin A&R Local: Christian Wåhlberg Extra: Also offices in Copenhagen (DK), Oslo (N), Helsinki (SF), Madrid (ES) Paris (FR), Milano (IT), London (UK), Nashville and New York (US) and head offices in Hamburg (DE). Distribution, promotion, marketing of Roadrunner products. Also has the label Strawberry Music under their wings. Bought Finnish record company K-tel International in October 1999. Under: Edel Company Music AG LU : October 10th, 1999 Elderberry Records Website Elderberry Records (Label & Mailorder) Elderberry H-Quarters C/o Hakeskog/Karlsson Hermansvägen 94 kv 554 53 Jönköping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)36-308856 (Steve) Phone: +46-(0)36-131265 (Janne) Email: steve.elderberry@mbox300.swipnet.se WWW : http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-17498/ Bands: Counterblast, Dom Där, G-Anx, Greenscab. Style: Punk/Hardcore LU : March 24th, 1997 EMI Svenska AB (sub-label: Lionheart Records) Box 24058 104 50 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7833900 Fax : +46-(0)8-7833997 Email: dominic.sparkes@emimusic.com ? WWW : http://www.emi.se/ Bands: Emotion, Per Gessle, Grass-Show, Staffan Hellstrand, Saunet, Violet, Wilmer X. Style: General Extra: Started 1903. Old adress: Tritonvägen 17, Box 1289, 171 25 Solna. LU : May 22nd, 2000 Empire Records Empire Records Rotebergsvägen 9 191 78 Sollentuna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7548130 Fax : +46-(0)8-7548120 Bands: Fredriksen/Phillips, Glenn Hughes, Lance, Cliff Magness,
Masquerade, Talisman Energy Rekords AB (Svenska) (sub-labels: Beat That!, Cascade, Frequent Frenzy) Box 147 343 22 Älmhult SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)476-10024 Fax : +46-(0)476-10025 Email: info@energy-rekords.se WWW : http://www.energy-rekords.se Bands: Devoid, Elegant Machinery, Pouppée Fabrikk. Style: Synth, Pop Extra: Mailorder: http://www.hotstuff.se LU : October 10th, 1997 Epic - see Sony Music (Sweden) AB Bands: Shikisha. Style: General Added: April 5th, 1997 Estrad - see Dragon Records Eternity Records Ånggtan 26B 702 24 Örebro SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)19-312256 Fax : +46-(0)19-312256 Email: eternity@algonet.se WWW : http://www.algonet.se/~eternity Style: Independent Pop and Electronic stuff Bands: Avant Garde, Float, Saft. Extra: Distribution: SDS +46-(0)511-16150 Added: July 7th, 1997 EVA Records Box 6531 113 83 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6741050 Fax : +46-(0)8-6741075 Email: anders.wiklund@evarecords.se (Anders Wiklund) Bands: Absolute Dance compilations, Absolute Dance Classics compilations. Style: Compilations Extra: Started 1986. Visiting address: Luntmakargatan 68 A nb. Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : August 24th, 1999 Everest Records - (see Dorian Records) Phone: +46-(0)31-428697 Email: nilsson@tripnet.se Style: Pop/Rock Bands: Croc. Extra: A sub-label to Dorian Records. Run by Anders Nilsson in Göteborg. Added: July 11th, 1997 Exergy Luntmakargatan 74 113 51 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6730473 Email: eklund@exergy-music.se WWW : http://www.exergy-music.se Bands: Blå Kongo, Reminder. Extra: Distribution: MNW Added: September 27th, 1999


Face Down - see Edel Records Style: Pop, Rock Fairground - see Scandinavian Songs Music Group Fine Tone Recordings Sigurd Rings Gata 5 126 51 Hägersten SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6451837 Fax : +46-(0)31-122522 Email: finetone@finetone.se WWW : http://www.finetone.se Bands: Mazarine Street, Silverbullit. LU : December 4th, 1997 Finn Records Jari Juho Vita Liljansv. 92, 2tr 127 34 Skärholmen SWEDEN Fax : +46-(0)8-4647062 Email: jarijuho@mail.bip.net WWW : http://www4.torget.se/users/j/jarijuho/ Style: Punk Added: September 11th, 1999 Fluid - see Stockholm Records Hagagatan 10 113 48 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-334329 Fax : +46-(0)8-334329 Bands: Antiloop, Bass Of Energy, Cari Lekebush, Peanut Planet, Stereoscope, Nordic Rave compilations Style: Drum & Bass, Techno, Underground House LU : April 5th, 1997 Four Leaf Clover Website Four Leaf Clover Records Box 1231 172 24 Sundbyberg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6288205 Fax : +46-(0)8-6288206 Email: flc@flc.se WWW : http://www.flc.se Bands: Beijbom-Kroner Big Band, Arne Domnerus, Dorothy Donegan, Georgie Fame, Hayati Kafe, Jazzi'n Jacks, Egil Johansen, Jan Lundgren, Rich Matteson, Red Mitchell, Kim Parker, Åke Persson, Meta Roos, Jan Schaffer, Sweden Bass Orchestra, Allen Vizzutti, Sylvia Vrethammar, George Wadenius, Putte Wickman, Öhman Organ Grinders, Nils Henning Örsted-Pedersen. LU : December 5th, 1997 Freak Scene St Eriksgatan 64 113 20 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-314838 Fax : +46-(0)8-345948 Email: juan.capel@mailbox.swipnet.se WWW : http://www.spray.se/~matti/freak/ LU : November 11th, 1997 Free Music Records (FMR) Box 159 123 23 Farsta SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6452244 Fax : +46-(0)8-6454933 Email: info@fmr-music.se WWW : http://www.fmr-music.se Bands: Deenah, Dreemland, Jam Planet, move.I, Pearl. Style: Pop, Dance Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : April 6th, 2000 Frequent Frenzy Recordings - see Energy Rekords Frisbee Productions Kungsholmsgatan 19 B 112 27 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-339934 Fax : +46-(0)8-339934 Email: bjorn.wallmark@mbox300.swipnet.se Bands: Gone Fuel - see CNR Music or Arcade Music Company Bands: Brownose, Truce Futon Records AB Box 2166 442 02 Ytterby SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)303-93270 Fax : +46-(0)303-91744 Cellular: +46-(0)705-364201 Email: christian@futonrec.se WWW : http://www.npl.com/~carvids/futon.html Bands: Bubblegum Crisis, Falling To Pieces, Sentinel 5, Skanker, Smudgemen, SNCR. Extra: Distribution in Sweden: Skandinavisk Musikdistribution (MD) LU : April 19th, 1997 Fuzzbox Music SWEDEN


G-Force Recordings Källåsvägen 1 513 32 Fristad SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)33-269290 Garageland Records Box 343 901 07 Umeå SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)90-121065 Fax : +46-(0)90-133309 Gazell Records AB Box 10041 100 55 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6600715 Fax : +46-(0)8-6637910 Email: info@gazellmusic.se WWW : http://www.gazellmusic.se/ LU : May 5th, 1998 Glasgow Underground - see Goldhead Music AB Added: March 14th, 1999 Glue - see Virgin Records Sweden AB Bands: B 18, Minello, Erik S. Style: Commercial Underground Extra: Started 1997 Added: April 4th, 1997 LU : April 5th, 1997 Go! Discs - see PolyGram Golden Line Records - see Scandinavian Songs Music Group Goldhead Music AB / Next Stop (sub-labels: Glasgow Underground, Good Looking, Orange, Svek, Tempo, Why Not) Box 23149 104 35 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-50621200 Fax : +46-(0)8-50621292 Email: goldhead@nextstop.se Bands: Astral Projection, Faithless, Lords Of Svek, LTJ Bukem, Night Flight, Savastano, Ultra Naté. Style: Everything Dance, from commercial to underground Added: April 17th, 1997 LU : March 14th, 1999 Good Looking - see Goldhead Music AB Added: March 14th, 1999 Gospel! - see Slask Records Grammophon - see PolyGram Grand Recordings Box 6531 113 83 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6741050 Fax : +46-(0)8-6741060 WWW : http://www.grandrecordings.se Bands: Weeping Willows. Extra: Visiting address: Luntmakaregatan 68 A. Was run by Håkan Waxegård (Lollipop festival) until February 2000. Under: Virgin Records Added: July 10th, 1997 LU : February 1st, 1999 Great Vision International Website Great Vision International AB Gamlestadsvägen 2 415 02 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-191981 Fax : +46-(0)31-191998 Email: info@great-vision.se WWW : http://www.great-vision.se Bands: Malin Elino, David Eriksson, Right On Time, Eric Rydman, Sugar Bee, The Black. Added: March 14th, 1999 Good Xqs Records Good Xqs Records (GXR) Riksvägen 1 840 60 Bräcke SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)693-10936 Fax : +46-(0)693-71236 Email: evert@jamtkrogen.se Bands: Illusion, Malin. Style: General Extra: Contact person: Evert Blomqvist. Started 1998. Added: September 27th, 1999


HannaH Records AB Box 7056 250 07 Helsingborg SWEDEN Email: cirkush@mail.bip.net Added: April 1st, 1999 Hans Edler Music AB Hans Edler Music AB (sub-labels: UFO Records) Gökholmsbacken 21 124 74 Bandhagen SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6475104 Fax : +46-(0)8-993939 LU : April 5th, 1997 Happy Records - see Remixed Records Bands: Yoda. Style: Dance Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997 Harry Lime Records Website Harry Lime Records Box 173 631 03 Eskilstuna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)16-123283 Phone: +46-(0)70-5240910 Fax : +46-(0)16-123283 Email: anders-f@dsv.su.se (Anders) Email: magnus-b@dsv.su.se (Magnus) WWW : http://www.dsv.su.se/~anders-f/hlimerec.html WWW : http://www.dsv.su.se/~anders-f/hlimerecEng.html (English) Bands: aBLe, Leslies LU : July 10th, 1997 Hawk Records - see Scandinavian Songs Music Group HDP Records c/o Olsson Parmmätaregatan 2A 417 04 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)739-471299 Email: rickshaw2000@hotmail.com WWW : http://come.to/hdp WWW : http://come.to/rickshaw Bands: Rickshaw. Style: Punk Rock'n'Roll Added: August 27th, 1999 Heart Beat - see Independent Records Heartwork Music (sub-labels: Blue Planet Music) Bergslagsgatan 10 682 31 Filipstad SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)590-71973 Email: rolf.carlsson@vfb.se Bands: Rolf Carlsson, Marcos Ciscar, Confused, Benny Granberg, Lennart Gybrant. Style: Rock, Pop, Visa, Folk Extra: Started 1996. Also publishing. Added: April 11th, 2000 Helikopter Records (sub-label: Vox Records) Djurgårdsgatan 13 414 62 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone : +46-(0)31-125044 Fax : +46-(0)31-121584 Email : helikopter@musikenshus.se WWW : http://home4.swipnet.se/~w-49289/helikopter/ Bands : Bussiga Klubben, The Containers, Dilemma, Elmer, Lucky Stiff, ORO, Punk Funk Union, Wish. Extra : Helikopter Studio: +46-(0)31-126255 LU : January 24th, 1998 Help Records Morgonvägen 4 655 90 Karlstad SWEDEN Heptagon Records AB Box 20072 200 74 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)410-20029 Fax : +46-(0)40-161325 WWW : http://www.heptagon.se LU : July 7th, 1997 Herz Records Pallasg 3 417 01 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)70-66 88 030 Email: Herz1@hotmail.com Bands: Mics of Fury, The Silhouettes. Style: Rock, Pop, Hip-hop Added: April 6th, 2000 Hollow Promotion / Recordings 3:e Långgatan 26 413 28 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-240667 Phone: +46-(0)705-521865 (cellular) Email: bede@hollow.nu (Stefan Bede) WWW : http://hollow.nu Bands: Sparkling Douglas. Added: November 6th, 1999 Home Records AB Revsund 3135 840 50 Gällö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)693-32030 Fax : +46-(0)693-32019 Email: par@homerecords.se Email: gustav@homerecords.se WWW : http://www.homerecords.se Bands: The Froms, Hoven Droven, Offerdals Spelmanslag, Trollhojt, Jakob Wendel, Winter Wonderland, Wolverine Jazz Band. Added: September 27th, 1999 LU : May 22nd, 2000 Hot Stuff Box 57 343 21 Älmhult SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)476-10449 Fax : +46-(0)476-10006 Email: mailorder@hotstuff.se WWW : http://www.hotstuff.se Bands: The Babysitters With Machine Guns, Sector Sex Style: Rock, Punk LU : January 7th, 1997 House Of Kicks Records (sub-labels: Chaos, No Fashion, Noxious) Box 2104 103 14 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7918989 Fax : +46-(0)8-200726 Email: hok@algonet.se WWW : http://www.houseofkicks.se Extra: MNW Records bought the company in October 1999. Under: MNW Records LU : November 6th, 1999


Incredible Shrinking Records Box 129 411 00 Göteborg SWEDEN Independent Records (sub-labels: Barnens Musik, Heart Beat, Kavalkad, Lemon, Miracle, Pool Sounds, Selected Music) Box 1150 501 11 Borås SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)33-442500 Fax : +46-(0)33-137885 Email: info@independent-mg.se WWW : http://www.independent-mg.se Bands: Adophson & Falk, Karin Glenmark, Robert Wells. Under: Independent Entertainment AB Was : Carlton Records (pre-1997) LU : September 4th, 1999 Island - see PolyGram


Jam Lab Recoring & Mix Studios AB Kvarnbergsgatan 2 Box 2138 403 13 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-107850 Fax : +46-(0)31-107855 Email: lars@jamlab.se (Lars McLachlan) Email: olav@jamlab.se (Olav Fossheim) Email: joakim@jamlab.se (Joakim Styrén) WWW : http://w1.311.telia.com/~u31110663/index.html (under construction) Style: Modern Dance Bands: Captain Morgan, Coalition, Drängarna, Pure, Ro-Cee, Eva Sarojini, Split Personality. Extra: Started 1990. Has been a sub-label to Virgin since 1992. Under: Virgin Records Sweden AB Added: April 4th, 1997 LU : April 6th, 2000 Jazz Beat - see A West Side Fabrication Bands: SUSS von AHN Jimmy Fun Music Box 1931 171 19 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-288232 Fax : +46-(0)8-288237 Email: info@jimmyfun.se WWW : http://www.jimmyfun.se Bands: The April Tears, Brainpool, Evan, The Sounds, The Valets. LU : September 18th, 1999 Joint Records Norra Storgatan 52 575 32 Eksjö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)70-5922127 (Christoffer) Phone: +46-(0)70-5222724 (Simon) Fax : +46-(0)381-12800 Email: post@joint.nu WWW : http://www.joint.nu Bands: Sugarplum Added: July 23rd, 1998 Joker Records Bersågränd 62 121 31 Enskededalen SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6593360 Fax : +46-(0)8-6593360 Email: bigboy1@mail.algonet.se WWW : http://www.algonet.se/~bigboy1 JSR Records Gjutargatan 8 112 48 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6508020 Fax : +46-(0)8-6508039 LU : July 10th, 1997 Just 4 Fun Box 2032 612 02 Finspång SWEDEN Email: just.4fun@mailbox.swipnet.se WWW : http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-15166 Bands: Plague, Rövsvett, Stark Raving Mad, White Flag LU : October 19th, 1999


Kamel - see Birdnest Records WWW : http://www.birdnest.se/kamel.htm Bands: Annars?, Charles Hårfager, Finkel Rokkers, Harlequin, Kokt Grus, Mögel, Räserbajs, Skumdum, Tondöv Terror, Utopia. LU : January 14th, 1998 Kavalkad - see Independent Records Keep In Touch - see DanceBEAT Bands: Lotta G. Style: Breakbeats, Drum & Bass, Speed Garage Added: March 14th, 1999 Kommunikation Skivor Kommunikation Skivor Box 4124 181 04 Lidingö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7676840 Fax : +46-(0)8-7673372 Email: lars-olof.helen@helan.se LU : July 10th, 1997 Komplott Falsterbogatan 10 214 37 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +45-(0)40-121919 Email: komplott@artech.se WWW : http://www.artech.se/~komplott/ (have JavaScript on) Bands: Figurera. Style: Avant Rock, Electronica, Experimental, IDM, Techno Added: August 24th, 1999


L.M.P (see MI-MO Sound Records) Email: lucidor@hotmail.com WWW : http://members.tripod.com/~netlmp Style: Pop, Rock Extra: Started 1992 Under: MI-MO Sound Records Added: March 14th, 1999 LU : September 27th, 1999 L-Style Box 42 581 02 Linköping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)13-145710 Fax : +46-(0)13-145710 Email: lstyle@ebox.tninet.se Bands: The Pusjkins, Ship of Fools, Trés Nooners. Extra: Distribution: MD. Owners: Per Byström, Per Valsinger. Also publishes the "Superkillen" comics and various publications. LU : February 2nd, 1998 Last Buzz Husargatan 15 411 22 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-7119290 Left < > Right Recordings Box 535 183 25 Täby SWEDEN Email: l-r@headq.mnw.se Bands: Peter Benisch, Boolaboss, Juan Doggo, Luic. Style: Electronic Under: MNW Records Group Added: April 25th, 1998 Lemon - see Independent Records Bands: The Family Tree. Style: Funk, Rap, Soul Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Liamviga - see DanceBEAT Bands: Mnenosyne, Similarmind. Style: Ambient, Psychedelic Acid, Trance Added: March 14th, 1999 Lilla Livet Records Säljebacka 51 686 95 Västra Ämtervik SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)565-51004 Email: lillalivet@post.utfors.se Bands: Martin Bärjed & Nels, Patric Liljestrand, Gunnar Svensson. Extra: Old address: Backa 20, 680 52 Ambjörby, old phone: +46-(0)564-42141. (before August 1999) Added: December 15th, 1997 LU : August 24th, 1999 Lionheart Records - see EMI Svenska AB Liphone Records Liphone Records Box 51 451 15 Uddevalla SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)522-662081 Fax : +46-(0)522-662222 Bands: Jon Nagorny, Michael Ruff. Lollipop Records - see Scandinavian Songs Music Group London - see PolyGram Loop Records (sub-labels: Plumphouse Records) Grevgatan 13 114 53 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6633505 Fax : +46-(0)8-6633580 Bands: 2 Bonk, Alexi Delano, Gulp, Harmon Eyes, Agent Orange, Joel Mull, Manuel Perez, Dick Track, Yakari, The Muscle Pack compilations. Style: Underground Techno House Extra: Started 1993 Added: April 5th, 1997 Low Impact Records Low Impact Records Box 475 701 49 Örebro SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6434453 Email: lowimpact@hotmail.com WWW : http://drink.to/lowimpact Bands: The Maggots, The Sewergrooves, The Strollers. Style: Rock Extra: Started 1997 Added: May 10th, 1998 LU : March 25th, 2000 Lund Records Website Lund Records Stora Södergatan 64 222 23 Lund SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)46-2110023 Fax : +46-(0)46-2110175 WWW : http://www.sds.se/~petter/LundRecords.html Bands: The Creeps, Favorita, Mutts, Poetized. Under: Stockholm (Label Group) Records LU : March 11th, 1997 Lyrical Robot Records - see Edel Records Bands: Cyberspace, Docklands, Sun Trip - which are all compilations. Style: Techno, Trance Extra: Started 1997 Added: April 5th, 1997


M.D.D. - see Universal Music Maräng/Meringue Records Box 10 739 21 Skinnskatteberg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)222-41304 Email: meringue@hem2.passagen.se WWW : http://hem2.passagen.se/meringue/ Style: Punk Bands: Mörder, Sex Sex Sex. Added: November 18th, 1997 Massproduktion Box 377 851 06 Sundsvall SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)60-122202 Fax : +46-(0)60-619031 Email: info@massproduktion.y.se WWW : http://www.cabal.se/massproduktion/index.html Bands: The Confusions (publishing only from 1998 - see Stockholm Records), Garmarna, Krunch, Left Hand Solution, Mine, My Orchard, Unholy, Vadå. Extra: Together with MNW, Massproduktion signed a deal in Asia for Mine in January 1998, where Asian Rock Records will release their debut album in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Stockholm Records have the licence for the rest of the world. LU : September 27th, 1999 MCA - see Universal Music Mega Records Mega Records (sub-labels: Prodik, Red Line Records) Skepparegatan 8 1tr 114 52 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6633660 Fax : +46-(0)8-6633696 Bands: Ace of Base, BUS 75, Di Leva, Honeycave, Leila K, Stonefunkers. Style: General A&R : Peter Ejheden Extra: Mega's Swedish and Norwegian offices closed down 1997. The only thing left now is the promotion and marketing departments. LU : December 10th, 1997 Megarock Records Box 19131 104 32 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-151520 Fax : +46-(0)8-151530 Added: June 8th, 1997 Mellotron Records Kyrkgatan 9B 281 32 Hässleholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)451-43912 Email: tron@ebox.tninet.se Style: Synth, Techno Extra: Started 1996. Run by Andréas Tilliander. Releases so far: two compilations. Added: April 21st, 1998 Melon Records - see Birdnest Records WWW : http://www.birdnest.se/melon.htm Style: Hardcore Bands: Burst. Extra: Started 1996 Added: January 14th, 1998 Memento Materia Box 439 551 16 Jönköping SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)36-718730 Fax : +46-(0)36-718730 Email: memento.materia@swipnet.se WWW : http://www.cabal.se/memento/ Bands: Hayce, Logic/Naive, Malaise, Mesh, Nasa, Native Cry, Sadovaja, Tragic Comedy. LU : April 11th, 2000 Mercury - see PolyGram MI-MO Sound Records MI-MO Sound Records Gamlahuddingevägen 458 125 42 Älvsjö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-995090 Phone: +46-(0)707-838474 (cellular) Email: mimosound@mimosound.se WWW : http://www.mimosound.se Bands: Johnny Reptile, The Locos, The Nervous, Popfabriken, Sand, Patrik Skantze, Touch of blues, Wild cat sleezy. Style: General Extra: Distribution: Border, SMT. Started 1996. Added: September 27th, 1999 LU : May 22nd, 2000 MIA Music (sub-labels: Parad) Box 10044 100 55 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6674044 Fax : +46-(0)8-6674066 Miracle - see Independent Records Bands: Rica, Respect. Style: Dance Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Misty Music AB Misty Music AB Box 10149 100 55 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6607755 Fax : +46-(0)8-6610115 Email: moren@misty.se Bands: Destiny, Libido, Hoarse, Simpkins, Speedo, Stonecake MNW Göteborg Wadmansgatan 10 412 53 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-7080803 (Janne) Phone: +46-(0)31-7080805 (Fredrik) Fax : +46-(0)31-7080802 Under: MNW Records Group Added: June 4th, 2000 MNW Malmö Box 17543 200 10 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-6646900 Fax : +46-(0)40-976008 Extra: Visiting adress: Davidhallsgatan 14. Under: MNW Records Group Added: June 4th, 2000 MNW Music Industrivägen 1 171 48 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6303650 Fax : +46-(0)8-6303604 Email: mnwmusic@mnw.se Under: MNW Records Group Added: June 4th, 2000 MNW Website MNW Records Group Industrivägen 1 171 48 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6303600 Fax : +46-(0)8-6303601 Email: mnw@mnw.se WWW : http://www.mnw.se Extra: DOT, House Of Kicks, Left < > Right, MNW Dance, MNW Zone, MVG, North Of No South, Resource, Silence, Soap, Vibrafon, Xource. Extra: MNW Records bought DOT, NONS and Vibrafon on October 15th, 1999 and House of Kicks also in October 1999. LU : June 4th, 2000 MNW Östersund Box 387 831 25 Östersund SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)63-516285 Fax : +46-(0)63-101745 Extra: Visiting adress: Fagerbacken 80. Under: MNW Records Group Added: June 4th, 2000 Monolithic Luntmakargatan 68 A, 2nd floor 113 51 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4429200 Fax : +46-(0)8-4429204 Email: matilda@primal.se (Matilda von Bahr, Promo & Marketing) WWW : http://www.primal.se Bands: none - they release the Monolithic Minds compilations. Style: Drum'n'Bass compilations (Swedish artists). Extra: Label created by PSD (Primal SubDivision) and RUC (Recordings Under Construction). See also Primal Music. Added: March 1st, 1998 Montage Records Bockhornsgatan 8 B 413 17 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-426167 Moonshine Records - see MNW Records Group Motown - see PolyGram MTM Music Phone: +46-(0)8-338270 Fax : +46-(0)8-328602 Extra: German owned. Added: June 8th, 1997 Multimood Records Website Multimood Records Box 53095 400 14 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-814737 Fax : +46-(0)31-814737 Email: multimood@algonet.se WWW : http://www.algonet.se/~harakiri/ Style: Ambient, Experimental, Electronic, hybrids... MD : Hans Fahlberg Added: March 22nd, 1997 LU : March 24th, 1997 Musicano Records Website Musicano Records AB Box 1454 621 25 Visby SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)498-214110 Fax : +46-(0)498-214110 Email: musicano@swipnet.se WWW : http://www.gotland.com/musicano Extra: Also with their own studio - "Studio Musicano" in Visby. Added: January 27th, 1999 MVG Records Website MVG Records Industrivägen 1 171 48 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4703710 Fax : +46-(0)8-274714 Email: mvg@mnw.se WWW : http://www.mnw.se Bands: Backyard Babies, Clawfinger, Drain, The Fleshquartet, Grand Tone Music, Honey Is Cool, Mary Beats Jane, Mental Hippie Blood, Misery Loves Co., Peace Love And Pitbulls, Salt, Starlet, Teddybears Sthlm. Under: MNW Records Group A&R : Per Kviman LU : April 25th, 1998


New Power Generation - see Edel Records Style: Pop No Fashion Records - see House Of Kicks Records WWW : http://www.houseofkicks.se Bands: Ablaze My Sorrow, Allegiance, Dark Funeral, Decameron, Dissection,
Fester, Katatonia, Lord Belial, Marduk, Merciless, Mörk Gryning,
Throne Of Ahaz, Unanimated, Vinterland Nonstop Records Magnus Ladulåsgatan 59 118 27 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7204241 Added: April 21st, 1997 North Of No South (sub-label: DOT) Häradshövdingegatan 13 B Box 119 901 03 Umeå SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)90-775576 (Helena Svärd, Per Helin) Phone: +46-(0)90-130899 (Jesper Lundqvist, Robert Norsten) Fax : +46-(0)90-129963 Email: nons@nons.se Email: per@nons.se (Per) Email: jesper@nons.se (Jesper) Email: rotnon95@student.umu.se (Robert) WWW : http://www.nons.se WWW : Music & Videos with all NONS bands Bands: Carpet People, Cloudberry Jam, Colonel Blimp, Contrappunto, Daybehaviour, Doktor Kosmos, Fivel, Honeymoons, Komeda, Kpist, Pinko Pinko, Ray Wonder, Trio Lligo, Ward J Little. Style: Pop Extra: MNW Records bought the company on October 15th, 1999. Under: MNW Records LU : October 24th, 1999 North Of No South USA P.O. Box 14128 Minneapolis, MN 55414 USA Phone: +1-612-645-8380 Fax : +1-612-917-2592 Email: nons.usa@nons.se Extra: Included here as it is a division of the Swedish label. Run by John Helgeland and Danny Sigelman. More info at: Minnesota Daily A&E section Added: November 25th, 1997 Northbound Recordings c/o M.A.O. Media Stora Nygatan 28 111 27 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4111630 Fax : +46-(0)8-4113381 Email: johnny.rag@swipnet.se Bands: Daniel Achilles, Johan Antoni, Eric Erickson, Martin Venetjoki. Style: House Extra: DJ booking Under: Rimbaud AB Added: August 5th, 1998 Noxious Records - see House Of Kicks Records WWW : http://www.houseofkicks.se Bands: Bay Laurel, Catherines Cathedral Nylon Music Nygränd 10 111 30 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-246008 Fax : +46-(0)8-246008 Bands: Da President. LU : July 10th, 1997


October Box 114 343 22 Älmhult SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)476-15330 Phone: +46-(0)476-10449 Fax : +46-(0)476-15330 Email: october@octoprod.se WWW : http://www.octoprod.se Bands: Children Within, De/Vision, Forbidden Colours. Added: June 25th, 1997 LU : February 15th, 1999 Opus 3 Harpungränd 54 175 47 Järfälla SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-58018686 Fax : +46-(0)8-58017420 Email: info@opus3records.com WWW : http://www.opus3records.com Bands: Lars Erstrand, Kjell Fagéus, Omnibus Wind Ensemble, The Stockholm Guitar Quartet, The Swedish Jazz Kings. LU : October 12th, 1997 Orange Records - see Scandinavian Records Orphan Label Group Sveavägen 17 111 57 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4110630 Fax : +46-(0)8-108680 Added: July 10th, 1997


P2 - see Caprice Records Pama Records Box 107 370 45 Fågelmara SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)455-368100 (Office) Phone: +46-(0)455-366080 (Studio) Fax : +46-(0)455-368101 Email: maxe@algonet.se WWW : http://www.pamarecords.com Added: August 24th, 1999 Parad - see MIA Music Pavilion - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Removed: March 14th, 1999 Payola Records Box 5319 200 72 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-265777 Fax : +46-(0)40-265777 Email: martin@payola.se Added: July 10th, 1997 Philips - see PolyGram Phono Suecia Box 27327 102 54 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7838800 Fax : +46-(0)8-6626275 Bands: Eric Ericson and his Chamber Choir, The Radio Choir,
Hägersten's Motet Choir Pimiento Rec. Inc. Väderkvarnsg. 8 B 753 29 Uppsala SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)18-128717 Planet Of Noise Box 4343 102 67 Stockholm SWEDEN Info : Releases 7"- PON001 Naked Soul, PON002 White Flag, PON003 The Zeros. All limited in 1000 copies. The company is driven by Chips K. from Swedish band Sator. No bands are signed to the company, singles are released with bands that he believes in and that's the point with the hole thing. The singles are distributed by Freak Scene Records Planet Music AB Box 8019 163 08 Spånga SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6279797 Fax : +46-(0)8-6279796 LU : June 4th, 1998 PlayDoe PlayDoe - see Edel Records Bands: C&N Project Compilation: Playdoe House Style: House Extra: Started 1996 LU : April 5th, 1997 Playground Music Scandinavia Box 3171 200 22 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-288180 Fax : +46-(0)40-288190 Email: info@playgroundmusic.com WWW : http://www.playgroundmusic.com Extra: Offices in Stockholm, Copenhagen (DK), Oslo (N) and Tampere (SF). Stockholm: Gamla Brogatan 27, 5tr, 111 20 Stockholm, Phone: +46-(0)8-7892940, Fax: +46-(0)8-7892947 (A&R/Label), Fax: +46-(0)8-7892948 (Sales). A&R: Lasse Tengroth - Phone: +46-(0)8-7892943. Added: September 18th, 1999 Plumphouse Records - see Loop Records Bands: Bender Boys, Micro Man, Mr Barth, Plumphouse Compilation Magic Wonderland. Style: House, Underground Techno Extra: Started 1995 Added: April 5th, 1997 Polar Music Intl. AB Box 55505 102 04 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6295370 Fax : +46-(0)8-6295383 WWW : n/a Bands: Pineforest Crunch Under: Stockholm (Label Group) Records Added: November 19th, 1997 LU : June 4th, 2000 Polydor - see PolyGram PolyGram Sweden Box 20510 116 02 Bromma SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6295300 Fax : +46-(0)8-7645688 Email: info@polygram.se WWW : http://www.polygram.com Extra: A&M, Decca, Def Jam, Deutsche, Go! Discs, Grammophon, Island, London, Mercury, Motown, Philips, Polydor, Verve Under: Universal Music LU : February 15th, 1999 Pool Sounds - see Independent Records Bands: Kate, The Trampolines. Style: Pop Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Poprocks Records Box 8030 424 11 Olofstorp SWEDEN Email: poprocks@swipnet.se Bands: Iguana Party. Added: March 22nd, 2000 Primal Music (sub-labels: PSD (Primal SubDivision)) Luntmakargatan 68 A, 2nd floor 113 51 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4429200 Fax : +46-(0)8-4429204 Email: ludvig@primal.se (Ludvig von Bahr, MD) Email: carl@primal.se (Carl-Michael Herlöfsson, A&R) Email: ricky@primal.se (Ricky Tillblad, AD) Email: matilda@primal.se (Matilda von Bahr, Promo & Marketing) WWW : http://www.primal.se Bands: Amen, Baxter, Fläskkvartetten, Peggen, Primal Sound System. Style: Alternative, Drum'n'Bass, Dub, Lo-fi, Trip. Extra: Started 1997. Distribution: Scandinavia - Goldhead/Next Stop, Iceland - Japis, Germany - Artelier, USA - Flydaddy, DNA (Louisville, Woodland), Revolver (San Francisco), Carrot Top (Chicago), Surfire (Boston), Canada - Fusion III, Japan - King International. See also: Monolithic. Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : September 7th, 1999 Prodik - see Mega Records Bands: Fidget Prompt Records Box 49147 100 29 Stockholm Phone: +46-(0)8-6535950 Fax : +46-(0)8-6535950 Extra: Visiting address: Bergsgatan 33. Added: February 1st, 1999 Prophone Records AB Björngårdsgatan 9 A 118 52 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7149925 Fax : +46-(0)8-7149930 Bands: Lina Nyberg PSD (Primal SubDivision) - see Primal Music Style: Alternative Dance Music, Drum'n'Bass, Jungle Bands: Eclectic Bob, Perphane, Yoga. Extra: Started 1997. Only release 12" vinyl records. See also Monolithic. Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : March 1st, 1998 Pulsewave Records Box 4088 141 04 Huddinge SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6899226 Fax : +46-(0)8-6899226 Email: pulswrec@algonet.se WWW : http://www.algonet.se/~pulswrec Style: Various Techno Bands: Amnesia, Clockforest, File Operation Error, Flu. Extra: Started January 1996. Releases on both CD and vinyl. Added: February 19th, 1999 Pumpkin Records S:t Eriksgatan 93 4tr 113 32 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-305680 Phone: +46-(0)70-8688873 Fax : +46-(0)8-6279796 Email: Pump-rec@algonet.se Bands: Mint. Extra: Contact person: Fredrik Olsson. Added: October 10th, 1997 LU : June 4th, 1998 Pure - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Bands: Paula Hedvig Added: October 28th, 1996 Removed: March 14th, 1999


Rabid Records Email: info@rabidrecords.com WWW : http://www.rabidrecords.com Bands: Honey Is Cool, The Knife, Monster och Maskiner, Rockmonster. Extra: Started: 1999. Distribution: Border Music. Added: December 9th, 1999 LU : June 11th, 2000 Rainbow Music Höstvägen 7 171 40 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-270280 Fax : +46-(0)8-272959 Rair Records - see Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB Bands: My & Liv Bornelid, Dreamworld. Style: General, Crossover Extra: Started 1996 LU : April 5th, 1997 Ransom Records / Blackmail Music KB c/o Lundsbye Ekehöjdsg 8 426 68 Västra Frölunda SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-292941 Fax : +46-(0)31-694998 Email: blackmail@mailbox.swipnet.se WWW : http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-20275/blackmail.html Bands: Blackmail (they do not sign any other bands) Style: Metal LU : March 31st, 1996 Rap - see Edel Records Style: Rap Reactive Music Box 38130 100 64 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6696000 Fax : +46-(0)8-6696029 Email: info@reactivemusic.se WWW : http://www.reactivemusic.se Extra: Visiting address: Götgatan 91, 1tr Added: September 18th, 1999 Really Fast Rec. Box 6170 102 33 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-315967 Reco-Nice - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Bands: Da Known Felons, Drop Zone. Style: Funk, R&B, Rap, Soul Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997 Removed: March 14th, 1999 Records From The Cookie Nose Tower SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-279754 Red Line Records - see Mega Records Bands: The Latin Kings, Två Blåbär. Style: Hip Hop Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997 Regular - see Edel Records Style: Dance Reko Rekords Hovslagareg 14 A 256 55 Helsingborg SWEDEN Email: info@rekorekords.com WWW : http://www.rekorekords.com/ Bands: Advokatos, Getting P, Niklas Kapri, Keps, Ket Chup Boys, Knäckebröderna. Added: August 24th, 1999 Remixed Records Website Remixed Records (sub-labels: 2 Records, Happy Records) Tallkrogsvägen 8 122 63 Enskede SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6490010 Fax : +46-(0)8-6490015 Email: info@remixed.se WWW : http://www.remixed.se Bands: Boogie Bam, Charlie King, Cream Clinic, Lisah, Mach 7, Ondina, Rotate, Solid Base, Sonic Dream, Tin-Tin. Style: Dance, Pop Extra: Started 1992 LU : January 14th, 1998 Resource Records Box 535 183 25 Täby SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6303600 Fax : +46-(0)8-6303601 Email: xource@headq.mnw.se WWW : http://www.mnw.se Bands: Tomas Almqvist, Bo Hansson, Lars Hollmer, Orientexpressen Under: MNW Records Group LU : April 25th, 1998 RFM Records Kolvgatan 1 653 40 Karlstad SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)54-211515 (Christian van Oostrum) Fax : +46-(0)54-211505 Email: RFM@xpress.se WWW : http://www.xpress.se/AppleBrownBetty Bands: Apple Brown Betty, Citizen Kane, Hans-Espen Ghile. Added: July 15th, 1997 Ricochet - see BMG Bands: Jennifer Brown, Hearsay, Robyn. Style: R&B, Soul Added: April 4th, 1997 Rim&reson AB Box 1003 221 01 Lund SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)46-139879 Fax : +46-(0)46-139879 Email: reson@algonet.se Bands: Stry, Torsson Rimbaud AB (sub-label: Northbound Recordings) c/o M.A.O. Media Stora Nygatan 28 111 27 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4111630 Fax : +46-(0)8-4113381 Style: Rock Added: August 5th, 1998 Rise'n Shine AB Cisterngatan 28 B 671 31 Arvika SWEDEN Email: rise@swipnet.se WWW : http://home.swipnet.se/rise/ Bands: Môra-Per. Style: Pop, Rock Extra: Started 1989. Main operation: Sound production/equipment, Studio. Added: March 14th, 1999 Roadrunner Arcade Music (sub-labels: Sesame Records, Fuel) Box 30113 Nordenflychtsvägen 55 104 25 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4413800 Fax : +46-(0)8-137030 WWW : http://www.arcade.com Bands: Domenicer, Drömhus, Markoolio, Lutricia McNeal, Navigators, The Pusjkins, Smile, Struggle Brothers, Elena Valente Style: Compilations, Pop, Rock Extra: In the beginning of 2000, Arcade Music and Roadrunner joined forces, with Edel as partner owning 17 percent of the company. The name of the company changed with this. See also CNR Music. Added: March 27th, 1997 LU : April 5th, 2000 Rockfall Records - see Solna Records Rockford Norra Drottninggatan 9 451 23 Uddevalla SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)522-35885 Rodeo Records Grevgatan 30 114 53 Stockholm SWEDEN Added: June 12th, 2000 Roligan - see WEA/Warner Records Sweden Gothenburg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-156565 Bands: Bazooka! LU : April 8th, 1998 Rooftop Rooftop - see Edel Records Bands: 3 Ess, Bashir, Goldmine, Infinite Mass, Pench-F, Rawcotiks, Sherlock, Rumpshaker compilations, Rap Classics compilations. Style: Hip Hop, Rap Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Rosa Honung Box 9091 102 72 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6611312 Fax : +46-(0)8-995086 Email: verkstad@oden.se


S3 - see Sony Music (Sweden) AB Bands: Bendersticks, Proctor. Style: House, Underground Extra: Started 1996 LU : April 5th, 1997 Safe - see DanceBEAT Bands: Bob Manning. Style: House, Garage, Vocal-House Added: March 14th, 1999 ScanAd Music Group Drottninggatan 184 254 33 Helsingborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)42-141280 Fax : +46-(0)42-141280 Email: scanad@mbox200.swipnet.se Style: Country, Dance, Europop. Extra: Started 1987. Recording & Publishing. Added: November 30th, 1997 Scandinavian Records (sub-label: Orange Records) Industrivägen 7 171 48 Solna SWEDEN Box 1447 170 28 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4447635 Fax : +46-(0)8-4447639 Bands: Colette, Heliotropic, Huff & Puff, Jox, Lafayette, The Mighty Dub Cats, Movin' Melodies, N-Trance, Out There, Pornkings, Sashi. Extra: Has offices in Denmark and Norway. LU : July 10th, 1997 Scandinavian Songs Music Group Scandinavian Songs Music Group (sub-labels: Classic Hawk Records, Fairground, Golden Line Records, Hawk Records, Lollipop Records, Wise Recordings) Box 109 182 12 Danderyd SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7559970 Fax : +46-(0)8-7558870 Email: ssmg@scandinavian-songs.se Email: bjorn@scandinavian-songs.se (Björn Håkansson MD) Email: kaj@scandinavian-songs.se (Kaj Lundén-Welden Publishing) Email: niclas@scandinavian-songs.se (Niclas Johansson Hawk Label Manager) Email: ericson@scandinavian-songs.se (Peter R. Ericson Fairground Label Manager) Email: anna@scandinavian-songs.se (Anna Ekström Promotion) Bands: Susanne Alfvengren, Kate Anderson, Black Ingvars, D-Vision, Mikael Erlandsson, Peter & The Chiefs. LU : March 21st, 1998 Scary Cassettes c/o Jonas Nilsson Ällingavägen 5, D:316 227 34 Lund SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)46-393616 Email: eng96jni@student2.lu.se WWW : http://hem2.passagen.se/scarycas Extra: Owners: Jonas Nilsson and Jens Löwius Added: March 16th, 1997 LU : October 21st, 1997 Seadog Records c/o Ahlse Renstiernas g 47 116 31 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7140396 Phone: +46-(0)70-7397374 Email: dag.ahlse@abc.se WWW : http://www.algonet.se/~norrsell/seadog.html Selected Music - see Independent Records Sesame Records - see CNR Music or Arcade Music Company Bands: Mismates, Superswirls Sidekicks Records - see Burning Heart Records Bands: Ducksoup, Gundog, Guttersnipe, The Products, The Skalatones, Within Reach. Sidelake Productions (sub-label: Dunkla Quality Recording) Trädgårdsgatan 23 852 32 Sundsvall SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)60-172279 Fax : +46-(0)60-124225 Bands: Groove Foundation, Tin Pan Alley. Style: Dance Under: Virgin Records Sweden AB LU : July 10th, 1997 Sigourney Records Box 20525 200 74 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-981838 Email: home@sigourney.m.se WWW : http://www.sigourney.m.se Bands: Bugger, Böld, KKPA. Cat : It's No Juice, Skumdum, Sugar Mind, Trespass. Style: Punk Added: January 13th, 1998 LU : February 7th, 1999 Silence Records Silence Records AB PO Box 44 670 41 Koppom SWEDEN Visiting adress: Näved Phone: +46-(0)571-15050 Fax : +46-(0)571-15070 Email: office@silence.se WWW : http://www.silence.se Bands: Bob Hund, Hedningarna, Kenny Håkansson, Ragnarök, Samla Mammas Manna, Ulf Stureson, Träd, Gräs & Stenar, Urban Turban, Älgarnas Trädgård. Under: MNW Records Group Silver Records - see Dorian Records Style: Harder pop Sista Bussen Box 1117 141 23 Huddinge SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7749806 Slask Records Website Slask Records (sub-labels: Gospel!, Some Pearls, Voodoo Records) Box 27 430 84 Styrsö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31- Fax : +46-(0)31- Email: slask@algonet.se WWW : http://www.algonet.se/~slask LU : December 2nd, 2004 (removed phone/fax errors) Slowball Recordings Vulcanusgatan 10 3tr 113 21 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-333483 Fax : +46-(0)8-51010364 Email: slowball@swipnet.se WWW : http://www.slowballrec.com Bands: Autro, Galouch, Iota, Phlegm, Pluxus, Push Kings, Six Cents & Natalie, Wio. LU : June 1st, 1999 Soap Records Email: soap@headq.mnw.se WWW : http://www.mnw.se Bands: Cam, Cinnamon, Loudean, Melony, Monostar, Scents, This Perfect Day, Whipped Cream. Under: MNW Records Group LU : April 25th, 1998 Solarplexus - see DanceBEAT Bands: Peter Fripp, Joel Mull. Style: Hard House Techno, Minimalistic and Progressive styles Added: March 14th, 1999 Solna Records (Sub-labels: Albatross, Rockfall Records) Box 8075 171 08 Solna SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-820800 Fax : +46-(0)8-824940 Email: mail@solna-records.se WWW : http://www.solna-records.se Bands: Bai Bang, Bröderna Slut, Michael Felhendler, Hectors & Juniors, Liverpool, Mats Bergmans, Keiko McNamara, Carlos Oliva, Schytts, Mats Trondman. Extra: Started May 1st, 1996 Added: January 6th, 1998 Some Pearls Website Some Pearls - see Slask Records Bands: Doris Days, Sara Sonet (sub-label: Breakin Bread) Mariehällsv. 35 Box 20505 161 02 Bromma SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6296800 Fax : +46-(0)8-983070 WWW : n/a Bands: Atomic Swing, Boogaloo, Mole Session. Style: General Extra: Started 1956 Under: Stockholm (Label Group) Records Added: January 10th, 1998 LU : June 12th, 2000 Sonus RecordsSonus Records Website Box 597 581 07 Linköping SWEDEN Fax : +46-(0)13-176684 Email: sonus@sonusrecords.com WWW : http://www.sonusrecords.com Bands: Aquaholic, Brainwave, Cult Disciples, Human Rage, Jones, Mentor's Wish, M.S.P, W.E.T. Added: October 16th, 1997 LU : April 4th, 1998 Sony Music (Sweden) AB (sub-label: Dance Pool, Epic, S3, Starton, Wazup!)Sony Music Website Box 20037 161 02 Bromma SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4754100 Fax : +46-(0)8-297526 WWW : http://www.sonymusic.se Bands: Meja, Sophie Zelmani. LU : June 8th, 1997 Soulscape Records Box 5995 700 05 Örebro SWEDEN Email: info@soulscape.com WWW : http://www.soulscape.com/ Bands: Happy Unemployed, Royal, Selfmindead. Style: Emo and Hardcore, Punk. Added: May 14th, 1998 Soundfront Records AB Vaksalagatan 25 753 31 Uppsala SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)18-151555 Fax : +46-(0)18-152545 Bands: Face Down, Porklift, Screamin' Mother. Spaceflower Spark - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Removed: March 14th, 1999 SparklingSound recordings SWEDEN Email: info@sparklingsound.com WWW : http://www.sparklingsound.com Style: Pop, Rock Extra: Started 1997. Previously listed under: Droolrecords. Added: Apr 22, 1998 LU : Aug 31, 2003 Speech - see A West Side Fabrication Bands: Boolteens, The Drowners SpeedLimit SpeedLimit - see Edel Records Bands: George. Style: R&B Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Starboy Recordings Starboy Recordings Box 411 102 62 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6152950 (Hansi - A&R, Promotion) Phone: +46-(0)8-6152960 (Johan & Linda - Ads, Production, Economy) Fax : +46-(0)8-7145065 Email: hansi@starboy.se (Hansi) Email: skugge@starboy.se WWW : http://www.starboy.se Bands: Barusta, Freinds, Robot, Surreal, Yvonne. Extra: Run by Hansi Friberg, Linda Norrman-Skugge, Johan Skugge. Visiting address: Högbergsgatan 33, 2tr. Added: March 5th, 1997 LU : February 7th, 1999 Starton - see Sony Music (Sweden) AB Startracks Website Startracks Högbergsgatan 33 116 20 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7140995 Phone: +46-(0)708-867198 (Fredrik) Phone: +46-(0)708-867199 (Henrik) Fax : +46-(0)8-7145065 Email: fredrik@startracks.se (Fredrik) Email: henrik@startracks.se (Henrik) WWW : http://www.startracks.se/ Bands: Candysuck, Fireside, J Church (US), Loosegoats, Monster, Motorpsycho (N), Nine, Serial Cynic. Extra: Stephanie Landstedt Bojka (Promotion), Fredrik Holmgren (A&R/Management). Distributed by House Of Kicks. LU : August 15th, 1998 Startrec Södermannagatan 54 116 65 Stockholm SWEDEN WWW : n/a Bands: Fireside, Loosegoats, Refused. Stockholm Records (sub-labels: Beverage, Fluid, Trampolene, Uppers) Banérgatan 16 Box 55757 114 83 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6296800 Fax : +46-(0)8-6628160 Bands: A-Teens, Army Of Lovers, Blues, The Confusions, Robin Cook, DJ Mendez, Dublin Fair, E-Type, Gent's Club, Kahsay, LOK, Mine (licenced from Massproduktion), Pain, Speaker, Stakka Bo. WWW : n/a Style: General Extra: Started 1992. Lund Records, Polar, Sonet. Under: Universal Music Added: November 19th, 1997 LU : June 12th, 2000 StockHouse Box 74 182 71 Stocksund SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-856800 Fax : +46-(0)8-6240494 Email: staff@stockhouse.se LU : April 5th, 1997 Strange Edge - see Birdnest Records WWW : http://www.birdnest.se/strange.htm Bands: Robert Johnson & Punchdrunks, The Nomads. LU : January 14th, 1998 Strawberry Music Box 1018 101 38 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-54516070 Fax : +46-(0)8-54516079 Email: luise@strawberry.se WWW : http://www.strawberry.se Bands: Eric Gadd. Extra: Visiting address: Gamla Brogatan 29, 5tr. Strawberry Music is under the wings of Edel Records. Added: December 20th, 1997 LU : February 19th, 1999 Strawberry Songs - see E-Pop Strike - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Bands: Juice, Nylon Beat Style: Commercial Dance Pop Extra: Started 1995 Added: April 5th, 1997 Removed: March 14th, 1999 Stroke Records Box 6074 121 06 Johanneshov SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6004099 Fax : +46-(0)8-333052 Email: record@strokemusic.se WWW : http://www.strokemusic.se Bands: DAF, Lorelei de lux, Restricted Area. Added: November 19th, 1997 Subspace Communications Box 4587 203 20 Malmö SWEDEN Fax : +46-(0)413-44337 Email: info@subspace.se WWW : http://www.subspace.se Style: Synth Bands: Cat Rapes Dog, Covenant, Page, S.P.O.C.K, Statemachine. Extra: From January 1999 also offices in Miami, USA. See: http://www.ssc-usa.com. Distributor: Playground Music Scandinavia. Added: October 10th, 1997 LU : September 4th, 1999 Substance - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Bands: Poke. Style: Drum & Bass, Trip Hop Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997 Removed: March 14th, 1999 SunSpot Records Andra Långgatan 8 413 03 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-7110785 Fax : +46-(0)31-693183 Email: sunspot@algonet.se WWW : http://www.algonet.se/~sunspot/ Bands: Smash Hit Wonders, Twigs. LU : January 18th, 1998 Superstudio - see Diesel Music AB Email: superstudio@dieselmusic.se WWW : http://www.superstudio.nation.se LU : June 1st, 1998 Superstudio Blå - see Diesel Music AB Email: superstudio@dieselmusic.se WWW : http://www.superstudio.nation.se Bands: Eagle-Eye Cherry, Petrol. Style: Pop Extra: Started 1996 Added: March 8th, 1997 LU : April 5th, 1997 Superstudio Grå - see Diesel Music AB Email: superstudio@dieselmusic.se WWW : http://www.superstudio.nation.se Bands: Grobinski, Kill Squad vs. Doubleheader, KOOP. Style: Electronic Extra: Started 1996 Added: June 1st, 1998 Superstudio Gul - see Diesel Music AB Email: superstudio@dieselmusic.se WWW : http://www.superstudio.nation.se Bands: Esbjörn Svensson Trio. Style: Jazz, Pop Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : June 1st, 1998 Superstudio Orange - see Diesel Music AB Email: superstudio@dieselmusic.se WWW : http://www.superstudio.nation.se Bands: Blacknuss, André De Lange, Falcon & Sleepy, Stephen Simmonds, Titiyo. Style: Soul, R&B, Rap Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 4th, 1997 LU : June 1st, 1998 Superstudio Röd - see Diesel Music AB Email: superstudio@dieselmusic.se WWW : http://www.superstudio.nation.se Bands: Subsucker. Style: House Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997 LU : June 1st, 1998 Superstudio Vit - see Diesel Music AB Email: superstudio@dieselmusic.se WWW : http://www.superstudio.nation.se Bands: Yeti. Style: Techno Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 5th, 1997 Svek - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Bands: Jesper Dahlbäck, Alexi Delano, Stephan G, Simon Hartley, Jean-Louis Huhta, Gene Hunt, Kari Lekebusch, Lords Of Svek compilations. Style: Minimalistic House Extra: Started 1996 Added: April 4th, 1997 LU : April 5th, 1997 Swedish Prime Time Records P.O. Box 64 751 03 Uppsala SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)18-692919 Phone: +46-(0)705-122820 Fax : +46-(0)18-692919 Email: gkusptr@bahnhof.se WWW : http://www.coy.se Bands: COY, Anna Einarsson, Eruption, Cristoph Grass, Anna Lee, Per Malm, Rambod, Scrambled Eggs, Skylark, Veronica. Style: Pop, Rock, Progressive, Dance, R&B & Jazz. Extra: SPT Music - publishing company. Andreas Nylund A&R/Producer, Dag Carlsson Label Manager/Producer, Håkan Karlsson A&R Swemix Box 12812 112 97 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-810555 Fax : +46-(0)8-131346 Bands: 3rd Nation, Shauna Davis, Hannah Jones. Style: House, R&B, Soul Extra: Started 1986 Added: April 5th, 1997 Swing 'em Low Records Rösås 570 10 Korsberga SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)383-771046 Email: swingemlow@yahoo.com WWW : http://come.to/swingemlow Bands: Ageema Blues, The Bostonpops, The Instant, Johanna Larsson, M.G.. Extra: Distibution: Border. Address before October 1st, 1999: Siriusgatan 110, 3 tr., 415 22 Göteborg. Added: September 4th, 1999


Tambourine Studios (sub-label: Vibrafon Records) Sofielundsvägen 57 214 34 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-960401 Fax : +46-(0)40-87080 Email: info@vibrafon.se Email: vibrafon@algonet.se WWW : http://www.vibrafon.se Bands: Chesty Morgan, Dipper, Eggstone, Lady Lynette, The Mopeds, Three Blind Mice. Extra: MNW Records bought the company on October 15th, 1999. Under: MNW Records LU : October 24th, 1999 Telegram - see WEA/Warner Records Sweden Bands: Bad Cash Quartet, Him Kerosene, Mouth, Stina Nordenstam, Papa Dee, Popsicle, Fatima Rainey, Red Shift, Rob'N'Raz, Souls, The Soundtrack of Our Lives. Style: Modern Dance, Soul, Pop Extra: Started 1990 LU : July 12th, 1997 Tempo - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Bands: Knockabout, Rico & Bear, Tellus. Style: Commercial Dance Extra: Started 1994 LU : April 5th, 1997 Terror Box 723 801 28 Gävle SWEDEN Style: Rave music Extra: All demo tapes are welcome. Added: October 16th, 1997 The Label - see Edel Records Style: Pop, Rock Tilted Recordings Box 616 831 27 Östersund SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7356054 Phone: +46-(0)70-9493077 Email: tiltedrec@hotmail.com WWW : http://www.cabal.se/tilted Style: Pop, rock Bands: Saltmine, Soardy. Extra: Run by: Tomas Ekavall, Calle Markstedt. Distribution: Border. Added: March 6th, 1998 LU : March 25th, 2000 Torpedo Records Website Torpedo Records Box 10085 200 43 Malmö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)40-120090 Fax : +46-(0)40-120090 Email: torpedo@home.se WWW : http://go.to/torpedo Style: Pop Bands: Joe Algeri, HappyDeadMen, Jack And The Beanstalk, Lola Barbershop. Added: April 21st, 1998 LU : March 22nd, 2000 Trampolene Records - see Stockholm Records Mariehällsvägen 35 Box 20504 161 02 Bromma SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6296820 Fax : +46-(0)8-6270864 Bands: Cardigans, HappyDeadMen, Naked, Riviera, Sonic Surf City. A&R : Ola Hermanson LU : July 10th, 1997 Trapdoor Records Tomas Nilsson Kvarnåsv. 21 184 51 Österskär SWEDEN Email: gorbi@hem1.passagen.se WWW : http://hem1.passagen.se/gorbi/trapdoor Bands: Bison. Style: Punk, Hard Rock, Pop Added: January 26th, 1998 Trespass Records - see Blitz Records Tribal Records Box 59 641 21 Katrineholm SWEDEN Bands: Scratch Added: April 12th, 1997


UFO Records - see Hans Edler Music AB Bands: Freebee, Magoria. Style: General Added: April 5th, 1997 Ultimate Audio Entertainment Box 45448 104 30 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-308007 Fax : +46-(0)8-308007 Email: uae@com.itv.se WWW : http://www.itv.se/uae Bands: Mats & Morgan, Fredrik Thordendal, Jimmy Ågren, Morgan Ågren, Mats Öberg. Extra: Visiting Address: Hagagatan 46 ög. bv, Stockholm. Added: September 3rd, 1998 Ultimatum - see Edel Records Bands: Carl Cox Ultra Pop - see Edel Records Style: Pop Universal Music (sub-labels: Black Mark, M.D.D) Banérgatan 16 Box 55505 102 04 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6712500 Fax : +46-(0)8-6625000 WWW : http://www.mca-sweden.com WWW : http://www.universalmusic.se Bands: Chevy, George Cole, Newtone, Pandora (MCA Germany). Style: General Extra: Universal Music Group was formed through joint forces between Universal and PolyGram in 1999. Universal Started 1995. Was: MCA Music Entertainment. Under: Universal Music Group (Universal/PolyGram) Added: February 15th, 1999 LU : June 12th, 2000 Uppers - see Stockholm Records Box 129 401 22 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-158470 Fax : +46-(0)31-152340 Email: snake@canit.se WWW : http://www.nittygritty.se/uppers/index.htm Bands: The Gwen Stacys, The Roadrunners, The Super Eight Group. Extra: The label wants to get in touch with unsigned bands as well as signed bands but without proper distribution in Scandinavia. Check out their website for more information on this. LU : December 11th, 1997


V2 Records Lilla Nygatan 19 111 28 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-4404570 Fax : +46-(0)8-4404580 Email: info.sweden@v2music.com Bands: Ambersunshower, Black Moses, Gravediggaz. Style: General Extra: Started 1997. Distribution: MD. Added: April 4th, 1997 LU : December 15th, 1997 Velodrome Records Kämpegatan 4 411 04 Göteborg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-150164 Fax : +46-(0)31-150164 Email: mail@velodromerecords.se WWW : http://www.velodromerecords.se Bands: Chunks, Cry, Grinners, The Mop Tops, Mother Superior, Remains. LU : July 10th, 1997 Verve - see PolyGram Vibrafon Records - see Tambourine Studios Virgin Dance - see Virgin Records Sweden AB Virgin Records Sweden AB (sub-labels: Crank Records, Glue, Jam Lab Music, Virgin Dance)Virgin Records Sweden AB Website Box 6531 113 83 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6741050 Phone: +46-(0)8-980390 (orders) Fax : +46-(0)8-6741060 Fax : +46-(0)8-292352 (orders) WWW : http://www.virgin.se Bands: Clabbe, Euroboys, Kask, Merrymakers, Stefan Nilsson, Whale. Style: General Extra: Hit Vision, Sidelake Productions. See also: Grand Recordings. LU : March 29th, 1999 Voodoo Records Website Voodoo Records - see Slask Records Style: Raw Noise Added: June 9th, 1997 Vox Records see Helikopter Records Bands: Andersson & Kruse, Henrik Wallgren. Style: Root Added: January 24th, 1998


W Records Skreavägen 7 311 44 Falkenberg SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)346-16666 Email: westin@varberg.se Extra: Distribution: DHE. First release: Maxfield CD5 "The Moment". Also runs a promotion and publishing comapany (Westin Promotion & Produktion). Owner: Anders Westin. Added: November 15th, 1997 Wazup! - see Sony Music (Sweden) AB Style: Soul, Dance Added: April 4th, 1997 WEA/Warner Records Sweden (sub-labels: Anderson, Atrium, Roligan, Telegram, XM) Eriksbergsgatan 27 Box 1228 164 28 Kista SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7522600 Fax : +46-(0)8-7522616 (main office) Fax : +46-(0)8-7529650 (economy, distribution dept.) Email: info@warnermusic.se WWW : http://www.warnermusic.se LU : February 15th, 1999 Whatever - see Edel Records Style: Alternative, Pop Why Not - see Goldhead Music / Next Stop Bands: I Savastano, Phoenix, Shag, U-Trax, Destination Goa compilations. Style: House, Trance Extra: Started 1995 LU : April 5th, 1997 Wise Recordings - see Scandinavian Songs Music Group Email: wise@scandinavian-songs.se Bands: Jaki Graham, Rhythm Avenue LU : April 4th, 1997 Woo Music (sub-labels: Deaf'N Dumb, Feedback Boogie) Box 4108 102 62 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6426050 Fax : +46-(0)8-6426050 Added: April 5th, 2000 Worston Records P.O Box 550 114 79 Stockholm SWEDEN Email: staff@worston.se WWW : http://www.worston.se Bands: Deadmeat, Everslick, Steward, Stopgap. LU : January 31st, 1997 Wounded Records Box 193 612 24 Finspång SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)122-17687 Fax : +46-(0)122-17687


XM - see WEA/Warner Records Sweden Bands: Damage, (Lutricia McNeal). Style: Eurodance, R&B Extra: Started 1994 Added: April 5th, 1997 Xotic Mind Productions/Subliminal Sounds Atlasgatan 10 113 20 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-308666 Fax : +46-(0)8-308666 Email: stefan.kery@mailbox.swipnet.se Bands: Adam, Bo Axelzon, Entheogens, Erkin Koray, Mu, S.t. Mikael, Stefan, Tonebenders, Träd Gräs & Stenar, Wicked Lady, Word Of Life. Xource Records Box 535 183 25 Täby SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-6303600 Fax : +46-(0)8-6303601 Email: xource@headq.mnw.se WWW : http://www.mnw.se Bands: Den Fule, Foundland, Anders Hagberg, Hoven Droven, Mynta, Möller.Källman.Ringdahl, Norrlåtar, Trio Patrekatt, Väsen, Johan Zachrisson. Under: MNW Records Group LU : April 25th, 1998 XTC Productions AB Box 2065 125 02 Älvsjö SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-7492506 Fax : +46-(0)8-7492506 Email: ulf.wahlberg@mbox200.swipnet.se WWW : http://members.tripod.com/~XTCProd/Index.htm Bands: Baltimoore, Brazen Abbot, P Bäckman, Cosmic Junk, Tommy Denander, Downtown Clowns, Tommy Körberg, Latin Flavor, M, Martin, Maximilian Group, Johnny Moonshine & The Troubled Water Band, Per Evert Persson, Power Of Paradox, R.A.G., Stinky Toys, Sweden Bass Orchestra, These Blue Days, Tina Moe, Tribe Vibes, Trilogy, Vanessa, W.E.T.


Yesterday Girl Records Grusåsgränd 162, 4 tr 121 30 Enskededalen SWEDEN Email: yesterdaygirl@telia.com Added: April 6th, 2000


Zomba Records Scandinavia AB c/o Cherion Drottningholmsvägen 31-33 112 42 Stockholm SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)8-54570800 Fax : +46-(0)8-54570810 Bands: Jessica. Style: General Extra: Started 1997 Added: July 10th, 1997


Ägg Tapes & Records (sub-labels: Burnout Records) Box 8030 424 11 Olofstorp SWEDEN Phone: +46-(0)31-7025177 Fax : +46-(0)31-7025177 Email: egg.tapes.records@swipnet.se WWW : http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-27442/index.htm Bands: Barbaras Grannar, The Kristet Utseende, Not Enough Hate, Slumberjack, Sten & Stalin, Tatuerade Snutkukar, Troublemakers, Vrävarna. Style: Punk, surfpunk, rock n'rollpunk, metalpunk, hallelujahmetal Added: March 12th, 1997 LU : August 18th, 1998

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Last updated Jun 12, 2000 by Erik Söderström
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