Scandinavian Indie @ Lollipop '96 [Q][Scandinavian Indie Lollipop '96 Logo]

Stockholm, July 26 - 27, 1996

Article & Photos Right Here!

The Contest is Open now!

Yes! Scandinavian Indie are proud to cover the Lollipop festival once again! Last year, we covered the touring festival at its stop in Visby - you can still check out the article and photos by clicking here! This year, the festival will not tour around the country, but keeps its two days in Stockholm on July 26 - 27. So when the festival does not come to us, we go to the festival!

Today, you can find complete information about the upcoming festival, as well as cool information regarding the Scandinavian Indie @ Lollipop '96 Contest! on these pages. But about a week after the festival, these pages will be filled with photos from the festivities, contest results and a festival report. Fun for everyone! So, have fun with these pages right now, y´hear!

[Artists]Want to know who's playing at the festival this year? Do you want to know when? And how about finding information about them on the Internet? Not a problem. Just click on the picture to the left and take a look! You'll find the jam packed line-up, preliminary schedule and links for each artist to all corners of the net. Additional Lollipop-specific information about each artist is also supplied, though only in swedish.

[Festival]If you want to know more about the festival, this is the place for you. Information specific to where, when, how and why is gathered on the page you'll come to if you click on the picture on the right. You will also find ticket information, a detailed map over the festival area and surroundings as well as information on how to get to the festival. Info mania!

[Contest]Together with the kind Lollipop arrangers, Scandinavian Indie presents the Scandinavian Indie @ Lollipop ´96 Contest!. If you're going to the festival, you might just be a lucky winner of Lollipop ´96 CDs filled with great music! But please note that you have to go to the festival in order to participate in the contest, so if you haven't decided whether to go or not yet, this will surely make up your mind!

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Last updated Aug 1, 1996 by Erik Söderström
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