Scandinavian Indie @ Lollipop '96 - Artists [Q][Scandinavian Indie]


The festival has an impressive line-up this year, and you must be crazy if you're going to miss them! Below you will find an updated list of the artists performing at the festival. You can click on each artist's name (in red or green color) - this will take you to additional pages on the Internet about the artist. Please check Lollipop's own pages for the additional Lollipop-specific information for each artist (in swedish). If you want to be absolutely sure of meeting the Scandianvian Indie team at the festival, catch the artists with a [Star] after their respective country / town. And here is the final Time Schedule for both days!

Friday 26/7 Saturday 27/7

Leila K (Göteborg) Courtney Pine (ENGLAND) Robyn (Stockholm) Falcon & Sleepy (Stockholm) Kent (Eskilstuna)[Star] Bob Dylan (USA) Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (AUSTRALIA) Orup (Stockholm) Bob Hund (Stockholm)[Star] The Prodigy (ENGLAND)[Star] Refused (Umeå) Eggstone (Malmö)[Star] Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (USA) Absent Minded (Stockholm) Beck (USA)[Star] Tindersticks (ENGLAND) Maria McKee (USA) Teenage Fanclub (SCOTLAND)[Star] Kula Shaker (ENGLAND)[Star] Black Grape (ENGLAND) Dirty Three (AUSTRALIA) Northern Uproar (ENGLAND) Fidget (Göteborg)[Star] Deep Blue Something (USA) High Llamas (ENGLAND) Pineforest Crunch (Stockholm) Fluffy (ENGLAND) Sobsister (Malmö) Bumblebees (Stockholm) Mufflon 5 (Göteborg)[Star] Busty (Stockholm) Mazarine Street (Stockholm)[Star] Mother Superior (Uppsala) Silverbullet (Göteborg)[Star] Speaker (Karlshamn)[Star] Memphis-Revue (USA) Yvonne (Eskilstuna)[Star] Superstudio Orange (Stockholm) The Hellacopters (Stockholm) Chevy (Lund) Randy (Piteå)

Vegas Vegas

Lionrock (ENGLAND) Ghost Face Killah (USA) Leftfield (ENGLAND)[Star] DJ Stretch Armstrong (USA) Underworld (ENGLAND)[Star] Juan Atkins (USA) Armando (USA) The Chemical Brothers (ENGLAND)[Star] Advent (ENGLAND) Carl Cox (ENGLAND) Jeff Mills (USA) Metalheadz (ENGLAND) Wall of Sound (ENGLAND) Heavenly Lollipop Social (ENGLAND)[Star] Stereolab (ENGLAND)[Star] Broder Daniel (Göteborg) Coldcut (ENGLAND) Hardfloor (GERMANY) Alexi Delano (Stockholm) Jedi Knights (ENGLAND) Doctor Rockit (ENGLAND) Tony Zoulias (Stockholm) Cari Lekebusch (Stockholm) Brainpool (Lund) Mad Mats (Stockholm) Pharcyde (USA)
Wall of Sound - featuring Cease Fire, Norman Cook, Mark Jones, Propellerheads, Wiseguys, John Carter (Monkey Mafia).
Memphis-Revue - Alex Chilton, RL Burnside, Country Rockers and MC Gordon.
Superstudio Orange - Blacknuss, Andre De Lange, Stephen Simmonds, Eagle Eye Cherry and a special guest.
Falcon & Sleepy - featuring Timbuktu, Joshua & Abel.
Metalheadz - featuring Goldie, Grooverider, Kemistry & Storm, Peshay, Doc Scott, Cleveland Watkins.
Heavenly Lollipop Social - featuring Death In Vegas, Tom & Ed, S:t Etienne, Tim Burgess (though probably not), Justin Robertson, Heavenly Birds and Heavenly Jukebox.

[Festival]If you want to know more about the festival, this is the place for you. Information specific to where, when, how and why is gathered on the page you'll come to if you click on the picture on the right. You will also find ticket information, a detailed map over the festival area and surroundings as well as information on how to get to the festival. Info mania!

[Contest]Together with the kind Lollipop arrangers, Scandinavian Indie presents the Scandinavian Indie @ Lollipop ´96 Contest!. If you're going to the festival, you might just be a lucky winner of Lollipop ´96 CDs filled with great music! But please note that you have to go to the festival in order to participate in the contest, so if you haven't decided whether to go or not yet, this will surely make up your mind!

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Last updated Aug 3, 1996 by Erik Söderström
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