LOLLIPOP STOCKHOLM FRIDAY JULY 26th 1996 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 GRAND VEGAS VEGAS JR1 VEGAS JR2 13.00 Souls 13.00 13.15 Randy 13.15 14.00 Fidget 14.00 14.30 Bob Hund 14.30 15.15 High Llamas 15.15 15.45 15.45 16.00 Yvonne 16.00 16.30 Mother 16.30 17.00 Robyn Superior 17.00 17.30 17.30 17.45 Bumblebees 17.45 18.15 Refused Stereolab 18.15 18.30 18.30 19.00 Andy Bell & 19.00 19.15 Alex Lowe 19.15 19.30 Beck Wall Of 19.30 19.45 Sound 19.45 20.00 Lionrock 20.00 20.15 Dirty Three 20.15 21.00 Jon Alexi Doctor 21.00 21.15 Spencer Delano Rockit 21.15 21.30 Blues Fluffy Cari 21.30 22.15 Nick Cave Explosion Lekebusch 22.15 22.30 & 22.30 22.45 The Bad Kula Shaker Underworld 22.45 23.00 Seeds Jedi Norman 23.00 23.45 Maria Knights Cook 23.45 24.00 McKee Busty Ceasefire 24.00 00.15 Mike Dunn 00:15 00.45 00.45 01.00 Kent Coldcut 01.00 01.15 Hellacopters Propeller 01.15 01.30 heads 01.30 02.00 Advent Monkey 02.00 02.15 Leila K Mafia 02.15 02.30 Speaker 02.30 02.45 02.45 03.00 Jeff Mills Mad Mats Freestyle 03.00 05.00 Jam 05.00 LOLLIPOP STOCKHOLM SATURDAY JULY 27th 1996 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 GRAND VEGAS VEGAS JR1 VEGAS JR2 13.00 Sobsister 13.00 13.15 Deep Blue 13.15 14.00 Something Chevy 14.00 14.30 Courtney 14.30 15.15 Pine Mufflon 5 15.15 15.30 Broder 15.30 15.45 Eggstone Daniel 15.45 16.00 16.00 16.30 Mazarine 16.30 17.00 Nomads Street Brainpool 17.00 17.15 w/Heavy 17.30 17.45 Friends Zoom Heavenly 17.45 18.00 Stretch Lollipop 18.00 18.15 Tinder- Armstrong Social 18.15 19.00 sticks Pineforest Pharcyde Heavenly 19.00 19.30 Bob Crunch Birds 19.30 20.00 Dylan Ghoste Face Killah Heavenly 20.00 20.15 Silverbullet +guests Jukebox 20.15 21.00 Teenage Stretch Metalheadz S:t 21.00 21.30 Fanclub Memphis- Armstrong Etienne 21.30 22.00 Revue Tony 22.00 22.15 Orup Zoulias 22.15 23.00 Chemical Kemistry Death In 23.00 23.45 Black Brothers & Storm Vegas 23.45 24.00 Grape Absent Juan 24.00 00.30 Minded Atkins 00.30 01.00 Prodigy Doc Scott Tom & Ed 01.00 01.15 Superstudio 01.15 02.00 Northern Orange Hardfloor 02.00 02.30 Uproar Falcon & 02.30 03.00 Sleepy Carl Cox Grooverider Justin 03.00 05.00 Robertson 05.00