QuickBar Scandinavian Indie - Norwegian Record Labels

Below you'll find a list of Norwegian record labels and companies with information regarding address, phone, fax, internet link and email. This list is far from complete, so if you can add or correct information, please get in touch. Thank you.

Please note that there's a long and better list of Norwegian record companies here.



Amigo Norsk Musikk A/S Sagveien 21 A 0458 Oslo NORWAY Phone: +47-22-717780 Fax : +47-22-350865 LU : January 10th, 1997 Apartment Records Gyldenløves gate 29 7014 Trondheim NORWAY Phone: +47-73-515478 Phone: +47-22-870068 Fax : +47-73-515430 Email: per.galaen@ub.ntnu.no WWW : http://www.stud.unit.no/~evenma/Aparec/Aparec.html Bands: noodle, P-Loofol-P, Slowburn. Contact: Per Gisle Galaaen Extra: Small newly started label, with "offices" in Trondheim & Oslo. Concentrates on home recorded stuff, noise, pop, experimental, ambient etc. Will release a double compilation LP in May 1997 with bands and artists from all around the world. LU : November 12th, 1997


Bed Not Found Records - see Thatsperfectwonderball Records WWW : http://home.sol.no/~herjulv/docelbow/tpwb/bednotfound.html Bands: American Fruitcase, Swiss Shower Curtain. Added: November 12th, 1997 Bratville Records P.O. Box 29 2320 Furnes NORWAY Phone: +47-(0)62-524796 Fax : +47-(0)62-524796 Email: bratville@post.com WWW : http://www.bratville.i.am Bands: Darling Daizy, Fence, Radio69, Skandalizer, Tunisia Fish. Style: Hardcore, Punk, Ska Added: September 4th, 1999


dBut Records Toftesgt. 69 0552 Oslo NORWAY Phone: +47-22-870058 Fax : +47-22-870059 Email: dbut@dbut.no WWW : http://www.dbut.no/ Bands: Green Club Riviera, Jaga Jazzist, Nood, Palace of Pleasure, Pen Jakke, Perculator, Salvatore, Sternklang, The White Birch. Style: Hip hop, Indie pop, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Techno. Added: July 22nd, 1998 LU : February 23rd, 1999


Edelpitch Norway Grensen 9, 2 etg. 0159 Oslo NORWAY Phone: +47-22-314900 Fax : +47-22-428944 WWW : http://www.edelpitch.no Extra: Also offices in Copenhagen (DK), Stockholm (SE), Helsinki (SF), Madrid (ES) Paris (FR), Milano (IT), London (UK), Nashville and New York (US) and head offices in Hamburg (DE). Under: Edel Company Music AG Added: March 10th, 1998


Kjetil D Brandsdal Vølstadv. 14 4316 Sandnes NORWAY Email: noxagt@hotmail.com Bands: Kjetil D Brandsdal, Kjertl del Brondo Group, Noxagt, The University Punx. Added: April 6th, 2000 Krank Records Tinnheiveien 7 4629 Kristiansand S NORWAY Phone: +47-38-031356 Fax : +47-91-560331 Email: filipa@online.no WWW : http://home.sol.no/filipa Bands: 10. Floor Orchestra, Bloody Pigeons, Montezuma, Ring. Style: Alternative slacker pop, Alternative dark noise, Lo-fi folk Added: April 25th, 1998


LaNuGo Records P.Boks 987 1530 Moss NORWAY Phone: +47-69-252031 (Fridtjof) Fax : +47-69-120073 Email: lanugo@sound.to WWW : http://www.sound.to/lanugo Bands: Beezewax, Skarnspage, Smorgasbord. Added: November 17th, 1997


Machine Machine Records Box 651 7001 Trondheim NORWAY Phone: +47-73-524825 (Kjell) Phone: +47-73-514758 (Tor) Email: jkeirik@online.no Email: tormu@stud.ntnu.no Email: helgewa@stud.ntnu.no WWW : http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Backstage/5138/ Bands: Climax of Copenhagen, The Nomad Nipples, Papaer Lungs (not signed), Slaughter Slits, Tripcat. Added: December 20th, 1997 LU : May 3rd, 1998 MNW Norge Rådhusgate 30 0151 Oslo NORWAY Phone: +47-22-473050 Fax : +47-22-338310 Added: June 4th, 2000 MykeDroner Tore Mallaug Karolinervn. 3C 7021 Trondheim NORWAY Email: torem@idb.hist.no WWW : http://www.idb.hist.no/~torem/musikk/english.htm Style: Ambient, Drone, Space, Twee. Bands: Beanmix, Bronson Comet Lighter, Kant, Kjetil D. Brandsdal, The Shadow Ring, Want. Added: January 18th, 1998


Playground Music Scandinavia Karl Johansgt 6B 0154 Oslo NORWAY Phone: +47-23-356090 Fax : +47-23-356091 Email: info@playgroundmusic.com WWW : http://www.playgroundmusic.com Extra: Offices in Malmö, Stockholm, Copenhagen (DK) and Tampere (SF). Added: September 18th, 1999


REC90 Box 1291 5001 Bergen NORWAY Phone: +47-55-323410 Fax : +47-55-311875 WWW : http://www.bbb.no/rec90.html Bands: Alzheimers/Silverspurs, Butterfly Garden, Fuzzsuckers, Poor Rich Ones, Sister Sonny, The Tubs. Contact: Torfinn N. Andersen LU : November 12th, 1997


Scandinavian Records Dronningens Gade 8B Postboks 517 - Sentrum 0105 Oslo NORWAY Phone: +47-22-419460 Fax : +47-22-419420 Extra: Has offices in Denmark and Sweden. Added: April 5th, 1997


Thatsperfectwonderball Records (sub-label: Bed Not Found Records) Email: herjulv@online.no WWW : http://home.sol.no/~herjulv/docelbow/tpwb/tpwbindex.html Bands: Acid Dönk, American Suitcase, Mescaline Muslims, Svartidaudir. Added: November 12th, 1997


Voices of Wonder Box 2010 Grünerløkka 0505 Oslo NORWAY Phone: +47-22-718930 Fax : +47-22-717587 Email: vow@sn.no WWW : http://www.sn.no/fono/finnmdl.cgi?format=html&Firma=Voices+of+Wonder Bands: Astroburger, Highrollers... Contact: Rolf Yngve Uggen Extra: The biggest independent record company in Norway. Also represented in Denmark, through a consolidation with Pingo Records in Copenhagen. The label is also runing a record store, concentrating on indie/ hardcore/alternative/metal/techno/vinyl. LU : March 15th, 1998

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Last updated Jun 4, 2000 by Erik Söderström
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