
Page Originally Created March 4th, 1996
Shallow Soundwave
Shallow Soundwave

Shallow Soundwave Shallow Soundwave
All photos are (C) Jennifer Caudwell


Shallow Soundwave was a band from Gothenburg, with members Nicolas Janco (drums) and David Sundqvist (guitar, vocals) The band grew when they played live with Erik Norinder (bass) (who used to play in the bodysynth band Spinebender, but quit that band and joined convict country band Southern Reptile in March 1998 - who changed their name to Bronson in June the same year) and yet another guitar player.

Nicolas, as you might know, used to play drums in the band Aquadays (ex-Somersault). He also used to play in a jazz-trio called Fatima (see more info in the News section below). David used to play in a Pixies-influenced band from Gothenburg called Blonk (see more info in the News section). (On a side note: former member Annica Silvonen (in the photos above) was actually an opera-singer. For example, she sang at the "Konserthuset" in Gothenburg together with the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra plus a number of song-ensembles.)

The band released four demos. The first in November 1995, the second in October 1996, the third in 1997 and the fourth in 1999. They have also appeared on a compilation CD called "A Chance To Shine" released on Dorian Records 1996.

They didn't play live at many places, but gigs worth mentioning would be at the Gothenburg Rock Film Festival, April 1995, together with a band called Brandgul at Musikens Hus in Gothenburg October 1996 and on November 29th, 1996 they play at Underground in Gothenburg. But that doesn't mean that they were unexperienced live-musicians, because they played a lot in other bands as well.

They never agreed with comparisons to Lush or Slowdive (see the Scandinavian Indie reviews below), but they were admirers of U2 and Cocteau Twins, which no doubt could be heard through their music and vocals.

In March 1998, Annica Silvonen, original female lead singer is no longer a part of the band. Remaining members David and Nicolas looked for a replacement throughout the year. This seemed to be an impossible task, so the boys decided to call it quits at the beginning of 1999.

It is time for Elasmo...


Shallow, November 1995, Time: 16.25
   1. Soave              (5.12)
   2. Close Your Eyes    (3.31)
   3. The Twin Of Theirs (3.48)
   4. Hyper              (3.49)
Shallow Soundwave - Shallow
Their first demo. It was recorded November 1995 at Chess Studios.

Scandinavian Indie Review:
1. "Soave"
When I first listened to the tape, I immediately thought of Lush! Only because of the vocals though. Dreamy, effect-filled, light and almost whispering, Annica sings about "Atomic sky" and "Cosmic light". The music made me dig up an album with U2, just to check if I was mistaken, but I was not. Clear similarities to those dazzling U2 electric guitars one can hear on "Joshua Tree" here and there, but especially at the orgasmic guitar-filled fading end of the song, only here they paint the ceiling and the walls. Noisier, buzzier. And together with the bass and drums, it's all extremely beautiful and sounds remarkably professional.

2. "Close Your Eyes"
Screaming guitars, alarming and noisy, fill my headphones when Close Your Eyes starts. Then the vocals hits me. Annica and David together. Annica in her light, floating and whispering voice and David's voice like a low, yet soft and light breeze. You guessed it. I too thought of Slowdive. And Bizarre. Together with the rattling, effect-box-filled wall of noise from the guitars and drums that sound like they were placed in a garage outside the studio, throughout the whole song, it's a perfect match. No trace of U2. No trace of Lush. But a lot of Slowdive. Slowdive. My personal heroes. This tape was sent to the right address.

3. "The Twin Of Theirs"
My first word was Wow!. Not thinking it, but I actually said it. Floating, dreamy guitars that clears my head. Effect-box is written all over the room, with David and Annica singing, though this time, David voice is high up, singing together with Annica, and at first I wasn't sure that it was such a good idea, because sometimes it just doesn't sound right, but taking advantage of listening through headphones, I could listen to either David's voice or Annica's, by only using the right or left headphone, and by doing that, I found David's voice to be perfect, and in the same way, I found Annica's voice to be perfect too! It's just when they're together it doesn't sound quite right. They're using a drum-machine here, that I can't but relate to Depeche Mode's "tuh"-sounding drum. I'm not very fond of drum-machines, and I think it should've been left out.

4. "Hyper"
Hyper takes Shallow Soundwave across the border into another music-zone. Heavy, rattling, jagged edge-like guitars with siren-sounding background guitars evolves into middle sections with not as heavy but just as rattling guitars, filled with Annica's amazingly beautiful voice, and here she's definitely close to Cocteau Twins' Liz. Her voice travels over high mountains and down low valleys, in such a clear tone that it makes me just melt on the spot. The combination is brilliant. The bass has a clear path to travel, and the drums makes me shiver. It's always hard to say something about drums, but Nicolas really is good at playing them here. Everything is so terribly good. "Side by side, close your eyes, take my hand, to fantasy...".

Read the Short Review too!

Kismet02, October 1996, Time: 13.15
   1. Until I Beg You To Stop (5.26)
   2. Enigma                  (4.39)
   3. Exit                    (3.10)
Shallow Soundwave - Kismet02
Recorded at Maestro Musik by Mattias Caspersson. Music & Lyrics written and produced by David Sundqvist and Nicolas Janco. Guitars - David Sundqvist, bass & drums - Nicolas Janco, vocals - Annica Silvonen, programming - David Sundqvist and Nicolas Janco.

Scandinavian Indie Review coming!



A Chance To Shine, CD, Dorian Records 1996, Time: 72.17
   1. Hyper (3.43)
A Chance To Shine CD
Check out the CD Reviews page for complete information about this CD as well as a full review.

 Sound Samples

All sound samples are mono and about 1 minute long.

AU Hyper (22kHz, AU, 1.46Mb)
RealAudio Hyper (44kHz, RA 28.8, 128kb)
AU Exit (22kHz, AU, 1.70Mb)
RealAudio Exit (44kHz, RA 28.8, 147kb)

 Latest News

1999/02/19: Shallow Soundwave is no more. The guys have called it quits. It is time for Elasmo...

1998/05/21: Still looking for a new lead singer - and time is really running short. If you are considering contacting the band, please do it now! See addresses and phone numbers above and below. While we keep on searching, check out the new link below to the homepage of a great new band called sadovaja - they're smashing!

1998/04/25: No new lead singer has been decided for the band yet, but the guys will audition a couple of interesting people in the near future. Right now they are working on both new and old material for a new demo which will be something close to a "best of" tape.

1998/03/22: Annica Silvonen is no longer a part of the band, but the rest of us, David and Nicolas, are on the move as things are starting to shape up pretty neatly. Therefor we are looking for a new female lead singer! If you happen to sing as beautiful as Liz Fraser, Kate Bush, Annie Lennox or Katherine Blake - you're hired! We are based in Göteborg, but it doesn't matter if you live here or not. If this sounds interesting, please contact us immediately! Contact information can be found below - or if you prefer the quick way: send e-mail directly to us at shallow.soundwave@swipnet.se -or- call: +46-(0)70-660 48 91

1998/03/01: David reveals the news that he is no longer playing in the band Blonk and that Fatima does not exist anymore. If it is good or bad news is up to you to decide, but this means that they guys will have a lot more time to work with SSW!

1998/01/26: Shallow Soundwave will play in Göteborg on February 5th at Kinski Bar! The gig is arranged together with the Gothenburg Film Festival (30/1 - 9/2). Don't miss them!

1997/11/30: The Blekingska indie demo compilation release party was a success! 250 guests and great performances from the bands (of course). The compilation is, by the way, called "First Harvest - Greatest Unsigned 1997" and includes First Floor Power (Malmö), The Pang (Lund), Plastic Soul (Lund) and Shallow Soundwave (Göteborg).

1997/11/19: Shallow Soundwave will play in Lund at Blekingska Nationen on November 28th, 1997! This is the release party for the first indie pop demo compilation from Blekingska Nationen, and yes you guessed it Shallow Soundwave is one of the bands included! More: The band's new demo is ready! As soon as I have a copy, you'll be able to find all about it here! Even More: It looks like Shallow Soundwave is going to be signed really soon! Several labels and record companies have expressed their interest, and contracts are being looked upon as you read this!

1997/10/15: Another gig is booked - in Göteborg on November 1st at The Steady. What time? Check the local papers! And go there!

1997/10/05: You probably missed it (I know I did 'cause no one told me), but they played at the opening night of a new venue called Outrobar in Göteborg yesterday (Oct 4th, 1997) together with Mazarine Street. But don't fear! They play in Göteborg soon again - in fact on October 10th at Underground. So don't you miss it!

1997/07/01: They are currently working on a new demo, and looking for a record contract.

 Contact the band

If you want to contact the band directly:
Phone: +46-(0)31-877526 (Nicolas)
Email: shallow.soundwave@swipnet.se


Demo review in Göteborgs Posten 20-Dec-96 (in Swedish)
Grade: 5 out of 5. Includes a RealAudio soundclip.

Non Age Art (in Swedish)
Band from Göteborg worth checking out.

A really great dub/trip-hop band from Göteborg featuring ex-Aquadays singer Sarah + Philip.

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Last updated Feb 19, 1999 by Erik Söderström
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