Scandinavian Indie - All Selected News 1997 [Q] [All Selected News]


These bits and pieces of news are © 1997 Scandinavian Indie and has been gathered by Erik Söderström from various sources, included in the news if quoted from sources other than through own work. If you want to quote any news on these pages, please be sure to include the source and the address to this page. Thank you. Check out Selected News 1995-1996 too!

March 28th, 1997 - North Of No South special

North Of No South - the record label in Umeå, way up north in Sweden has literally flooded me with news lately, which of course is so nice that it is time for a whole Selected News special about the label. Contact Information and similar information can be found in other sections here at Scandinavian Indie.

NONS Web Site - after months of a lot of thinking and hard work, the NONS web site has opened. Please note that these pages are under constant construction, and that if things you are looking for are missing right now, expect to find them there in the near future. Address:

NONS Picture Jukebox - the label also has a cool picture jukebox on the net. Check it out at:

NONS Distribution - the label has a new distribution deal for Sweden with MD (Skandinavisk Musik Distribution) from March 10th. Border will still handle the export and the sub-label DOT's distribution in Sweden.

NONS Booking Agency - a new face at the office is Åsa Isaksson who will handle bookings for Carpet People, Daybehaviour, Honeymoons and Pinko Pinko. Pinko Pinko, among others, was previously handled by Hansi Friberg, but as he has his hands full with his own new label, Starboy Recordings, he had to let go of the whole booking business.

Carpet People - the label's latest signing, has received very good reviews for their debut album "Volley U Make". With short notice, the band was also added to the line-up at the Umeå "Popstad '97" celebrations and played at the Focus scene. The gig was recorded, and will be broadcasted on P3 Live later on. A video for the song "Ad Lib" was made and has been shown pretty often on ZTV.

Cloudberry Jam - went on a short "warm up" tour last week and managed to squeeze in gigs in Uppsala, Gävle and Stockholm. They were joined by Bo Kaspers Orkester in Uppsala and Gävle. Starting April 9th, the band is back on tour in Japan again. Two weeks ago, 80% of the tickets for their gigs had been sold, which should be a surprise to no one. On two occasions, one being at the Blitz in Tokyo, the band is joined by Eggstone who are also touring the country. Here are the tour dates: April 9: Quattro, Nagoya, 10: Quattro, Osaka, 11: Crossing Hall, Fukuoka, 13: Blitz, Tokyo, 14: Quattro, Tokyo and 15: Mythos, Nagano. More info on their homepage:

Daybehavior - debut album "Adored" was recently released in the UK by Pinnacle Labels, who also takes care of the European spring release of the same album. Different selections as the first single from the album in different countries mirrors the music state in the respective country pretty well. "Hello" was selected in the UK and "Movie" in Germany for example. Videos for both songs should be ready and available now. About a month ago, the band went to London, UK, where interviews for Melody Maker and NME were on their schedule. A couple of other UK magazines gave their debut album a long listen, among others, Select, Q-Magazine, Vox, The Face, ID, Sky Magazine and The Times. You can read more about the band on their homepage at: http:/, but in case you can't, here are a couple of reviews they have received:

Just Seventeen, UK, Jan 22nd, 1997 - on "Hello": "St Etienne-and-Dubstar-a-likes DayBehavior toss shimmery girly vocals across groovy dancebeats. Listen to it and pretend you're wearing a snoot cocktail dress and feather boa while being interviewed for, appropriately enough, Hello! magazine."

Melody Maker, January, 1997: "1997 will bring more glamour and more gloss to immerse yourself in. Daybehavior's forthcoming single, Hello!, is as cute as a belly-bottom, exquisite in the same way that made St Etienne irresistible. This is Swedish electro-pop with tinselled edges; sublime, refined and springwater-cool. You'll be tickled pink."

Daniel Booth, Melody Maker, March 8th, 1997: "...Adored absorbe the romanticism of that time [1981] and updates it to an age familiar with the melancholy of Portishead, Massive and Tricky. On songs like "Hello!" and "Movie", this works magnificently well because their instinct for slimline pop shines through triumohantlu. It's techno pronounced with a soft "ch"..." "Adored is still more remarkable than waking up with the moon under your pillow".

Prinz, Germany, August 1996: "What an enchanting summer-record. Three Swedes following in the footsteps of St Etienne have found the right mix of sweet and sadness. In here a small masterpiece is hidden. The best pop-album of the month!"

Intro, Germany, July/August 1996: "File under trip-hop once more. However, may also be filed under all sorts of genres. You don't always have to do what the label suggests, right. How about synth-pop for example. With all the kitschy synthesizer-strings and Paulinda Crescentini's sugery vocal-cords you can even, if you want to, send Daybehavior into the New Romantics-corner. And nothing bad about that, this is in fact a good album. Therefore, please don't misunderstand me. Adored holds a lot, and there's nothing `wavy´ about it. Sounds like a successful mix of Visage and Soul II Soul. Thus, file under trip-hop...? Of course you can, but also under..."

Volume, Denmark, October 1996: "Can this be true? Daybehavior have been capable to make a debut-album in the top, with ambient inspired pop put together with italian spices. It is no wonder when Ms Paulinda Crescentini gives you everything with her supreme soulvoice- both in English and in Italian. The rapper Aaron Phiri from Boogaloo participate in one track. It is great, they will climb the hitlists in no time!"

Doktor Kosmos - and his Starlight orchestra have produced another piece. It is the doctor's follower-paper "Starlightjournalen" issue #18. In it, one can find interviews with the speaker voice for the rock opera "Stjärnjerry" - Fredrik, 17 years old, the drummer Henke and guitarist Stålispojken, among other things. If you want to join the association, write to: Doktor Kosmos, c/o Bo Larsson, Åsgårdsv. 818 22 Valbo, SWEDEN.

Fivel - a whole hour with the band playing in Växjö last autumn was broadcasted on P3 Live on February 13th. This month, the band released a five-track EP called "'57".

Honeymoons - release their long sought after second "real" album called "This Coherent Excitation" on April 21st. A single from the album called "Fabrications" is released on April 1st. The band spent last weekend in Stockholm in order to record a video and do a photo shoot with Urban Ström and Johan Markusson.

Komeda - will release their album "The Genius Of Komeda" in Europe this spring. The label taking care of that is Pinnacle, UK. Members Lena and Markus produced the music to the touring childrens theater called "Jonglören" (The Juggler) which opened at Profilteatern in Umeå in February. Jim Powers from their US label Minty Fresh who visited the "Popstad '97" celebrations watched a piece of the play and assured that it did sound a lot like Komeda.

The band visited Newcastle, Manchester, Norwich and London on their UK tour together with Ben Folds Five (March 4-7). Next up is another tour with the same band, only this time in the US and from April 12th to May 3rd. Cities to be visited includes Houston, Dallas, Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. All in all, the two bands play 12 gigs together, but Komeda will also play a few gigs on their own. Los Angeles and Atlanta are two cities mentioned so far. After that the band will concentrate on writing new material. The recording of their next album is planned for the summer, and the release of that album (in Sweden) is set for the autumn.

Pinko Pinko - what does Miss Universe from the Starlight orchestra do in the deep forest? Why are the members of the band wearing skirts? What is in the pipe the girl is holding? Why aren't all parts of member P-G (vocals) visible? There are a lot of questions in the band's latest video for the song "Cheekbone", taken from their album "Traffic".

Ray Wonder - a license deal for the band with US label Runt has been signed. The band also played at "Popstad '97" and their gig was broadcasted live on P3. After a couple of songs into their set, the skin on the bass drum broke, and because it was broadcasted live, the band had to improvise, which meant that the band continued without the drummer until a new drum set arrived.

The band recently released the new single "General Hugging Center" together with a video made by American film-maker Matt Mittler. After seeing a video with the band at the Umeå Film Festival 1996, he decided that he wanted to do a video with the band, there and then, when he was still in town. It took three days to get everything together, and the result naturally shows a bit of lo-fi.

Latest news coming in is that Beck, who, as we all know, is a Komeda fan and made his whole band wear white (Komeda's stage clothes were white when they supported Beck in November last year) in order to dedicate a concert to the band, has now placed his ears and eyes on Ray Wonder! His appreciation for the band is so big, that he has offered them to be the opening act at six gigs in the UK between May 7th and 14th. Nothing about this has been decided at this time though, so keep your fingers crossed, and we'll be back with more on this as soon as we have more information. (Source: NONS News / Scandinavian Indie)

March 20th, 1997

The All Janet - (Speech/AWSF) release their new single "On The Run" on April 4th, and the release date for their debut album "Grace." has been moved one week, which means that it is going to be released on April 28th. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Aquadays - our favourites from Göteborg will play together with our Örebro-rooted Shallow at Tre Backar in Stockholm on March 21st. The name for the gig is "Drömpop" (Dreampop) which explains very well what it is all about. You can see both bands for just 30 SEK, so trust me: go there! More news: Aquadays have recently recorded twelve songs of which eight appear on their latest demo "Spring" which is out now. The songs recorded are all the songs from their previous demo "Ultramarine" + 'Spacious' and brand new songs 'Casablanca', 'Senseless' and 'Daydreamer'. More information on their cool new homepage. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Backfish - (AWSF) has made a video to their second single and album song "Everyone" which is said to be something really special. Soon to hit eyes and ears everywhere from a TV near you. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Beat Butchers - the most indpendent Swedish punk/pop/rock label of all news: Köttgrottorna throws a party for the release of their new album "Tinnitus" at Studion in Stockholm on March 27th, at 20:00. Everyone is welcome - Free Entrance! Though you have to be over 18 to get in. On easter eve (March 29th), Beat Butchers presents the "Totalgalan" together with Birdnest Rec. at Kolingsborg in Stockholm. Click here for complete information. (Source: Beat Butchers News)

Bizarre - from Estonia have recorded four new songs (actually, they recorded eight, but threw away four they weren't satisfied with) as of late, and are adding finishing touches right now. These songs have been played live earlier this year, but have not been recorded properly until now. Where these songs will appear eventually is not certain yet. (Source: Hendrik Luuk / Tristan Priimagi)

Cloudberry Jam - (Polygram) member Jennie Medin is blond - that's right, she has coloured her hair in a yellow-ish blond colour, and it actually looks great! Jennie celebrates her 25:th birthday on March 30th, but throws a party on March 19th together with two of her best friends who also turn 25 around that date, at Herrgår'n with a performace from Harvest, dinner for invited friends, and a DJ. The day after (!), they play in Uppsala at Sten Sture together with Bo Kaspers Orkester, on March 21st they play at Skottes in Gävle (with Bo Kaspers again) and on March 22nd, they play in Stockholm at Studion - then they are on their way to Japan for another tour over there. Be sure to send Jennie a _happy birthday greeting_ through e-mail to: (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Coach Bob - from Linköping was the opening act for The Wellmeant at Herrgår'n last thursday. Three of the members were previously in the much celebrated, but now defunct, Linköping-band Suredo, and our expectations were of course set pretty high. To everyone's surprise, Coach Bob did sound somewhat like Suredo! Though to be honest, in the music climate we have in Sweden today, this is definitely something of the past and I'm not sure the band will go very far. But it was definitely nice to be treated to a 91/92 "retro" for a change. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Cobolt - (Ampersand) is a new band from Umeå consisting of Refused's old bass player Magnus Björklund and crew- and "sixth" member Andreas Nilsson. Their music is described as very nice pop, kind of like the Red House Painters. (Source: Ampersand Records News)

Dorian Records - in Halmstad, Sweden news: The label has started a new sub-label named "Silver Records" where heavier pop will reside. This because there are so many good powerpop/guitar-mongling bands out there and the motherlabel "Dorian" is destined to only release pop of the "twee" genre. Two EPs will be released on the new sub-label in April/May. The first one with Fanscene called "French Poetry EP" (AG-001) and the second one with a title to be announced with Grape (who is no longer called Grape, but they havenït decided on a new name yet). On Dorian, we'll see two albums released in May. The first from Dr. Saturn (to an extremely low price) and the other from Soulkitchen (previously called "Bloomer"). The planned single with hyped Stockholmers Pimms is still not ready yet, because after their showcase earlier this year, several labels have expressed their interest in working with the band. When it comes to the Dorian compilations, the second one "True To You" has been released in Japan and the U.S. but not in Sweden yet - due to problems regarding the distribution. The release of the third compilation (a double CD) has therefor been delayed, and as it looks right now, it will be released at the time of the Hultsfred Festival in early June. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Drain - (MVG) have been confirmed for the US Ozz Fest Metal Tour. The band will tour together with bands like Pantera, Marilyn Manson, Fear Factory, Machine Head, Type O'Negative and a three of the original members temporary Black Sabbath reunion. The tour starts at the end of May, ends on July 7th and hits mainly stadiums with 30.000 to 100.000 capacity. (Source: MVG News)

The Drowners - (AWSF) entered the studio on monday this week to record their next album. Insider song-title tips - 'Winter Left You Alone', 'Dependancy', 'One Star' and 'Fake Rock n'Roll Personality'. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Dune - also from Halmstad, who appeared on the latest Harry Lime compilation "A Twist Of Lime" have entered the studio this week to record four new songs for an upcoming single released on Harry Lime in May. The band will also appear on a compilation album released by label Motorway in Japan at the end of May. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Eggstone - (Vibrafon) are working on getting their latest album "Vive La Difference" released in the US. Apparently, their US label Critique had a licence deal with the band's old Swedish label Soap/MNW, but now when they have their own label, there is no such deal. The band hopes that everything will be worked out within about four or five months. If you live outside Scandinavia Scandinavia, and can't get hold of their records, the band said that as a last resort, you can contact them directly (see info below). More news: The band has made 1.000 vinyl copies of each of their albums, the 1992 smash "Eggstone In San Diego", the 1994 hit "Somersault" and their latest one. All of them are released on Vibrafon, but the two first are released with kind permission from Soap Records. Last but not least, the band will play at the Hultsfred Festival (though the organizers have not announced it yet), they have also received an invitation to the Emmaboda Festival, and might just appear at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark as well, though that is not yet completely certain. More info:, Email: (Source: Scandinavian Indie interview with Per Sunding)

Emmaboda Festival '97 - will release a promotion CD for the festival. It will be distributed to selected people and places, but hopefully also available at the festival in August. A release party for the CD is planned to be held in Växjö at the end of May. Bands ready for the festival so far are: Smash Hit Wonders, The Wellmeant, Soundtrack Of Our Lives, bob hund, Fidget, Silverbullet, Stargazer, Tambureens and Broder Daniel. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Fidget - (Mega) will play at the Hultsfred Festival this year! That gives you another reason not to miss the festival this year, which definitely looks like the best one in years. The band released their second single "Stop Losing" (Stop Losing / Hey Little Sister / Teddybear Baby (rerun)) on March 3rd, from their upcoming album "No Boogie Coming Your Way" set for release on March 24th. The album boasts 12 songs and will play in your CD player for about 34 minutes - pure pop that is. The release party is held in Stockholm at Tantogården on March 21st. The band (Nina, Louise and Daniel) will play records at the record store Pet Sounds the same afternoon between 16.00-18.00. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Fivel - (NONS) release their new EP "'57" on monday (March 17th). The EP consists of five songs, 'Imago', 'Who Are You?', 'Missing In Action', 'Laika' and 'Goodnight'. They have never been released before, though the band has played some of them live. Expect to see the band on tour this spring as well as playing at a number of festivals this summer. (See Scandinavian Indie review of the EP as well). (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Harry Lime - the record label from Eskilstuna who recently released their second compilation CD "A Twist Of Lime" are planning to release CD singles with three new bands simultaneously in May or June (depending on when the bands are ready with their recordings). The three bands are Dune, Peat and The Wellmeant, all previously featured on the mentioned compilation CD. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Honeycave - (Mega) were signed to Mega in the late summer of 1996, then spent November and December at Rommarö Studio, just outside Trosa, together with producer Per Pezon Pettersson. The result has now been mixed by Herrström and Glaumann, and the first single, "Beautiful Boy", was released late February. The album, yet to be named, is set for release at the end of March. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Honey Is Cool - (MVG) are finally ready to release their debut album! The title is "Crazy Love" and the release date is set to April 21st. On April 4th, the first single, called "Nach Heart", from the album will be released. Two release parties are held to celebrate the whole thing. First one in Gothenburg (exact date not known yet) and then one at Blekingska Nationen in Lund on April 25th. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Hultsfred Festival 97 - will sell 1-day tickets this year due to the fact that the festival is not held during the "standardized" Swedish vacation period these days. The 1-day tickets cost 350 SEK, and the usual 3-day tickets go for 700 SEK (which is 50 SEK more than last year). A new stage is introduced this year for poetry, theatrical performances, and alternative music (not "alternative" like in the genre). This new stage is placed on "new" festival grounds where festival-goers previously could put up their tents. Pieces of the festival will be broadcasted live on the Internet (, and you can even follow the construction work, starting the weekend before the festival takes place. Check out the Swedish Festivals 1997 page for complete information. (Source: Topp40, Kontaktnätet, Z-TV Nytt)

Lemonator - (Warner) from Finland who released their debut album "Yellow" a few weeks ago entered the Finnish album chart at entry 38 two weeks ago. As it is a fantastic album, it was destined to climb the chart and we found it on place 30 last week. The TV program "Lista", which presents the Finnish album chart on FTV, presented an interview with the band + the premiere of their funny video (described in detail in this column earlier) to the song "Superb" last week. The video is nominated for the Jyrki awards in the best popvideo & best video altogether categories. If you missed it, don't worry. Even though it drops to 42:nd place this week, the album is, as said, destined to climb the chart, especially now when the band is out on an extensive tour of Finland. A new single "Over Now" is also on the way and set for release on April 14th. More information can be found right here: (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Leslies - (Harry Lime) has been hiding at Jon Rekdal's studio lately with the result that a new single is going to be recorded this month. The follow-up to their debut album "Totally Brilliant", which has sold about 8.000 copies so far, will be recorded during the summer. The single is set for release in August and the album in October. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Lund Records - latest release, a compilation album called "Skånska Klassiker I Våra Hjärtan" might be interesting to some of you completists out there. The album contains classics from the southern part of Sweden called Skåne recorded by artists and bands like Philemon Arthur, Beagle, Wilmer X, Stry Kanarie/Terrarie, Kal P Dal, Eggstone and Hoola Bandoola Band. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Mary Beats Jane - (MVG) will support Swedish metal heroes Entombed on their European tour starting April 18th. The band will appear on all dates but the ones in Germany. (Source: MVG News)

Monostar - (Soap) yes, that's right, good old Monostar have finally been signed to Soap Records (MNW). Originally from the "Island Of Roses", Gotland, now living in Stockholm, they have been excellent for as long as I have known about them (meaning 1992), and it was about time they got a contract, if you ask me. Interesting to see that they received the "Demo Of The Issue" award in the winter issue of Sound Affects, and then got signed. This process has almost been a general rule as of late. The band will play at the Hultsfred Festival this summer. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Piggy In The Middle - (Rainbow Music) originally from Västerås, now from Stockholm, previous receivers of the now well-known "Demo of the issue" award in Sound Affects magazine, are here with a contract and a debut album called "Images & Distorted Facts" which was released on monday this week (March 17th). Recorded, mixed and produced by Christian Edgren at Traxton Recording in Stockholm (all but one song, "Discourse vs Conclusion" which was recorded and mixed by Martin Igelström at Hässlösalen and Studio Vintage). The album is said to mirror the healthy and lightly innocent attitude of the 60's, the innovativeness of the 70's, the alternative pop-industry of the 80's and today's self confidence and style awareness. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Sound Affects - the best pop music magazine in Sweden (yeah yeah) have their homepages hot and almost ready, finally. The premiere for the pages is set to the day when the latest issue of the magazine reach the subscribers (last week in March). In the magazine you will find articles on Redd Kross, The Cardigans, Backfish, Ossler, Dr. Saturn, Kenickie, Fountains Of Wayne, You Am I, My Life Story, Symposium and Tarnation, as well as a label spotlite on Beggars Banquet, a fanzine-guide, competitions (where you can win festival tickets, among other things), results from the readers votes, Japan-report, and loads of reviews. A CD single with favourites Fidget was planned to accompany the issue, but those plans were crushed by the band's record label Mega Records at the last minute. More on the magazine's homepages right here, soon. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Sahara Hotnights - (AWSF) is, you guessed it, a newly signed band on list favourites A West Side Fabrication. The band consists of four girls of ages between 15 and 17 and they are said to play some kind of "quasi-indiegrungepostpunkrock" which people say will take Sweden by storm when their debut EP, recorded last week, is released in April/May. How they got signed? They won a "talent hunt" contest held by the label in November last year. Perhaps we can se some sort of pattern here, with more and more all-girl bands with younger and younger members appearing all over the country? Sparky from Halmstad is just one good example (and they are opening for Candysuck when they play there). (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Salt - (MVG) as you might have heard by now (it really is _old_ news) did _not_ break up, but they do not exist as "Salt" either. They just wanted to do something else. Daniel Ewerman (bass) left the band to pursue other interests/talents. Nina Ramsby and Jim Tegman went on with their lives for a while, but are back with some yet-to-be-revealed plans. The band "Salt"'s farewell and second album with the title "Delay Me Down And Make Me Wah-Wah" with six previously unreleased songs and a couple of brilliant b-sides is set for release on April 7th. It is said to be something really special. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Scared - (Ampersand) is another new band from Umeå (that Popstad 97 thing really brought out a bunch of new promising acts) who have mixed a bit of emo-core (like Starmarket/Fireside) with a faster punk-ish fling. A debut MCD was recently released, so go and check it out. (Source: Ampersand Records News)

Scary Cassettes - is a newly started cassette label in Lund, Sweden. The first release from the label is a compilation tape with eighteen unsigned Swedish bands. The included bands (with short descriptions where possible) are as follows: Ben (nice countryrock like Uncle Tupelo), Beth, Blinker (sounds kind of like Green Day), Bobsleigh, Combed, Den (Neil Young-ish), In A Spring (cool Guided By Voices-vibes), Jilted (tough Polvo-rock from Malmö), Kevlar, Lousy (well, we all know who they are :-)), Myron's Girlfriend (from Lund), Ogden Flood (a bit like Sammy, from Malmö), Phlegm (kitchen table-pop from Stockholm), Picabo (fast pop from Uppsala), Poyken, Royal Cassette (from Malmö), Serial Cynic (noise-rock like Jesus Lizard), Sideshow Bob (Loosegoats' younger brothers). If you are interested in learning more about the label, about the bands, or want to order the cassette (it's 20 SEK plus 2 normal letter stamps), contact: Scary Cassettes, c/o Jonas Nilsson, Allingavagen 5 D:316, 227 34 Lund, Sweden. You can also call: +46-(0)46-393616, or send email to: What the next release will bring is not completely decided yet, but the label has been in contact with Echo Troopers and Specimen from Norway and Obstinate Esther (Denmark). (Source: Scary Cassettes News)

Smash Hit Wonders - (SunSpot) are back in business and a new single called "Summer of 89" is set for release on April 21st. The single contains the song with the same title from their debut album "Love Your Wife" + two songs from their earlier demo tapes, never released before. (Source: SunSpot Records News)

Speaker - (Stockholm) original member (in Green as well) Helen Widmark quit the band a couple of weeks ago when she decided that it was nothing she really wanted to do. She was replaced pretty fast (on their on-going tour) by a guy whose name escapes me right now. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Starboy Recordings - is a new record label run by the well-known Hansi Friberg. They moved into their brand new offices last week, and immediately started to work on their plans, which includes single releases from signed bands Surreal (from Varberg) and Robot (from Gothenburg) (both out on April 7th), an EP in May from Freinds and some more work together with Natalie Barusta (from Gothenburg). At the end of April, the label plans a small promotion tour for the two first bands. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Stargazer - (Beat That!) from Jönköping were recently signed to Beat That! Records (which is a sub-label to Energy Rekords). A single or an EP is to be released at the end of this month (March). (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Supermono - is the new and official name of the Icelandic band "Blome" previously reviewed by Scandinavian Indie. The band has also created their own homepage now at:, so you might want to check it out right now! (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Surreal - (Starboy) from Varberg has put the finishing touches to their debut single "Pitbulls & Landrovers / Tuxedo", which means that it should be out pretty much right now. Producer? Grammy-award winner Nille Perned. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Union Carbide Productions - heh heh, yeah, you didn't think you would see them in the news again, did you? Well, now they are back with a compilation album (a 'best-of' sort of) set to be released at the end of this month (March). Most people believe that this album will sell more copies than all their old records put together. (Source: Spektrum)

Wagon - from Växjö are ready to release their self-titled debut album on Borderline in Gothenburg. The album boasts eleven thunder-hits according to the band, and the tentative release date has been set to April 15th. The release will probably be followed by a shorter tour of Sweden. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

The Wellmeant - from Huskvarna played a beautiful set of songs as the main act at Herrgår'n two weeks ago. The crowd, waiting more for their student-loan money to hit their accounts at midnight the same night, was unfortunately pretty unforgivable, though the band took it pretty well, and those of us who concentrated on their music and performace were treated to pure bliss. If you are in or near Stockholm on April 16th, you can see them live at Kulturhuset around 7pm. If you plan on going to the Emmaboda Festival this summer, you can also see them perform there. The band will also play live at the Emmaboda Festival promotion CD release (on which they are of course included) party in Växjö late May. And around that time, a single with the band will be released by record label Harry Lime. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Yvonne - (Beat That!/Energy) are back! The new single "Modern Love" (with b-side "She", a cover of the Misfits song) was released this week, and the new album "Getting Out, Getting Everywhere" is set to be released on April 14th. A video to the song "Modern Love" is also on the way. (See the Scandinavian Indie review of the single for more information). (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

January 26th, 1997

Andy Bell - (ex-Ride) is living in Sweden nowadays. Yes, it is true. Our hero actually lives in a town called Vaggeryd in Småland together with his wife Idha. When will the first fans appear on their doorstep, the stars seem to ask... (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Blank tapes - The music business (those who represent the artists) have now gone public with the intention to raise the prices on blank audio tapes in Sweden, previously only whispered about among the guilty ones. If the proposition in agreed upon by the government (and of course it will be, because it always means more money to them - because the VAT will be higher due to the higher price) a blank C-60 tape will be about $1.00 more expensive, a C-90 even more, and C-100 the most more expensive from March 1st. (Source: Z-TV Nytt)

Carpe Wade - (AWSF) managed to steal some time from Posies' Ken Stringfellow during his Backfish-producing Skellefteå-visit in December last year. He appears as guest producer of their upcoming album and also as choir singer (!). The new album will be released in March, but before that, a new single called "Never". (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Cloudberry Jam - (NONS) shocks the world with yet another music video! The new video was made for the song "Going Further" and the band gave the tape an "ok" on thursday last week. This means that you can expect to see the video in the very near future. Apparently, the story in the video shows the band on a nightmare tour, by bus, where nothing goes as planned. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Dorian Records - changes the plans for the compilation CD series once again. Starting with the next compilation (due out in March), which will be a double CD, the label goes into Volume mode. This series will not be called Volume, but "Popscene" instead of course. Four compilation CDs / year will be released, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. And yes, you will be able to subscribe to the series too. The March compilation will boast 40 cool indie bands, 30 are ready today. More info coming up! (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Fidget - (Mega) and PJ Widestrand were ready with the re-mixing of their debut album late last week, ten days after they started. The result and difference to what it sounded like before is, according to the band, pretty amazing. Their first single "Semi-Naked" has stayed on Swedish national radio channel P3's playlist for over a month now, and the video for the song with the same name managed to stay on Swedish national TV channel 1's Video Top List show "Voxpop" for yet another week, when it entered the chart at number three last week. Next up is their second single called "Stop Losing", planned to be released at the end of February, and in the middle of March, you can expect to find their debut album in the stores. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Petrol - (Superstudio Blå) 's debut album has been moved about a week and is now planned for release on February 9th. The band is also ready ready to play live, and a tour together with This Perfect Day might just happen, though this is not completely decided yet. If the tour plans are not realized, the band will at least appear on a couple of TV shows. New member in the band on bass is apparently guitar-player Henrik Lokind from Sindy Kills Me. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

The Pusjkins - (L-Style) played at venue Herrgår'n in Linköping last thursday but held the release party for their debut album "Avoiding Ground Loops" (released on January 27th) at Platens Bar the night after. Free drinks and a performance by the band Theu Nooners, also signed to L-Style, awaited the guests. The album received 3 (out of 5) in last week's evening paper Aftonbladet's friday edition "Puls". In case you missed all of this, the band appears at record store Get Back Records in Linköping on Monday January 27th at 18:00 for an in-store appearance. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Speaker - (Stockholm) made an unscheduled appearance at club "Svarta Tjuren" in Linköping last thursday. Apparently the band was on the way to a gig in Lund, and decided to stay in Linköping over night. While visiting the club, the band played two songs, though not live, only playback. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Strawberry Songs - it seems like the news about the upcoming compilation "e-pop.vol 2" on the Eskilstuna Record label reported in the last Selected News was somewhat wrong, so here is the correct information: Bands included on the compilation are: Panic, St. Moores, Coaster and Carve. The compilation was spread at MIDEM in Cannes and distributed to radio stations/media last week. The release party for the compilation will be held in Eskilstuna at the venue "Blå" on February 8th, where all four bands will perform. For more information, please e-mail:, but let me take this time to recommend a closer look/listen to the band Panic - they sure know how to write a hit! (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

January 15th, 1997

The All Janet - (Speech/AWSF) are working on their debut album, working title now "Grace". The band says it will contain a load of new songs, but also "hit" re-makes of 'Second' and 'Ever and More' from their EP "Second" released in 1996. New songs includes among others 'Beautiful', 'This One' and 'I Will Follow' (_not_ a cover of the U2 song with the same name. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Backfish - (AWSF) release their first single from their (February) upcoming debut album this friday! The name of the single is "Add It" and it is a very noisy, but of course, still exceptionally beautiful production. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Grass-Show - (EMI) will be the opening act for Kula Shaker on their tour in England in January. The tour visits cities like Manchester, Glasgow, London and Birmingham. This past fall, Grass-Show have toured the UK several times, and been backed up by good reviews in the British music press. Kula Shaker members saw their performance at The Roundhouse in London last December and were so impressed, they offered the band the opening slot right there and then. Grass-Show will continue to tour the UK in February together with Silver Gun. Their album "Something Smells Good in Stinkville" will be released in the UK in March this year. (Source: Topp40)

Harry Lime Records - have a release-party for the new compilation CD "A Twist of Lime" in Uppsala at Kalmar Nation on January 17th at 21.00. Bands playing are The Wellmeant (it is worth to go there for them only, believe me), Doolittle and A Sense of Reason. (Source: Harry Lime Records)

Lemonator - (Warner) were finished with their debut album on monday last week, and according to themselves, it turned out really, really good. The album boasts twelve new songs, six that are less than three minutes long pop-flicks. A new single, which is said to sound somewhat like Teenage Fanclub, called "You Could Be a Monster" will also be released in the beginning of February. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Loosegoats - (Startracks) are going on tour together with Starmarket for two weeks, either in the beginning of February or in the beginning of March. Their debut album should be out around March/April. (Source: Magnus Jansson)

Lousy - member Olli (lead vocals) quit the band this week without giving any reasons to the decision. The band has decided to continue without him, and will start recording 10-15 new songs very soon. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

The Merrymakers - are going to the US! On February 3rd, the band appears at legendary The Trobadour in Los Angeles, California. The gig is part of the huge "Poptopia" festival which takes place between January 31st and February 9th 1997. Last year they had over 70 bands, including the Posies, the Muffs and Baby Lemonade, playing at 7 venues, including the Roxy, Hollywood Grand and Spaceland. For more information about Poptopia, call Tony Perkins and Larry Mann at +1-818-340-6777 send e-mail to: or check out their homepage at URL: Other news: the band's album "No Sleep Til Famous" will be released in Japan on Virgin in April. Reviews of the album can be found on their homepage: (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

MIDEM@Cannes 97 - will see a massive group of Swedish companies, and here is the complete list: Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB, Amigo Musik AB, Apollon Bild & Film AB, Audiodisc AB, Burning Heart Records, Caprice Records, CDA / Compact Distr. AB, DCM AB, Dragon Records, Edelpitch AB, Executive Entertainment, Export Music Sweden, FMR Free Music Records AB, Four Leaf Clover / Camp Music, Gain Production, Gazell Music AB, Great Vision International, Hans Edler Music AB, Hous Of Kicks Distr., Independent Records, JGS Skivdistribution AB, Jimmy Fun Music, Liphone Records, Mariann Grammofon, Massproduktion, Mastering Boys AB, MCA Music Publishing, MIA Music, Misty Music AB, MNW ILR AB, MNW Records Group AB, Musikmässan / The Music Fair, North Of No South Records, Orphan Label Group AB, Phono Suecia, Pop Production, Prophone Records, Remixed Records, RUC, SAMI, Scandinavian Songs Music Group, Showtime Distribution AB, SIB-Tryck AB, Siljemark Entertainment AB, Solna Records / TMC, SOM, Sony Music Entertainment Sweden AB, Sterling, STIM, Stockholm Label Group, Stockhouse, Swedish Broadcasting Corporation - P4, Swedish Broadcasting Corporation - Sales, XTC / Roasting House. (Source: Topp40)

Records - I just wanted to take this time to suggest some "you're dead if you miss these ones" upcoming releases. January 17th will be the day. That day sees the release of the new single "Bad Day" from Petrol (Studio Blå), which is Sweden's own mix between Juliana Hatfield and Lush, sort of. That day, Backfish (AWSF) release their debut single "Add It". If you've heard the band before, you know what I'm talking about when I say that they're definitely one of my highest hopes for 1997. And while we're talking about highest hopes of 1997, on the very same day, Harry Lime Records release their second compilation CD "A Twist of Lime", where you'll be able to hear, among others, The Wellmeant. The Wellmeant is the most interesting, yet unsigned, band in Sweden if you ask me. Imagine songs that sound like The Sundays which transforms into Stereolab, My Bloody Valentine and early Boo Radleys. Rumors say we'll see them on Silence Records (bob hund etc.) soon, though I'm so incredibly amazed that no one has signed them yet my jaw drops to the floor every time I hear them. And finally, that day, is also the day for Strawberry Songs second Eskilstuna-pop compilation "E-pop.vol 2". Watch out for the band St Moores on that one. Brit-pop a la early Blur but with fuzzier guitars. January 17th - don't you forget it! (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Strawberry Songs - who releases the second Eskilstuna-Pop compilation single called "e-pop.vol 2" on January 17th at MIDEM in Cannes, will have a release party when they get back from France. The party takes place at venue "Blå" in Eskilstuna on February 1st, 1997. Featured bands on the compilation are: Lament, Panic and St Moores (Source: Strawberry Songs)

Studion - one of the smaller, still best venues in Stockholm is now on the Internet. You can find their homepage right here: (Source: Magnus Jansson)

Yvonne - (Energy Rekords) went to Gothenburg last weekend to start the recording of their second album! Producer is, like the previously reported rumours said in this column, Jörgen Cremonese. The album is planned to be released in April. (Source: Totte Pop/Magnus Jansson)

January 9th, 1997

Aquadays - are back! They have made three new songs during the holidays, and will play live at the Göteborg Film Festival at Folkets Hus, "Kinski Bar", "Järnet" on February 4th at midnight (00:00)! Be there! (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Dorian Records - latest compilation "True To You" is here! The first few copies arrive next week, which means that the participating groups will have their copies within a week after that. It will take another week or two before you will be able to find it in the record stores. In case you missed previous news about it, take a look at previous Selected News columns. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Dorian Records - again (a first for the Selected News!): The next, and third compilation is scheduled for release late March. No name has been decided for it yet, but a couple of bands are ready. Previously mentioned in this column are: Eggstone and Dada Girl (SF). Added bands: Piles Gold (with actress Eva Rydberg's son Carl (can we start to see a pattern?) and had a Charlatans sound on their first demo, and a Simply Red sound on their second..), Riders (who caught the ears of Charlatans' manager when playing at Hannas in Stockholm recently, and apparently things are happening there), and Halibut. Bands who are on the way to be included on the compilation (ie. not completely sure yet) includes: Maelstrom (Stockholm), Bloober, Tightrope City, Twigs (N), Coo (SF) and Lemonator (SF). (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Harry Lime Records - latest compilation "A Twist of Lime" is also here! The first copies arrived last week, and you can expect to find it in the stores extremely soon (if not already!). If you can not remember which bands are on it, please check previous Selected News columns. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Lemonator - (Warner) have been mixing their debut album the last couple of days, and everything should, according to the band, be ready now! Though we will still have to wait until February to hear the result. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Pimms - is a new band from Stockholm you will probably hear more about in the very near future. Sounding similar to Suede and Radiohead with Kent-guitars, they have caught the ears of record companies MCA, EMI and Warner, and they will (the rumours say) be magazine Pop's demo of the issue in the next issue (with a picture and everything). The band throws a showcase for the mentioned labels in Stockholm at Tre Backar on January 31st. Check with the venue if you want to know at what time they will play, as this was not decided at this time. Related news - Dorian Records will release a single with the band "as soon as possible", before one of the major labels signs them, to avoid publishing/broadcasting/recording problems. Expect the single in February. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Red Sleeping Beauty - Siesta have moved the release date for their new and upcoming album "Soundtrack" from January to February, so it looks like we are going to have to keep calm for a couple of additional weeks. (Source: Siesta Records)

Sandy Lyle - have also pushed the release date for their debut CD5 "Rock" forward a bit. The final mixing was made this week, and the master has been sent to the pressing plant, which means that the release lies about two-three weeks into the future. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

January 2nd, 1997

The All Janet - (ASWF) spent the summer writing new songs, and recorded nine of them as well. In January, the band enters the studio in Skellefteå again to record the last five-six ones, for the upcoming debut album "Set For Release" planned to be released sometime this spring. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Bad Afro Records - released a 7" single with Hellacopters with songs "Misanthropic" and "I Got a Right" about a month ago, and now it has sold out! Due to public demand, the second print is now available, on green vinyl. Next up on the label is a 7" single with Finnish lo-fi kings Larry and The Lefthanded which will be released on February 1st, 1997. Interested? Please contact Beluga Music through email at: (Source: Beluga Music News)

The Cardigans - (Trampolene) are getting a lot of airtime on Canadian Much Music and Spanish MTV in the US. The video to the song "Lovefool" can be seen so often these days, people are getting sick and (ha ha) trired of it! (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Dada Girl - from Finland is touring in their home country together with two bands called Tunaflakes and Flannel Mouth. The tour consists of 7 gigs, all within a month. The band has also spent some time in the studio recently, where they recorded a new demo with 3 new killer tracks! (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

Doris Days - (Some Pearls/Pure Sand) Japanese version of their debut album "Live in Poland" which is called "Doris Days" in Japan has these added extra songs: 'Places', 'Homers Tomb', 'Bois de Boulogne' - all taken from their CDEP "Places" which was released on Barnsliga Skivor 1993, as well as 'Jumbojet' which was a song left over from the recording session of the album. The news do not stop there! Their label in Japan, Pure Sand, has also released a 4-song 10" vinyl EP with the band, containing songs from the album. Right now, the band is chosing a song which will be included on the legendary UK record store (trip-hop/hip-hop/club) Mr. Bongo's promotion compilation. For those interested in the band in Finland, you might want to call or write to Spinefarm and let them know about it, which will hopefully make them distribute their records there! Spinefarm info: Spinefarm, Box 212. 00100 Helsinki, Phone: +358-0-54926200 Fax: +358-0-54926262. (Source: Slask Records)

Harry Lime Records - new compilation CD "A Twist of Lime" is ready for release! Bands included are (from): A Sense of Reason (Tranås), Peat (Karlsborg), Doolittle (Malmö/Lund), Wellmeant (Huskvarna), Perestaltics (Norrköping), Dune (Halmstad), Jumprope (USA), Minema (Spain), La Buena Vida (Spain). It clearly looks like a definite buy! (Source: Harry Lime Records)

NONS - the cool Umeå record label has revealed their spring plans, and it looks like this (Note: preliminary dates!). (Source: NONS News)

Salt - (MVG) breaks up! Yes, it is true. After a couple of years of success, touring, recording, releasing and having fun, the band decided that they were more interested in continuing their separate and other careers in the area of art and design. A final album will be released in March this year, filled with recorded, but never released material. (Source: ZTV Nytt)

Steward - (Worston) are going back to the studio in January 1997 to work on new material and record new songs. When these new songs will be released is yet to be announced. (Source: Scandinavian Indie)

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Last updated Aug 10, 1997 by Erik Söderström
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