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   [Fidget Contest]

Scandinavian Indie's Fidget Contest No.2!

Mega Records & Fidget were so happy about the last contest held here on Scandinavian Indie they wanted to run another one! And when it is for such a great band, we just can't say no! Remembering the large number of animations and huge graphics on the last contest page, which meant a lengthy download time, we keep it simple this time.

This also goes for the contest question!


To answer the contest question, you may need to check out some of the following pages. But even if you know the answer already, you might want to check them out, as they are filled with Fidget information! And you don't want to miss that, do you?!

Fidget Homepage
The band's official homepage made by a fan. It is filled with photos, sound clips, information and whatnot. It is located in the US so it may take a while to download, but keep trying - you'll succeed sooner or later. :-)

Scandinavian Indie Fidget Interview/Article
This is the original interview made about a year ago, which later appeared (though translated into swedish, heavily re-written and cut down to about a third) in the Swedish pop music magazine number one: Sound Affects Issue #32.

Scandinavian Indie Reviews of all their records
Here you'll find reviews of all their singles and the album, written by the Scandinavian Indie crew.

Scandinavian Indie Gig Guides
Always worth to check out if you want to stay informed about who's playing where and when!

Scandinavian Indie Digest Archive
Everything ever posted since 1994 to the Scandinavian Indie Mailing List!

The last Scandinavian Indie Fidget contest!
Just in case you would like to see what you could win last time!

What you must do!

All you have to do is answer one single question. Yes, it is true. It is that easy! If you already know the answer, it is of course extremely simple, and if you don't, you'll probably find that it is just as easy if you check out the links above.

All answers received before May 7th, 1997 will be placed in a hat, and Peter Ejheden from Mega Records will draw 10 (ten) lucky winners from it. All winners will, as usual, be presented here on the Scandinavian Indie Contest pages about ten days after the contest closes. The winners are of course contacted through e-mail as well.

What you can win!

Ten winners will receive the limited edition Fidget Kit which contains the following:

[*] A copy of their debut CD single "Semi-naked"!
[*] A copy of their second CD single "Stop Losing"!
[*] A signed copy of their debut CD "No Boogie Coming Your way"!
[*] A mini poster set (which really isn't "mini") with 6 different posters!

Good Luck!

Last date to send in your answers: May 7th, 1997

Which pop band with a Smiths complex from the UK is
Fidget touring with between April 14th and 18th, 1997?


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Feel free to leave a message to Fidget if you like:

If you are unable to send your entry with the button above, click right Here and write down your answer, postal (snail mail) address and e-mail address!

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Last updated Jan 2, 1998 by Erik Söderström
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