These texts are those that contain information
about the author himself/herself. This includes biographical
and bibliographical information.
Texts about a specific books, such as reviews, are available
(Note: This page is available in three versions:
The tables contain more information than the list, but not all browsers can handle tables.)
- A:
- Adams, Douglas
- Adams, Robert
- Aldiss, Brian
- Alexander, Lloyd
- Anderson, Poul
- Anthony, Piers
- Asimov, Isaac
- Asprin, Robert & Abbey, Lynn
- Attanasio, A. A.
- B:
- Ball, Brian
- Ballard, J. G.
- Banks, Ian
- Barker, Clive
- Bayley, Barrington
- Bear, Greg
- Benford, Gregory
- Bester, Alfred
- Bishop, Michael
- Blaylock, James
- Blish, James
- Bloch, Robert
- Bova, Ben
- Brackett, Leigh
- Bradbury, Ray
- Bradley, Marion Zimmer
- Bradshaw, Gillian
- Brin, David
- Brown, Frederic
- Brunner, John
- Brust, Steven
- Budrys, Algis
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice
- Busby, F. M.
- Butler, Octavia
- C:
- Cabell, James Branch
- Calvino, Italo
- de Camp, Lyon Sprague
- Campbell, JohnW
- Card, Orson Scott
- Carroll, Jonathan
- Carter, Angela
- Carter, Lin
- Carver, Jeffrey A.
- Chalker, Jack L.
- Chandler, A. Bertram
- Chant, Joy
- Charnas, Suzy McKee
- Cherryh, C. J.
- Christopher, John
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- Clement, Hal
- Constantine, Storm
- Cook, Glen
- Cook, Hugh
- Cooper, Edmund
- Cooper, Louise
- Cover, Arthur Byron
- Cowper, Richard
- D:
- Dahl, Roald
- David, Peter
- Davidson, Avram
- DeCamp, Lester Sprague
- DeKremer, Jean-Raymond
- DeLint, Charles
- Deitz, Tom
- Delany, Samuel
- Dent, Lester
- Dibell, Ansen
- Dick, Philip K.
- Dickson, Gordon R.
- Disch, Thomas
- Donaldson, Steven R.
- Doyle, Arthur Conan
- Drake, David
- Duane, Diane
- Duncan, Dave
- Dunsany, Lord
- E:
- F:
- G:
- Galouye, Daniel
- Gardner, Alan
- Gardner, Craig Shaw
- Garrett, Randal
- Gemmell, David
- Gerrold, David
- Gibson, William
- Godwin, Parke
- Goulart, Ron
- Green, Joseph
- Green, Sharon
- Griffith, Nicola
- Gunn, James
- H:
- Haldeman, Joe
- Hambly, Barbara
- Hamilton, Edmond
- Harness, Charles L.
- Harrison, Harry
- Harrison, M. John
- Hawke, Simon
- Heinlein, Robert A.
- Henderson, Zenna
- Herbert, Frank
- Hodgson, William Hope
- Hogan, James
- Holdstock, Robert
- Howard, Robert E.
- Hoyle, Fred
- Hubbard, L. Ron
- Hughes, Robert Don
- J:
- K:
- Kahn, James
- Kay, Guy Gavriel
- Kersh, Gerald
- Kilian, Crawford
- Killough, Lee
- King, Stephen
- Knight, Damon
- Koontz, DeanR.
- Kornbluth, C. M.
- Kress, Nancy
- Kube-McDowell, Michael
- Kurland, Michael
- Kurtz, Katherine
- Kuttner, Henry & Moore, C. L.
- L:
- L Engle, Madeleine
- Lackey, Mercedes
- Lafferty, R. A.
- Lanier, Sterling
- Laumer, Keith
- LeGuin, Ursula K.
- Lee, Tanith
- Leiber, Fritz
- Leinster, Murray
- Lem, Stanislaw
- Lewis, C. S.
- Lichtenberg, Jacqueline & Lorrah, Jean
- Lindsay, David
- Lovecraft, H. P.
- Lowndes, Robert
- Lumley, Brian
- Lynn, Elizabeth
- M:
- MacAvoy, R. A.
- Malzberg, Barry
- Martin, George R. R.
- Matheson, Richard
- Maxwell, Ann
- May, Julian
- McCaffrey, Anne
- McCammon, Robert
- McIntyre, Vonda
- McKiernan, Dennis
- McKillip, Patricia
- Merritt, A.
- Michaels, Melissa
- Miller, Walter M.
- Moorcock, M.
- Moran, Daniel Keys
- Morressy, John
- Morris, Janet
- Morris, William
- Morwood, Peter
- Murphy, Pat
- Myers, John Myers
- N:
- O:
- P:
- Pangborn, Edgar
- Panshin, Alexei
- Paxon, Diana
- Petaja, Emil
- Pierce, Meredith Ann
- Pinkwater, Daniel
- Piper, H. Beam
- Pohl, Frederik
- Pournelle, Jerry
- Powers, Tim
- Pratchett, Terry
- Preuss, Paul
- Priest, Christopher
- R:
- Resnick, Michael D.
- Reynolds, Mack
- Ripley, Karen
- Roberson, Jennifer
- Roberts, Keith
- Robinson, Spider
- Rosenberg, Joel
- Rucker, Rudy
- Russ, Joanna
- Russell, Eric Frank
- S:
- Saberhagen, Fred
- Sargent, Pamela
- Scarborough, Elizabeth
- Schmitz, James
- Scott, Melissa
- Sellings, Arthur
- Shatner, William
- Shaw, Bob
- Shea, Michael
- Sheckley, Robert
- Sheffield, Charles
- Shirley, John
- Silverberg, Robert
- Simak, Clifford
- Sladek, John
- Smith, Clarke Ashton
- Smith, Cordwainer
- Smith, E. E. Doc
- Smith, Thorne
- Snyder, Zilpha Keatly
- Spinrad, Norman
- Springer, Nancy
- Stableford, Brian
- Stasheff, Christopher
- Sterlin, Bruce
- Sterling, Bruce
- Stewart, Mary
- Stith, John E.
- Strugatski, Arkadi & Boris
- Sturgeon, Theodore
- Sucharitkul, Somtow
- Swann, Thomas
- T:
- V:
- W:
- Wagner, Karl Edward
- Wallace, Ian
- Watson, Ian
- Watt-Evans, Lawrence
- Weinbaum, Stanley
- Weis, Margaret & Hickman, Tracy
- Wellman, Manly Wade
- Wells, H. G.
- White, James
- Wilder, Cherry
- Wilhelm, Kate
- Williams, Paul O.
- Williams, Richard Moore
- Williams, Walter Jon
- Williamson, Jack
- Willis, Connie
- Wilson, Robert Anton
- Wolfe, Gene
- Wrede, Patricia
- Wurts, Janny
- Wyndham, John
- Y:
- Z:
There are serveral sites that carry information about specific authors and
their work. A list of some such sites can be found in my
external references
page. It shows references to at least the following authors: