The Red Dwarf Script Archive.

Because of the number of episodes that have been made, they are divided up here into "by series" lists.

The Series list

    Series 1 - 1988

  1. The End - 15 Feb
  2. Future Echoes - 22 Feb
  3. Balance of Power - 29 Feb
  4. Waiting For God - 7 Mar
  5. Confidence and Paranoia - 14 Mar
  6. Me(Squared) - 21 Mar

    Series 2 - 1988

  7. Kryten - 6 Sept
  8. Better Than Life - 13 Sept
  9. Thanks for the Memory - 20 Sept
  10. Stasis Leak - 27 Sept
  11. Queeg - 4 Oct
  12. Parallel Universe - 11 Oct

    Series 3 - 1989

  13. Backwards - 14 Nov
  14. Marooned - 21 Nov
  15. Polymorph - 28 Nov
  16. Bodyswap - 5 Dec
  17. Timeslides - 12 Dec
  18. The Last Day - 19 Dec

    Series 4 - 1991

  19. Camille - 14 Feb
  20. DNA - 21 Feb
  21. Justice - 28 Feb
  22. White Hole - 7 Mar
  23. Dimension Jump - 14 Mar
  24. Meltdown - 21 Feb

    Series 5 - 1992

  25. Holoship - 20 Feb
  26. The Inquisitor - 27 Feb
  27. Terrorform - 5 Mar
  28. Quarantine - 12 Mar
  29. Demons and Angels - 19 Mar
  30. Back To Reality - 26 Mar

    Series 6 - 1993

  31. Psirens - 8 Oct
  32. Legion - 15 Oct
  33. Gunmen of the Apocalypse - 22 Oct
  34. Emohawk: Polymorph II - 29 Oct
  35. Rimmerworld - 4 Nov
  36. Out of Time - 11 Nov

    Series 7 - 1997

  37. Tikka to Ride
  38. Stoke me a Clipper
  39. Ouroboros
  40. Duct Soup
  41. Blue
  42. Beyond a Joke
  43. Epideme
  44. Nanarchy

    Series 8 - 1999

  45. Back In The Red Part One
  46. Back In The Red Part Two
  47. Back In The Red: Part Three
  48. Cassandra
  49. Krytie TV
  50. Pete: Part 1
  51. Pete: Part 2
  52. Only the Good...

    Miscellaneous Scripts

  53. Cat Games
    A Cat story, set between Seasons Two and three. - David Fraser ( until June 94)
  54. Man's Best friend
    Disaster on the Red Dwarf: they've run out of curry powder. As Lister contemplates suicide, they come across an old supply pod... - Kevin Wilson (
  55. Ship Of Fools
    The Dwarf comes across an abandoned spaceship. The boys decide to explore, foolish them... - Martin Smith (
  56. Dwarf Trek: the Smeggy Generation
    A (guess what?) Star Trek crosover. - Richard Burton (was burtonr@qso.Colorado.EDU)
  57. Rocky Horror Dwarf
    The crew of the Red Dwarf find themselves in a certain mansion, just before the events portrayed in the Rocky Horror Show... - Thomas Martyn Williams
  58. Star Trek Meets Red Dwarf
    Another Star Trek crossover. - By our very own Steve Lake ( And I bet Nik wasnt far behind too!

Based on the list posted to by Dale Clayton -
Red Dwarf song

Author: - Last update: 17th December 1993.
kjell-e har rensat bort trasiga länkar 1996-10-19